Part 28

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Hello my loves! I am sooo sorry I haven't posted lately. I will try to be better, but this chapter is a little more about Kadence's black magic and her past rather than Damien. I still hope you enjoy:)


I stormed through the doors of the hospital- the familiar stench of strong cleaning products, blood, and disease filled my nose making my crinkle my face in disgust. My eyes quickly scanned the office space around me. A young women sat behind a large circular desk, her scrubs were pink and prectine. She obviously wasn't in charge of attending to any patients at the moment, and she scrolled through a magnizine aimlessly. 

My heart beat faster, behind the pungent smell of the hospital, I could faintly detect the Noah's familiar and homey scent. I ran up to the desk, slamming my hands against the cool top. The women jumped and her eyes darted to my face, she was obviously spooked but I was to preoccupied in finding Noah to care. 

"Where is Noah Matthews?" I questioned quickly. The women looked up in thought, obviously struggling to remember him. I growled in frustration, I couldn't spare minutes, or even seconds, away from Noah. He was in trouble, and time was precious. 

My k9's began to extract themselves from my gums, a low rumbling sound consistently made it's way through my chest. The nurse began to shuffle through the variety of papers along her desk. She was obviously trying to find the correct information, but she was still incompetent. 

"I'll find him myself" I sneered into the air. I threw off my coat behind me as I began to break out into a sprint. I traveled into a long hallway, the white tiled floors shimmered beneath the dingy lights above. I passed paintings as I continued my search for Noah, many of which were of birds and nature

Funny how the thing I enjoyed, tree's and scenery, could be find in this helpless situation. 

I could sense my time was running out, he was in grave danger. 

As Noah's scent grew incredibly strong I began to hear doctors and nurses bustling around, screaming and screeching at the sight in front of them. My mid raced with possibilities, Noah was plagued by destruction herself. 

In the academy, I met Ricin early on. She was easily one of the most promising children, and the leaders chose her to represent destruction- the most lethal strain of black magic to ever exist in all of time 

At first, she was able to control destruction, she learned how to manipulate it while maintaining her humanity in one way or another. But, the council became greedy- with Ricin's progress they wanted more. So she was forced to devout herself to the art of destruction, but in the process she was consumed 

Destruction overthrew her soul- the gentle but determined girl I once knew and loved was no longer there. In her place a killing machine. 

She was able to harness magic beyond my, or anyone in the project's, capabilities. With the snap of her fingers, she could unleash death, plague, or illness on any one she desired. I spent time with her- even when she turned into more of a beast that werewolf- both of our talents were connected in a way no mortal could understand. 

I quickly learned of her powers, and I knew better in that moment to have hope for Noah's state. If I messed up, if I said something wrong, if I couldn't find her... there was no chance my brother could recover. 

Finally, I stormed into the room Noah was in, evil and impure possibilities running through my mind, but what I saw was way worse beyond my imagination. 

He was strapped to the table with silver restraints, but his body still managed to violently shake out of the intense pain he faced. Hot sweat trickled down his forehead and a black, tar like liquid trickled down his eyes instead of tears. 

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