Part 17

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Hey, do you think I should do another book about Kadence's past? ie- with Noah in the camp? Please let me know, your feedback is really important to me :^


Damiens POV ;)

Her scent, godess her scent was everywhere. It was impossible for me to sleep knowing the love of my life, the most beautiful girl in the world, was just 3 doors down from mine. Even thinking about her made my stomach lurch and my heart pound with the unknown

Snap out of it Damien

It was as if I was in a trance, my entire being was completely at the will of Kadence. The strong, powerful, and notorious man I once was had completely vanished when I saw my mate. I closed my eye's and smiled gently, remembering how gorgeous she looked in her ballgown and how adorable she was when she timidly searched the room for my presence. I grasped onto the small moments we had together, the one's most people would forget but there was no chance in hell I would let go of the memories of my mate... regardless how insignificant the moment may be in the long term

I turned in my sheets, restlessly laying awake. She filled every waking thought I had. I was completely whipped 

My thoughts were interrupted by a soft knock on the door. I would have never heard it if it weren't for my heightened werewolf senses but it was enough to send me into a frenzy. 

The maids and guards knew to never interrupt me while I slept, or the consequences would be dire. I needed my sleep, and the few opportunities I had to actually close my eyes were crucial

Whoever this was, they would be fired and exiled from the royal areas of my pack before the hour was done. 

"What" I growled out, my voice horse from my previous restlessness. 

The door creaked open slightly, and strands of curly honey hair began to emerge from behind the door. The face of my beautiful mate popped up, and I instantly admired her when she was sleepy, my eye's softening

Her eye's were dropped and trailed on the floor. I could almost see her internal battle to keep her eyelids open. Her small hands clasped against the side of the door as her eyes tentatively searched the room. All violent thoughts left my head once again, as I was left completely stunned by Kadence

"O-oh it looks like your busy sleeping so never mind me, I'll just get going" She whispered out and her nose crinkled slightly, showing her embarrassment. Even through the darkness of my room, I could almost see the rose colored blush rising on her neck and cheek.

Adorable, absolutely adorable

As Kadence began to walk away, I called out to her... she couldn't leave me now- not as I realized how desperately I needed her presence

"Wait" I said, urgency and almost a sense of hope were laced in my voice

"Y-yea" She called back to me, she stepped into the room and my eye's automatically held her beautiful blue grey eyes. Just standing there, she captivated me. She shifted from one foot to the other, and she clutched her arms behind her back. Every bone in my body wanted to reach for her and hold her in my embrace so she would always be with me

Instead, I motioned for her to come closer to me.

The moonlight the shone through my windows illuminated her huge eyes and small frame, I growled slightly- my possessiveness clearly showing to her as she blushed even more

"Why did you come?" I questioned, looking at her bite her lip in anticipation. She wasn't telling me something- it was almost like she was afraid to

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