Part 23

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I woke up coughing furiously into my arm. My eyes were still partially closed in my groggy state. It was nearly midnight, and I had woken up again because of my looming cold. I was positive it was noting serious, it was probably the cold weather, but that still didn't mean it was beyond irritating

My body racked with shivers as I pulled the covers above me once again, completely enrapturing me into a warm burrito. I huffed as I struggled against the cocoon of blankets, trying to get into a comfortable position. 

The moving seemed to upset my growing sickness even more as I jerked up and had a fit of sneezing and violent coughing. My throat burned as the coughing raked the back of my throat until it felt sore and irritated

Absolutely perfect

In the midst of my spasms of coughs Damien burst into the room through the wooden doors. His eyes were wild and primal and his body was rigid on high alert. I widened my eyes slightly at his bold and noticeable entrance before letting out another small and meek sneeze into my shoulder. 

Damien gasped slightly, his mouth gaping at my current state. I could tell my curly hair was frizzing beyond belief, and was sticking out in all different unflattering directions. My cheeks were flushed and my lips were cracked with dry residue. I probably looked horrible and Damien obviously took notice by the concerned expression on his face

His deep green eyes stirred with worry as he began to approach the bed I was lying on. Before I could muster out a word, he scooped me along with my 30 sum blankets into his arms and began to carry me into his room. 

"D-damien" I croaked out from the back of my throat. I was quite pathetic in my sick stage, my blue eyes were dull and lacking

Damien's eyes darted down to my own. His eyebrows creased together and his lips tilted down slightly. His hand began to rub soothing circles on my back as he carefully set me down onto his bed. It seemed as if he refused to talk before he ensured I was comfortable on the black silk sheets beneath me

"Mi amor, your sick" Damien said as he paced around the room, raking his hand through his disheveled hair. His black locks with tossed around his head, it was a sexy bed head look that got me to smile slightly

"Its just a cold, I'll be perfectly fine" I groggily whispered my eyes feeling heavy as I began to flutter them shut. The warm embrace of the surrounding blankets eased my growing shivers and the cold sweat that broke on my forehead

"Estella!" Damien roared loudly I was sure he woke the entire household and staff up. My eyes bolted open and I shushed him loudly baffled by his sudden screaming. Before I could reprimand him by yelling at him a short maid who seemed to be around the age of 60 shuffled quickly into the room, her eyes looked around for any sign of trouble before sighing in relief when she saw my weak state on he bed

"Yes Alpha" She replied softly as she bowed, tilting her head to the floor out of respect. Her eyes were a kind chocolate brown and they were adorned with beautiful wrinkles, showing the many years she had laughed and smiled

"Alert the pack doctor, inform him it is an emergency" Damien growled, his fists clenching and unclenching by his sides. An emergency? For a simple cold my mate was over reacting. Sure, it wasn't the most comfortable of situations, but it was manageable

A norma person would get me some Nyquill and tuck me in for treatment, but Damien wasn't your average guy. Instead, he bursts into my room, kidnaps me, and the calls a doctor

Damien rushed into his bathroom using his were speed, which was highly unnecessary considering it was three feet away... but coming to dawn on it the entire situation was unnecessary. Damien comes to the bed with a large plastic container filled with gauze, syringes, scalpels, and other surgical tools. 

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