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Elijah took me out of the town that night. In fact he took me out of the country on an aeroplane, to England. Said something about giving Mystic Falls some space from me.
He'd also signed me up to a group therapy sessions and for the past few weeks I'd been going.
"How about you? Would you like to tell us why you're here?" The group mentor, as he called himself, said looking at me. I stood up.
"Hi. I'm Amity." I said.
"Hello, Amity." Everyone chorused in unison.
"I'm here because my brother thinks I need to deal with the death of my other brother in a healthy way. And the truth is, I do. I've never been good with grief."
"And you've lost someone else?"
"Too many people. Almost everyone I've ever loved. I've been through so much loss, and I've never been one for violence, but now, I don't know how to handle it. All I want to do is avenge Finn. I've been going through a particularly difficult time lately and Finn has always been there my entire life. I don't know how I'm going to continue without him. He knew all of my secrets, things I don't dare tell the rest of my siblings. And now he's just gone. My twin brother is dead and I honestly don't know what life is like without him. The most we've gone without seeing one another is a month. Even when I was married, he wasn't far away." I sat back down.
"We're sorry to hear that." The mentor said. "And you are strong enough to get through this, because I'm sure he'd want you to."

That night when I got back home, Kol, Elijah and Amira stood together in a line.
"Hello..?" I asked, trailing off.
"Amity," Kol started. "We're worried about you."
"For what reason?" I asked.
"You're not dealing with Finn's death. Not in a good way. Not in a healthy way."
"What do you mean? I'm going to those stupid therapy sessions, I'm controlling myself from heading over to Mystic Falls and ripping the hearts out of those who killed him. I mean, what else do you want from me?" I smiled politely.
"You're just going through the motions. Be honest, are those group sessions helping you?"
"Maybe not. But I'm trying and I don't know what else you want from me." I stormed angrily into the kitchen and heated up some leftovers.
"We just want you to deal with Finn's death."
"I can't. I've dealt with too many and I just can't. So just leave me alone." I took my food up to my room and jumped onto my bed, before digging in to the Mac and cheese. I barely had a few bites before I started feeling nauseous. I ran to the bathroom. Once I felt better, I stood up away from the toilet seat and rinsed out my mouth, gargling some water. I decided to have a bath and took of my clothes, plugging the tub and sat inside while the water started to fill up. I started to cry, as silently as I could. I didn't want to worry my family more. At least the running water would mask my cries. Soon the tub was filled and I wiped away my tears before closing the taps. I sat in the bath for hours, until I was completely numb. Past my fingers pruning. Just sat in the water that had turned cold.

*third person*

It was hours later when Amira knocked on the door. When Amity didn't answer Amira walked in and found her sitting in the tub, tear tracks on her face, staring into nothing.
"Oh my god, Amity!" Amira called, lifting her out of the tub, wrapping a towel around her body. She carried Amity back into my room and onto the bed, drying her. "Oh, my god. Have you been in there all day?" Amity looked at her as a fresh bout of tears sprung into her eyes and Amira pulled her into her chest, soothing her. "Oh, Amity." She let her tears fall as Amira soothed her back. They sat like that for a while before she sat Amity up. She moved the towel to dry her properly, before searching her wardrobe for a nightgown. She found one. "Up." She commanded and Amity lifted her arms up. She stood Amity up, fixing the gown before moving onto her hair, drying it with the towel and brushing it out. In that moment she reminded Amity so much of Ayana, as memories flooded Amity's mind. When Amira was done she moved Amity to the other side of her bed where it was dry and got another towel laying it on the wet side of the bed. "I'm going to go get some tea. Don't move." She said tucking her in and Amity nodded.

Amira went downstairs where she saw Elijah. "Elijah, Amity is really not doing good."
"What do you mean?" Elijah followed her into the kitchen.
"I went to check on her and she was in the bath. I think she's been in there since she got home, earlier. The water was freezing cold. She's not responsive. She won't talk, and she's been crying. A lot."
"I'm going to-"
"You can't see her right now." Amira denied. "If she sees you or Kol she's going to close up. I think she feels like she's gotta be strong because she's the eldest."
"What can I do?" He asked as she placed the pot of tea and two cups on a tray.
"I don't know. Unless you can bring back Finn, or maybe even grandpa, I don't think there's anyway to just snap her out of this." Amira sighed. "But maybe she'd feel slightly better with Rebekah and Niklaus here too."

Amity MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now