Part 26

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This chapter is a little steamy


I snuggled closer to the warm pillow that was besides me. I hummed in content with the rock hard surface I laid upon. 

A soft chuckle radiated from below me and I shot my sleepy eyes open. Damien grinned mischievously at me, his hair in a sloppy mess from his sleep. I jumped out of the bed we shared and gasped once I realized we were cuddling

A hot blush made it's way onto my cheeks and I looked to the floor anxiously. Last night we returned from the battles, Damien and I locked out in the final round- it was one of the best feelings and both of us danced around like maniacs 

I smiled gently at the thought before snapping back to reality. I was so tired last night, Damien probably tucked me in and then stayed... 

I balled my fists at my sides

"What did we do?" I exclaimed, millions of thoughts pouring into my mind at once. My cheeks flared even more, some of those ideas weren't the most PG 13

"Nothing you didn't want kitten" Damien purred from the bed as he watched me run around the room, an amused smile making its way onto his face. I screeched again and began to pat myself down with my arms, checking for hickeys or bite marks 

"No mi amor, as much as I would hope we didn't do the dirty... nothing close to that" He said as he aimlessly blew a strand of hair from his face. Damien's face grew into a large grin. 

His pearly white teeth stood out beautifully against his olive skin. His eyes were greener than usual, and they looked like a striking emerald

"Well, what happened because obviously your the only one that remembers" I rushed out, nearly pulling my hair out at the anxiety of what happened. I must have been so sleepy, I had to have zoned out and eventually drifted off

"You fell asleep in the car, and may I point out I became your human pillow. We arrived back to the house and you refused to wake up, and I tried many times but every attempt resulted in you almost bitting my head off" Damien grumbled out, recalling how I most likely snapped at him

I always hated getting up early

"So I took you upstairs and when I tried to put you in your bed you refused, so I brought you to mine. I began making a makeshift bed on the floor for me-" Damien pointed to a heap of pillows and sheets on the polished floors

"But you refused, and began yelling at me. Innocent me had to obey your evil rules to avoid you yelling at me, which was really funny, and so I went in the bed. You, let me accentuate this, yelled at me again and you forced me to cuddle with you... But in all honesty, I didn't mind, I thought your demanding side was quite sexy" Damien finished with a huge grin on his face

My cheeks lit up again, this was my idea! My wolf probably got in control, meaning my primal instincts were heightened. My eyes widened at the realization

Damien began laughing at my reaction, which caused me to throw a pillow at him as hard as I could. An array of feathers spilled out and floated around us, causing Damien to giggle like a school girl. 

I groaned and rolled my eyes, making my way to the shower. I was still greasy from all the working out so I needed to cool down

"Would you care if I join you?" Damien said behind me. I whipped around, trying to look as intimidating as possible. I squinted my eyes at him and forced my face into a large frown. By the looks of it, I was having the opposite effect as Damien grinned across the room.

He heaved himself off of the bed and sauntered his way towards me. I looked down to see his bare chest, and let me tell you the way his muscles looked under the natural lighting of the room made me gape at him. 

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