Part 24

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"But-but, I want to" I mumbled out quietly as I gazed at the wooden floor. 

Damien reached out and grasped my hand gently. He held my fingers in his large hands and sparks erupted through my body. Even though we had touched many times prior to this moment, it still felt like the first time. It was just as amazing, just as perfect. He shook his head and looked up at the ceiling, struggling with what to say. I could see the storm brewing in his eyes, his protective instinct was kicking in.

"I know you want to Kadence, it's just I don't know if you can handle it." He whispered out as he stared into my blue eyes. The ends of my lips curled up slightly as I looked at him, my eyes glazing with a passionate fire as I remembered my many memory's where I watched the ceremony

In case you were wondering, I was eager to participate in the annual pack fight. It was composed of a series of battles, each eliminating the loosing individual. As the fights continued with less and less people, they tended to get violent and vicious very fast. The best part was that Alpha's, Beta's, or any one who wanted to compete would travel to a central location, every pack competing against each other. 

Of course Damien would compete, but he was scared I would get hurt or I would make a complete fool out of myself in front of his entire pack of 5,000. Though, he didn't know my past experience with fighting... this battle was violent but back as an omega I was gruesome. 

Damien sighed and ran his fingers through his thick hair. He slipped his hands to rest on my waste and he tenderly scooped me up into his arms. I straddled his large torso and my face grew a deep rose red from the close contact.

Butterfly's swarmed in my stomach, the feelings were overwhelming but all too amazing to stop

I smiled and wrapped my hands around his neck, pulling us together so our chests were touching. I smiled and snuggled my head in the crook of Damien's neck, hugging him

I heard him growl slightly at the obvious affection I was displaying and he playfully nipped at the spot I would eventually be marked. I let out a small gasp at the sparks that lit up my entire body at the contact

"Damien" I breathed out my heart swarming with beautiful possibilities of what could come, but my mind focused on competing

"The fight is in an hour, please let me compete" I said softly and Damien tangled his fingers in my hair and began to play with my golden locks. He hummed, informing me he was listening to what I was saying 

"If anything goes wrong, you can protect me. I trust you" I murmured into the soft material of his shirt, loving the way his scent completely surrounded me

Damien goofily grinned at me, clearly enjoying the thought of protecting me from others. His chest swarmed in pride at the thought of saving me like a knight in shinning armor, I rolled my eyes and chuckled playfully, he was just too cute 

Obviously, Damien didn't know anything about my capabilities or my use of dark magic, but there was no way I would use the dark arts in the competition. He was scared that I was going to be beaten to a pulp by some fierce warrior, and for caring so deeply about me it made my heart swell with happiness

"Fine, go change, we are leaving in fifteen minutes" Damien grumbled out, letting me wiggle my way out of his embrace. Once I was standing upright a huge, blinding smile took over my features 

"Really" I nearly screamed with excitement my eyes filled with hope and joy

"Yes, really, now go before I change my mind" Damien laughed at my reaction. I quickly sped out of his room nearly tripping on the carpet on my way out and burst into my room's closet. I furiously threw shirts and pants from hangers, desperately trying to find something wearable for athletic wear.

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