Part 10

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Hey all, I am sorry I haven't been editing lately... Just some things are getting tough we've all been there.

Damien POV

It had been an entire month. 

A long, never ending, grueling, unforgiving month sense I had last saw Kadence. Her sweet smile lingered in the back of my mind. Her clumsy movement's rested in the deep soul of my heart. Her entire essence was taking the breaths from my lungs. And no matter what I did, all I thought was her eternal beauty. 

Not only physically, but emotionally she was stunning. Kadence was able to light any room with her goofy grin and her light hearted jokes. Without her, every conversation was dry and meaningless. Even when I remember the was the snow clumped at the ends of her eyelashes made a smile come onto my face. 

But of course... I was a bitch

A dumb dick who only followed my meaningless desires in the moment. Even though my relationship with Ariel was just verbal... it could have turned physical

There was no way I could ever explain my actions. I was wrong, I was heartless, I was an asshole to a girl who did nothing but give me her heart. I was messed up beyond compare to any other werewolf out there.

I didn't deserve her, which sounded silly and sentimental, but it was true. I took her heart and pierced it with millions of swords. 

The only thing I could conjure up why I did it was because... because... it was too real. No relationship in my life ever was that genuine. Even thinking about the specifics made me feel numb, a complete, consuming type of numb where my body blocked me from thinking of it. Every relationship I had formed except for Xavier had been purely for a mutual benefit.

And seeing her big, doe eyes look up at me so... so real was scary. I didn't know how to react, let alone if I ever wanted some thing like that. So what did I do, I went off and sweet talked Ariel to see if my relationship with Kadence actually meant something, or if I could have the same thing with another

News flash: it didn't work 

Something inside of me craved to hold her every time I thought of what I did for her, even though I caused the pain in the first place. 

Frankly, I was selfish. I got to scared, ran away, hurt her, and now I was expecting her to return to me with open arms. But I knew that wasn't the case, and it shouldn't be but I was a little bitch. 

I didn't want her, that sweet innocent little girl, to be left with the works of me. A person who never was able to have a relationship with another person... well at least a healthy one. I didn't know how to tell her how I felt, so I went to find a quick relief for the constant anxiety and guilt that ate at my soul for taking the heart of such a sweet person.

God, I was turning sentimental for her 

I vigorously scribbled notes on the document that lay in front of me. It was the new system for training were children into warriors. The work was extremely important, and it required my full attention. Yet, I couldn't bear to think about work for more than a few seconds before I drifted off to my mate. My productivity was down the drain to say the least.

I sighed loudly and lay my head back on the headrest of my plush chair. I groaned, and rubbed my hands through my hair. I needed to take a walk

I stood up from my chair. I was extremely tall, 6'5 to be exact. I towed over the floor as I exited my office room. Across the hall I saw my Beta walking toward me. His black eyes hung with black bags underneath them. I truly felt bad for him, when I suffered, he suffered too. 

He approached me gently and put a hand on my shoulder tenderly. I saw the intent of why he came up to find me. I had completely isolated myself over the past few days. 

"Damien, what's up with you?" Xavier questioned concern filling across his eyes. I shrugged his hand off my shoulder and began walking past him. I wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone, truth be told I wasn't in the mood to do anything. Everything truly seemed pointless. 

Xavier clasped his hand around my wrist and flipped me so I was looking toward him. His eyes held a small tint of anger behind them. I growled a low growl in warning. I was irritated with his efforts to get me to talk, I just wanted to be alone

"Damien, controls yourself." He warned, his anger growing more apparent in his voice as he continued to speak to me. 

"What do you want" I hissed out slowly. Venom dripping from every word I said. I wasn't surprised when my Beta flinched at my words and hurt clouded his eyes. He stepped a step back, but I truly didn't care at that moment. He needed to leave before I really lashed out

"I talked to her today" he said

My world stoped. The mere thought of her made my heart shatter into a thousand pieces. He talked to her, what was she doing? Where was she staying? Was she still upset? Did her ice blue eye's still hold a heavy sadness behind them? Even thinking of her face made me flinch, my heart flooded with regret and pain... To know I did that to her, hurt me more than anything else

"W-wh-what d-did sh-she s-say" I stuttered out. Xavier's eyes widened beyond belief. His mouth hung open a bit and he stared at me before I growled slightly,

"Did, did you just stutter?" He whispered quietly, as if he said anything more everything could shatter around him. I glared at him with daggers, poison, and fire. I never stuttered before, but I never cared about someone as much as I care about Kadence. I knew I couldn't speak more, or I would continue to stutter hopelessly. 

Xavier understood what I was feeling, no words were necessary before he realized the weight of the situation. He nodded his head slightly before he spoke. He took long pauses, carefully choosing his words. I even knew I was on the edge of my wire, I would explode if one thing ticked me off. 

When I am mad everyone would cower in fear 

"I told her I would pick her up tomorrow. In two days, it is the ball. I would think that is a good time for you two to meet again. That way, you both have time before your next interaction to plan what you would like to say." Xavier said. 

The ball

I almost forgot. Every year, the most wealthy alpha's would yet again meet after the mating ball. Unlike the mating ball, this event was only elites. Not only that, but this party would have alcohol, drugs, the strong stuff. 

At the time, it seemed like a perfect idea because it would mean I could see her soon. But I was unaware that malicious men concealed their intent behind sweet words and beautiful smiles.

"Yes!" I nearly shouted. For the first time in months a smile graced my face and I stood up from the terrible slouch I was previously in. I straightened my shoulders and a glean graced behind my eye's.  

"I have to prepare, tell all the servants to meet me in the ball room at two. Everything must be accessional, Kadence deserves the best." I said and quickly started to run down the stairs, eggar to make preparations. 

"Wait... There is more" Xavier said, I stopped and anxiously looked behind me. My mind was clouded with butterfly's and rainbows. 

I was beyond joyous. The woman of my dreams was going to give me another chance! My suffering would dissipate, if I could only see her. But what if she saw me and realized that she was worth the stars and I was wasn't worthy of even her smile. She was gorgeous, her personality, her hair, her rosy cheeks, her pail skin, her everything. 

"What is it?" I questioned

"Zayla is coming, and some members of her old pack as well. And they aren't the most supportive people of your and Kadence's relationship." He trailed off

My heart faltered slightly

But it was masked by the love I had for my mate

Because in two days, life would have purpose again

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