Part 35

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Hey friends, thanks for all the support. Feel free to comment any suggestions or anything you like, it really helps me know what to write about so I know what every one likes and doesn't. I also was reading all of my comments in the past late at night when I was really stressed and all the positivity warms my heart. I am so grateful for you, thank you


I finished my meal, placing my napkin carefully besides my plate. My eyes glanced up to see Adonis, staring deep into my soul waiting eagerly for me to stop eating so we could "talk" or whatever that meant 

I glanced swiftly at Ivan, breaking my glare from Adonis.  Ivan had finished his meal too, his blank eyes staring not at me but at Damien. 

A chill went up my spine, and I had an urge to stand in front of my mate to prevent that sick creature from looking at him 

My lips curved up slightly, showing my k9's ever so slightly 

A dark chuckle erupted from Adonis across the table, "So she does love you! For a second you almost fooled me!" He cackled, his eyes squinting between me and Damien 

Damien's cool facade never faded, he never missed a beat as he said "Women can never just fool around, it always must be emotions. She cares about me, but trust me it's not reciprocated" 

A ping stabbed my heart. Even though I knew it was fake, he was trying to protect me, it still hurt. In that moment I knew that I was attached to Damien

Joined at the hip

I couldn't imagine him rejecting  me, or godess forbid him dying in the war that was brewing. I wouldn't be able to live with myself, because just those fabricated words were enough to make me feel like my heart was dipped with acid 

In that moment, I hated and loved the mate bond. It sucked to be so reliant on a person, to love them with every ounce of you and risk everything you have for their safety. Even though he hurt me in the past, it didn't change anything because my love for him was blind, it didn't care. What a terrible thing

It was also beautiful, the love I felt was so strong and so amazing it burned within me like a flame, flicking my soul with warmth. The emotions I felt were pure, innocent, but also so passionate

"Oh of course, of course!" Adonis cackled, his voice piercing the air

"Women, always women" Ivan decided to pitch in, a small smirk taking over his features. 

My heart raced faster, I didn't know what was worse- Adonis's enthusiastic mask that covered the most evil of thoughts or Ivan's quiet but deadly vibe

"Well, thank you for the lovely dinner but I am afraid it is time for Kadence and I to depart" Adonis said as he shot up from out of his chair. 

I followed suit, running my hands down the delicate fabric of the gown trying to smooth out the caos of the fabric 

The man of the night grabbed my arm, his grip gentle but as firm as steel and pulled me towards the glass doors that led to the garden 

I could almost feel Damien's internal battle, he didn't want me to go into the garden and be alone with Adonis, but he couldn't show the two that he cared about me- if he did the consequences would be much worse 

Adonis opened the doors and whisked me into the darkness, before I could say anything he darted between a break in a bush and dragged me between twists and turns 

The night was so dark I couldn't make out details, just vague shapes

I picked up the front of my dress as he started to jog lightly, speeding his pace. I didn't want to trip as I stumbled behind him, the heels I was wearing were clearly not helping in that moment

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