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"Aww, that's so sweet."
"Yes it was. Abraham was always sweet."
"It sounds like he really loved you."
"He did. My brothers aren't so easy to convince."
"I thought they got on well with Abraham?" Elena asked.
"They did. When we were human. He was part of the family and everything. But when we turned, well things changed."
"He died?" Caroline gasped.
"No, no. Well yes, eventually. I like to think he led a long happy life."
"You split up?"
"I was a vampire, he was a servant of nature. And he had Benji to think about."
"Wait so what happened to Benji?"
"He grew up with his dad. Had kids, obviously." I gestured to Bonnie.
"You didn't get to see him again?"
"These were much different times. Women had no rights all around the world, and things weren't all that different here. And this town might have been ahead of its time, but men were still seen as superior."
"So Abraham was a dick."
"No, it makes sense. He was a warlock and I was cursed. He had our son to think about. It wasn't as if vampires had been around long. Our mother had called upon dark magic to turn us. Really dark magic."
"So you're just accepting it? Not being able to be there for your son?"
"What could I do? It wasn't as if I could control my thirst. What if I had killed him? What if my mother decided to turn him too?"
"I suppose."
"All Abraham did was to protect our son. I can't fault him for that."
"That's true."
"Did Abraham have any siblings?"
"No. He was an only child, and his father died when he was twelve. His father was a warlock too, but he'd taken Ayana's last name. Not many people knew, they all assumed he was the true Bennett, but Ayana was the one with the Bennett blood."
"I got my mother's last name. My grams insisted on it, said there was so much rich history and that it should be carried on."
"That's right. The Bennett last name goes back centuries. I had my brothers who could carry on the Mikaelson name, and honestly I was glad to be rid of it. It brought me nothing more than pain. I care about my siblings, I do, but being a Mikaelson links me to my parents. Being Amity, the big sister, is what links me to my siblings."
"You believe that?"
"I don't expect you to understand. What, with my siblings being evil and all, it's probably hard to imagine anyone worse, but if there is one thing I know for sure. It's that there is no greater evil than my parents."
"Then we believe you." Bonnie put a hand on my arm. She move over to a counter a pressed a button. Loud music began to play.
"Dance par-tay!" Caroline wiggled her hips. I watched the girls dance before starting to mimic their moves.
"Yass! Work it, girl!" Bonnie bumped my hip with hers and I couldn't help but giggle.

That was a beautiful night. The next morning, I woke early with the girls.
"Alaric wants us to help out with the night of illuminations and I told him we would." Elena explained as Caroline complained as we walked down the road.
"Alaric is the man from yesterday?"
"He's also our history teacher, vampire hunter, friend, and helps Jeremy and I out after our aunt Jenna died."
"I'm sorry for your loss." I frowned, and she averted her eyes. Realisation dawned on me. "Nik didn't-?"
"He did." She nodded.
"Oh my god. Is there anybody in this town he didn't target?" Elena just shrugged as she continued to walk over to Alaric.
"Hey, what do you need us to do?"
"Hang these lanterns on the trees. We need as much light for when it gets dark."
"I'll get started on that!" Bonnie took a handful and walked off, not wanting to see Jeremy. Elena, Caroline and I followed after Bonnie.
"So what is this night of illuminations for?" I asked in an attempt to lighten the mood.
"There was this war- the battle of willow creek. We were outnumbered, but things happened and we won. I think. I'm not really familiar with the whole story. But at the same time, Katherine had decided to fake her death, and got word to the council that vampires were inhabiting Mystic Falls. They rounded up all the vampires and put them in a church where they set them aflame. Katherine was believed to be in the church until last year. Apparently Emily Bennett wanted to save her friend but couldn't do so without saving the rest of the vampires. She created a tomb within which they were sealed. Anyways so the council of vampire hunters thought they'd won and decided to celebrate the day they rid the town of twenty seven vampires. They'd put lanterns all around town, turning off the lights in the house, to celebrate the town still standing. Only a select few knew the real reason they celebrated. This town has always loved any excuse to celebrate so not many really cared." Elena revealed.
"The speech is about to start." Bonnie pointed out. "Didn't Alaric want you to up front?"
"Shoot I forgot." Elena said. "He'll understand. I doubt he even cares so long as I'm helping out."
"It's okay. Go! We got it." Bonnie assured and Elena nodded before walking away.
"So when you did the spell to send Vicki away, did that get rid of Anna, too?"
"Oh no. I forgot about that!" I looked at the girls in panic.
"If nothing has happened by now, chances are it won't happen." Bonnie looked at me and I shrugged, before she turned back to Caroline. "I wish. All I did was block the magic that was helping Vicki get a physical foothold here. Jeremy's still got a direct line to the other side, and as long as he wants to see Anna and she wants to see him, she's still here."
"Okay, you don't think I can actually resist commenting on that."
"There. You commented."
"Bonnie..." Caroline said sympathetically.
"What do you want me to say, Caroline? I went against the balance of nature when I brought Jeremy back to life, and now I'm paying the consequences."
"Well, I want you to say you're not okay with it."
"Look, I'm a thousand times not okay with it. I just don't know what to do about it." She shrugged. A car drove up to us. It was Damon Salvatore.
"Greetings, blondie. Grandma. Witchy. I think you got your voodoo wires all crossed when you got rid of Vicki Donovan."
"What do you mean, why?"
"Because I'm pretty sure I just got spit-roasted by Mason Lockwood's ghost."
"And why would you think that?"
"Maybe because he chained me to a chair and shoved a hot poker in my chest." He sighed. "Let's just say I'm having déjà vu."

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