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Bonnie was a really sweet girl. We spent the evening having fun. Then she told me about her boyfriend and his troubles.
"So Jeremy, who's also Elena's brother, is seeing ghosts?"
"In particular his exes."
"That could be a problem. Sometimes people change when they die. These ghosts he's seeing might not be good people. They might try to manipulate him."
"Into doing what?"
"A number of things." I frowned. Her phone started to ring.
"It's Jeremy." She picked up. "Hey."
"Bonnie, can you- can you come to the school? It's urgent."
"What is it?"
"I'll tell you when you get here." He said and she hung up.
"Want to go to high school?"
"Shouldn't this be between you and Jeremy? I'll come with you to the school, and wait outside, though. If you want."
"That'd be nice." Bonnie smiled and led me to her car.

I was waiting outside for Bonnie, deciding not to listen in. I decided the next time I went shopping I would buy one of those phones. Niklaus had left me his card that apparently stored money. I stood, slightly impatiently outside. Tapping my foot, I looked around. Mystic falls seemed quiet for the first time since I got into town. Soon Bonnie came storming out, upset and dragged me into the school with her.
"Hey, what's wrong?" I asked.
"It's silly."
"I doubt something silly would have you so upset."
"Matt is trying to resurrect his sister. She died a year ago. Let's just focus on that."
"Okay, but for the record? Jeremy Gilbert is an idiot." I told her. She laughed, wiping away her tears.
"Thanks." She turned to me. "And, for the record? So was Abraham Bennett. Even if we do still love them."
"Thanks." I smiled.
"So, I was wondering, why don't you sleep over mine tonight? Just me and you."
"I'd love that." I grinned. "But what about Elena and Caroline?"
"I didn't know if you wanted them to come."
"Of course I do. They're your friends. And Elena's- she's descended from my best friend."
"No way."
"And when I married Abraham, our friendship strengthened. Her daughter and my son were friends- almost siblings, our two lines have been close ever since. The Bennett's and the doppelgänger."
"That explains Katherine and Emily. Katherine is a doppelgänger, and Emily was my ancestor from back in eighteen sixty four."
"And now you and Elena."
"That's so cool! But you might not want to talk about how close our families have been for centuries tonight. Unless you knew Caroline's ancestors?"
"I don't believe I did. Although her family name could have easily changed in the last millennium."
"Still, I don't want her to feel left out. She's one of us, she really is."
"Then I look forward to getting to know her. And maybe in a few more decades, another doppelgänger, Bennett and a Forbes might be just as close."
"You think?"
"But, of course." I smiled gently.
"Tell me more about Abraham."
"Abraham was a wonderful man. He was awfully kind, and smart and strong. He was very skilled at his magic, and he was really good with my siblings, especially Niklaus. I know my brother has changed, but when we were human, he was a sweet little boy. Abraham got on well with our entire family, except perhaps our father."
"Your dad?"
"We almost didn't get married because of him. Since he was my father, only he could give my hand away, and he only valued strength. He thought Abraham was weak because he could do magic. He believed magic was a woman's craft, which is ridiculous seeing as half my brothers could do magic."
"Well, that's just sexist." Bonnie scoffed.
"I know. Anyways, had it not been for my mother and I begging him to leave us be, he wouldn't have let in. But he finally did, and we married, had Benji. He was the perfect father. He was always patient."
"You really love him."
"I do. Abraham had been my best friend. Finn had sort of withdrew when we moved. We'd both lost Freya, but Finn didn't know how to deal. Neither of us knew, of course, but Finn- he just changed a little. I think he was afraid to lose anyone else. So when Finn went sword-fighting with our father, or learning how to use magic with our mouthed, I made friends with Abraham."
"I'm so sorry."
"It's okay, he was still Finn. I could still count on him."
"So where is he?"
"Niklaus has him daggered in a box somewhere. I gave him two months to wake Finn."
"You must miss him."
"Even after Abraham and I got married, I saw Finn a lot. He was always there for me. When I was first pregnant with Benji, he was the first to know aside from my mother and Abraham. Whenever I was afraid, he'd be there to cheer me up. Whenever I was upset, he'd make me laugh. We've been together since we were born."
"And now it feels weird being alive without him?"
"I'm sure you'll get him back. Even if Klaus refuses. I'll help you."
"Thank you. So where's Matt?"
"There's a bonfire party, so let's check there."
"Sure." Her phone started to make noise.
"Wait." She said and picked up. "Hi, Matt. You-" she started but stopped and listened intently. She gestured to her ear, telling me to listen in. I nodded only to hear him frantically explaining something. Not that I could understand.
"She came to me, and she could feel things and she hit me, and she's different, Bonnie. I don't know what to do. Vicki's changed and she was saying something about killing Elena-"
"Matt! Matt, slow down. What happened?"
"I messed up Bonnie." He said.
"What? How? Where is she?"
"I didn't think.."
"Where are you?"
"At home."
"Get to the school. And bring anything you used to bring Vicki."

Amity MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now