Part 5

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Anyways... I'm really excited to continue this book and I hope you really enjoy this chapter. Again, if you have any recommendations or comments just let me know. 


After hours of playful fights, laughs, and small talk Damien and I arrived at his house. Well, I wouldn't call it a house it was more of a mansion,  a palace, an entire village/kingdom! The black car tumbled over a path of white gravel and snow. The path formed a giant O in front of the most beautiful place my eyes have ever laid eyes upon.

The house, I mean mansion, was constructed of beautiful white slabs. It spanned the size of two or more football fields and great grecian pillars supported the looming structure. Beautiful pine tree's were scattered around the mansion, and a thick layer of snow coated the tree's tips. The roof was an enchanting navy, which contrasted perfectly against the endless snowy slabs.

Golden accents were hand carved into some of the tabs. The intricacy of each swirl and design was incredible, it must have taken centuries to construct. My mouth gaped open as we continued to approach the grounds. I looked over to Damien, my mouth hung open as I looked into his green eyes breathlessly. 

He smiled and looked down, I could tell a sense of pride gleaned in his eye's at my reaction. "This is ..." I began but words couldn't describe how much I loved this place. He grinned, displaying his smooth and white teeth. I turned back to the window as we pulled to a stop.

I gently open the door to the car and stepped outside. My foot made a crunching sound as it pressed against the crisp snow. Tender snowflakes glittered from the sky, adding a magical aura to my surroundings. White snowflakes caught on my long blonde hair, my eyelashes, and on my shoulders. 

This place seemed perfect... there was no way this was constructed without magic

I shook my head, and continued to absorb the beauty around me. I smiled as I stuck my tongue from my mouth. A single white flake landed on my tongue. I giggled as the powdery substance cooled my tongue. I was so entranced by the beauty of winter I didn't notice Damien staring intently at me

As I looked up his eyes were trained on the bottom of my lip, where a snowflake softly landed. His eye's darkened with lust as he made quick strides over to me. I stood there as he continued to hold my gaze. As he approached me, his strong musky scent intensified. Thoughts couldn't form in my head as he stood meer inches from me. I let out a shaky breath as Damien crouched down to my height. 

I blushed heavily as his eyes displayed such strong affection and passion. His face showed thousands of emotions, all so intense it almost was scary... in an exciting and exhilarating kind of way

I had to express my admiration towards this place. I could tell he put effort, labor, sweat, and tears into the construction of this. Everything was perfect, "I love it" I smiled and bit my lip. My feet fidgeted against the soft snow. 

Before I could further compliment the stunning structure or the weather Damien tackled me

A surprised scream left my lips as my mate effortlessly heaved my body across his shoulder. My butt was right next to his face as he carried me like a potato sack. I gasped as Damien started running

"Hey Mister!! What do you think you're doing here! AH" I exclaimed as Damien continued to run towards the giant mounds of snow scattered across the front yard of the house. I pounded my small fists against his muscular back as he continued to chuckle at my lame attempts

"Get ready" He playfully ushered out as I continue to scream at his actions

"Damien! Damien listen to me, I am not wearing anything warm!" My physical attempts of pounding the hulk of a man below me were futile, my only chance of escape was through pure reason. "Damien, what would happen to me if I get frostbite! Think about this for a second, all my fingers and toes GONE. You would have to spoon feed me my entire life! All I would feel would be misery and helplessness. Do you really want that for your mate?" I quickly blurted out as we continued to approach the biggest mound of snow I had ever seen

Damien laughed a loud, boisterous laugh in response. "Hey, I'm being serious" I said as my lips involuntarily curled into a cheeky grin. 

"Listen mi amor, I doubt you will get hypothermia from less then 20 minutes outside. And besides, I'll keep you warm" He said with a smooth and creamy voice. I automatically sighed a lovey dovey sigh in response to his adorable comment, but before I could come up with a sarcastic response Damien threw us into the pile of snow

I fell as Damien cradled me in his arms, the cold snow stung my cheeks and hands as we fell feet inside the huge pile. I giggled as the stark white walls of the mound collapsed ontop of Damien and I. The powdery substance stuck against my warm skin, turning me into a shivering mess. My hair was pulled in different directions, it was basically frozen from the cold enrapture around Damien and I

Even though I looked like a drowning rat, I couldn't help to smile in a care free way. This was perfect, I was having fun I smiled

Damien's strong arms wrapped around my waist as he pulled us to the surface of the earth. As I emerged from my white prison I licked the snow from my face. I pulled my cool hands from my pockets and tried to brush the thick coat of ice from my face.

I giggled as a perfect plot for revenge arrived in my mind. I smiled evilly internally, but I took on an innocent and sweat facade. I slowly walked towards Damien, swaying my snow clad hips gently. His eyes trailed across my face and his eyes captivated me. I felt almost bad as I saw the beautiful look he gave me... Key word : Almost

I quickly revealed a frosty snowball from behind me and pelted it at Damien's chest. 

The white flakes made a poom sound as it hit my mate's chest. His shirt was soaked and filled with ice and powdery frost. He looked down at himself with a shocked expression before he quickly covered his surprise with a smirk

"You did not" he said as he pretended to be hurt. 

"Well, Kadence, I am sorry to inform you but you started a war. A war against the biggest, most notorious, ruthless, snowball player in history" He said with a proud expression as I let a giggle escape from my chapped lips

"Well, Damien, I am sorry to inform you after this battle I will be the best snowball fighter in history because your going down!" I smiled as I dashed in the opposite direction

I heard Damien's feet behind me, he chased me down quickly but I swerved to the side throwing him off his track. My breaths became quick and laborious as I sprinted  all around the area. I laughed as I purposefully kicked chunks of snow behind me to hit Damien. 

I looked behind me and I saw Damien about to tackle me. I screeched and laughed as he wrapped his muscular arms around my waist. He lifted me up and spun me in the air. I laughed as his touch left fireworks and sparks to erupt around my torso.

He continued to spin me, and the world around me became blurry. I lost track of where we were, who we were, or anything in that manner. It was perfect, the situation we landed ourselves in brought a smile to my face

Damien slowed down and effortlessly turned me around so I was facing him. My legs straddled his torso. I coiled my arms around his neck and brought my body so it was flushed against his. He tilted his head up and he tenderly laid a kiss on my lips



All I felt was sparks and passion and love 

His lips were soft and gentle, yet they were slightly aggressive and needy. Our lips hungrily clashed against each other, moving in perfect harmony. His soft pillow lips felt like they were made just for mine as he moved against me. 

I wrapped my hands in his black hair and pulled slightly, he growled against my lips in satisfaction. I could feel his grin as he continued to kiss me. I felt internal bliss as we engaged in the best kiss in history. I had to pull away because I was out of breath

I looked down as I he still held me in his arms, Damien smiled. "that was..." He began smiling up at me, "beyond expectations, the best kiss I ever had, oh God you are truly gorgeous" Damien whispered out with a deep husky voice

I grinned down at him, and nothing could ever ruin the moment we had 

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