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"I'm going to make some tea." Bonnie said walking out of the room.
"I'm going to help her." Caroline followed, and I let out a small laugh.
"So you were a witch when you turned?"
"And a mother." I told her. "Are you going to go through with the transition?"
"I don't know." She sighed.
"Look, you have a choice here. You can choose to be a vampire, and be with your daughter again. But you'll lose your magic and it's going to be one of the hardest things you'll ever go through. But you'll have your family. Or you can choose to not be a vampire, to leave your daughter behind motherless, but to be one with nature. It's not an easy decision."
"So how did you choose?"
"I wasn't given a choice. A thousand years ago was a different time. God forbid a vampire and a warlock get along, you know. So when my mother turned me, I couldn't be with my family. But it's all different now. Your daughter is willing to be by your side no matter what. And that's what matters. Don't let your daughter mourn another death. Losing your magic will be hard, I'll admit, but are you willing to leave your daughter behind?"
"Why are you so kind to us? When we just tried to kill you?"
"I blame Esther. Besides, attempting to kill my siblings is a common occurrence in this town."
"I mean, if you guys succeeded in ridding the world of my siblings, I would be quite upset, especially now more than ever, but they're still alive so I won't hold grudges. Well I will against Esther, and a little bit against Finn. But my siblings are still alive, and you're already suffering." I shrugged. "I don't want to give you this illusion that everything is going to be okay if you lose your magic, because it won't be. You use magic more often than you realise. Sensing when there are vampires around, being able to feel life and nature. You'd be losing a huge part of yourself."
"But it'd be a second chance for Bonnie and me."
"I'm sorry." She said, and I frowned in confusion. "You had to go through all of this alone."
"That's the thing. I didn't. I had my siblings. They got me through tough times and they continue to get me through tough times."
"I'm also sorry about my part in trying to kill you and your siblings."
"Esther never planned to kill me. She planned to kill the rest of my siblings. A thousand years ago, she took me away from my family and now she's trying to take my family away from me."
"Again, I'm sorry."
"So am I." I stood. "You should get some rest."
"Thanks, Amity."
"Of course." I walked out of the room and down to the kitchen.
"Hey, thanks for coming over."
"I have to admit, I had another reason for coming over." I shrugged. "I was originally coming to say goodbye when I heard about your mother."
"Goodbye? What? Where are you going?"
"I'm leaving town with Elijah. My siblings all believe it's not safe and have voted I go until Esther's gone."
"We would never hurt you." Bonnie said.
"I know, and they know that. They do. It's just..." I looked down, and rubbed my stomach. "I'm pregnant."
"I know. It's impossible and all, I know. But Kol thinks it's my witchy side that makes it possible."
"With Abraham?" Bonnie asked and I nodded.
"Of course you should go with Elijah. Keep your baby safe."
"Caroline's right." Bonnie agreed.
"Thank you." I opened my arms out and hugged the girls. "Don't tell anyone else? I mean, I'll tell Elena, but I'd rather it not go any further."
"Of course."

"Who's the letter from?" I leaned on the doorframe. Elena looked up, startled.
"Amity." She gasped.
"Relax, not here to kill you or anything. I'm not holding a grudge. My siblings are still alive." I told her. "But I am leaving."
"With Elijah. He and I are going out of town for a little while."
"Is this because-? I never wanted to kill you. Esther promised she wouldn't."
"And you believed her? I mean, she didn't plan on killing me, but you believed her that easily? I didn't take you to be naive." I said, and she looked down. "I have a baby cooking in my belly. I told Bonnie and Caroline but I'd really appreciate it if you guys didn't tell anyone else."
"You saw Bonnie?"
"Had to say goodbye, right?" I shrugged.
"Yeah. How is it possible?"
"Kol thinks it's because I'm also a witch."
"So is that why you fainted? Last night?"
"I didn't faint. Esther put a spell on me because I figured out what she was planning."
"Oh. Right. I'm sorry. I just, I called Finn, which probably wasn't much better." She cringed at her words.
"It's okay, Elena. Really, it's okay. Anyways, I should really get going now."
"Be safe, and be happy, Amity. You deserve it."
"Thank you, Elena." I smiled and sped out.

I headed back home where Elijah waited at the door.
"Are you ready?"
"What of Finn?" I asked.
"He's nowhere to be found but he'll eventually pop up."
"I can find him. It wouldn't take much. Not really."
"It's okay sister. Just get in the car." I sighed and called out for Rebekah, Kol and Nik. They all rushed outside.
"We'll see you soon, sister." Rebekah smiled, giving me a hug.
"I'll miss you all." I said, frowning and Nik gave me a hug, soothing me.
"We'll be right by your side before you know it." He said. "Just you see."
"And hey, phone's exist now. We'll- what's it called- we'll skype and talk every day." Kol was the last to give me a hug.
"I love you." I looked at each of my siblings.
"We love you too." They said, as Elijah opened the car door for me. I sighed and walked in, strapping myself inside, the way Nik had shown me.

Amity MikaelsonTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang