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Amity was a five months pregnant, but even she could tell her siblings were up to no good. By the time she managed to get to Mystic Falls, her siblings were gone, save for Rebekah.
"Ami!" Rebekah exclaimed when her sister knocked on the door. "What are you doing here?"
"Hey, Bex." She smiled slightly. "Let us in?"
"Of course!" She exclaimed opening the door, letting in her sister and great niece. "I thought you were in England?"
"I was. Then Kol came to Mystic Falls. Then Katherine, then Elijah. The only person who hasn't left me behind is Amira."
"I'm sorry. Things got hectic. There was a search for the cure, we found it. Lost it. Silas is alive."
"Silas?!" Amity yelled. "Oh no. Oh no, oh no! Goodness no. Rebekah, how could you ever allow Silas to be woken?"
"You know it was your bestie, Katherine who woke him? Yeah. When she said she was seeking revenge for you, what she actually did was kill Jeremy to wake Silas."
"Jeremy Gilbert? Elena's brother? Bonnie's ex?"
"Where is he now?"
"I don't know. He's powerful. Powerful enough to mess with Nik's mind and Elijah's too."
"Why would Katherine wake Silas?"
"To get the cure." Katherine said, behind us.
"Katherine. Wait, so you guys had the cure?"
"But you lost it?"
"Technically Elijah gave it to Silas who pretended to be me." Rebekah explained.
"This is so screwed up. So what's the plan?"
"The plan?"
"The plan to put him down. Silas has to be imprisoned."
"No no no. You cannot go after Silas, especially while carrying my niece. The Mystic Falls squad can fix this mess."
"Nephew. Okay, so where are our brothers?"
"You haven't heard?" Rebekah looked at her curiously. "I only just got off the phone with Elijah myself."
"You're not the only Mikaelson having a baby." Katherine smirked. "Klaus got a werewolf pregnant."
"Klaus was dating?"
"No, sometimes people just have sex without dating, darling." Rebekah said.
"Let's go to them, 'Bekah. Besides, you all swore I wouldn't go through this pregnancy alone. Aside from Amira, that's exactly what I've been."
"I can't go to New Orleans. I swore a century ago I would never go back."
"And why is that?"
"We all lived happy lives in New Orleans, sister. Until Mikael showed up and destroyed it."
"And I don't want to stay in Mystic Falls without killing the Salvatores, Matt and Elena."
"You haven't forgotten he murdered Finn, have you?"
"He was trying to help his friends."
"What has Finn ever done to anyone in this town? I get that he tried to kill himself and the rest of our siblings, but the Salvatores had no right to be angry at our siblings. They tried to help him kill himself. Finn never hurt them, and they decided to murder him. Rebekah, anything you feel for this human will pass. I will kill him myself if I see him. Any of them." Amity finished passionately. She walked back out of Rebekah's apartment, Amira following her. They went to the Grill.
"Hey, so you need to calm down before my baby uncle senses your emotions and starts reacting." Amira stopped Amity. Amity breathes in and out, in and out.
"You're right. But if Niklaus is having a child, I should be there. Nik and Elijah are clueless about the needs of a pregnant woman. You saw Elijah. He didn't know what to do with himself, and I'm barely halfway through this pregnancy." Amity let out a sigh. "I'll meet you back at Rebekah's house in an hour. There's something I need to get."
"Yeah, I'm not looking forward to having your siblings pissed off at me because you killed the resident doppelgänger."
"No, I just need to get some grimoires. It's in the tunnels. I'll come back for the people in this miserable town, but not while I'm pregnant. It would only take one blow to lose my baby."
"Let me come with you."
"You physically can't. They're in the tunnels. Your grandpa and I had a certain cave blocked off with magic. Only he and I can go through."
"One hour." Amira said.
"One hour." Amity promised.

*first person*

I trudged through the woods and walked into a hunched figure.
"Are you lost?" I asked.
"Who are you?" He turned around. It was Stefan.
"Stefan." I fisted my hand, and he fell backwards to a tree.
"Not Stefan." He croaked.
"Stewart?" I asked.
"Not Stewart."
"Who are you?"
"Didn't I ask you first?" He said breaking my hold on him and walking towards me.
"Silas." I said.
"Very good. My turn."
"My name's Amity."
"Amity. Right. You're in Bonnie's thoughts a lot."
"Why are you wearing Stefan's face?"
"Am I wearing his face, or is he wearing mine?"
"Oh my god. You're the one who originally wore the face. Stewart and Stefan were descended from you."
"You're very clever."
"Are you going to kill me?"
"I just want to die."
"So die. I don't really care. I just don't want to you to bring the world down with you. Don't bring down the veil, Silas."
"You understand. The longing for death."
"Yes, but not at the cost of the lives of innocents." He walked closer to me and I took a step back. He fisted his hand holding me in place, and looked at me deeply.
"I wish you were in this town more often." He caressed my cheek. "You seem worthy."
"Worthy?" I scoffed. He pressed his lips to my cheek as I tried to squirm.
"I'm sorry, I'm going to need you to forget." He said. "Remember only that you met a hiker. You showed him the way out of the woods before continuing to head to wherever you came from, Amity."
I shook my head and he was gone. Where did the hiker go? I probably drifted off into another daydream. I continued walking to the tunnels. Packing up great great grandma Rose's grimoire and two that had been passed through Abraham's family, I got ready to go to New Orleans. I traced through Freya's name.
"I'll find you, sister." I vowed before speeding back to Rebekah's home.

"I guess this means you're going to New Orleans?" Rebekah asked as I put the three grimoires in my suitcase.
"Our brother is having a child. Not Elijah, Nik. Nik who will rise to the occasion, but will need help understanding the feelings of a woman." I explained.
"Who's grimoires?"
"Abraham's. And mine. Inherited it from Esther's side of the family." I told her. "I'm going as soon as Amira gets here. Will you please come with us to New Orleans?"
"This is goodbye sister." Was all she said, giving me a hug. "For now."
"For now." I replied. Amira knocked on the door.
"Hey grandma. Ready to go?"
"As I'll ever be." I walked out to the car, waving at Rebekah.

Goodbye, Mystic Falls.

Amity MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now