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We were having dinner, Elijah and Amira and I, when I felt a sharp pain in my heart. I gripped my fork so hard it bent.
"Amity, are you okay?" Elijah asked.
"It's Finn." I gasped, standing and speeding away. It took me an hour to get to Mystic Falls and I went to Niklaus's mansion. Rebekah was torturing Damon.
"Where is he?" I asked, my eyes flashing.
"Finn." I asked, my hand over my chest. "Where is he?"
"He went to spend some time with Sage." Nik shrugged.
"Something's happened, Nik."
"I don't know. But it's bad and it's happening to Finn."
"What is your brother planning, eh? Come on, Damon. Tell us." Nik smirked, poking Damon.
"Go to hell."
"I'll find him myself!" I turned away, but was stopped by Stefan who walked in, with a bag.
"Oh good, a hero." Nik said. "What do you want?"
"I'm here to make a deal."
"Stefan, what are you doing?" Damon asked.
"Eight stakes made of white oak. The part of Wickery Bridge that you forgot to burn." Stefan said.
"White oak?" I asked, turning to Niklaus. "No. Tell me he's joking. Please, tell me he's joking."
"It's impossible." Rebekah assured.
"Where's Finn?" I asked, as Nik held me back from rushing at Stefan.
"It's not impossible. Finn's dead." I pulled myself away from Nik and held Stefan by the throat.
"Sister enough." Niklaus said, just as I was about to plunge my hand into his heart.
"He killed Finn, Nik. There is no enough." This time both Rebekah and Niklaus pulled me back and I collapsed again Rebekah. "He killed Finn."
"Amity!" I heard Elijah yell as he found me holding onto Rebekah and Nik for dear life.
"Get her out of here Elijah. Take her upstairs." Niklaus said and Elijah peeled me off Rebekah and carried me out.
"Shh shh shh shh shh." He soothed as I sobbed onto his shirt.
"They killed him, 'Lijah. They killed Finn."
"Stefan Salvatore and I don't know who else but probably everyone he knows in this bloody town killed our brother, Elijah." I wiped away my tears, determinedly. "I'm going to kill every last person who helped. I'm going to personally rip out their hearts and feed it to the wolves. Or I'll stake them the way they staked Finn. Maybe I'll burn them alive, like his body would have gone up in flames."
"They crossed a line and I will make them regret it."
"You're not a violent person."
"I'm going to rip out their spines and beat them with it."
"Amity, sister."
"I'm done being nice. I'm done being the good one. I'm done protecting them. They'll find out what it truly means to cross an original." I said, getting ready to stand.
"Do you want Amira to see you like this? Because that girl has waited centuries to find you. Benji's told her all about his sweet mother. His kind mother. You want her to see you as this evil monster?"
"Don't, Elijah. Don't you dare bring Amira into this when all you do is act as though she's a nuisance. All I want to do is get to know her, spoil her, but when people start to come for my family, that's my limit. And they've killed Finn. They've tried to kill Nik, they've tried to kill you all. Who's to say they won't come for her?"
"You have more than Amira to think of and you know it. Niklaus and Rebekah will deal with the guilty parties. You are going home, tonight. Understand?"
"I warned them. If they ever succeeded in killing any of you, that's when I get angry. And any world with the ones who have killed my twin brother is a world I-" I broke off. "Elijah. Killing an original, it kills off their sire lines. So everyone Finn has turned and everyone they've turned and so on. They're all dead."
"What are you talking about?"
"It's an original perk. So they are going to be looking for whoever is the originator of Stefan and Damon's lines."
"How do you know this?"
"I studied mother's spell. Figuring out ways to possibly undo it. When you, Niklaus and Rebekah turned Aurora, Lucien and Tristan, well that's when I figured out the meaning of the sire link."
"And you've never said a word."
"I figured the less people that knew, the better." I sighed. "I don't know who turned the originator of their sire line, but I do know you can't let anyone in this town know. Maybe I should have said something, but I thought, well what I thought doesn't matter anymore. Just don't tell anyone."
"Let Niklaus and Rebekah deal with Mystic Falls. Come with me, sister. And as soon as all threats are dealt with, Niklaus and Rebekah will join us. We'll be a family. Like you wanted."
"I need Finn, Elijah. I need him more than you could ever know." I started to cry.
"Right now, Amira needs you. You might not have Finn, but you still have Niklaus, Rebekah, Kol and me."
"Yeah, unless team Mystic Falls kills you all."
"I'm going to take you home. Out of Mystic Falls. Deal?"
"I want to see his body."
"I want to see his body." I repeated.
"That is not a good idea, Amity. Who know what they've even done to his body." He persuaded. Rebekah sped into the room.
"How are you?" She asked.
"She's feeling murderous." Elijah replied for me.
"Well, as soon as Stefan Salvatore brings us the last two stakes, you can do anything you want with them. And I'll help you."
"You aren't supposed to be encouraging her." Elijah frowned.
"Oh please. They killed Finn. I say let them pay."
"So you want our sister to go up against the people who've killed our brother, in her state?"
"Elijah has a point. You have to look after yourself, and the baby. Nik and I will make them pay." She said.
"I just want to hurt them." I said. An idea came to me. I opened a drawer from the nightstand and pulled out vials. I grabbed Rebekah's hand and used my nail to make a cut, pouring some of her blood into the vial. I sped down to Nik, and used a knife laying on the table and grabbed his hand, giving him a cut, like Rebekah and pouring his blood into another vial.
"What are you doing?" Elijah asked. I frowned before taking his hand and cutting him as well.
"Just give me five minutes. That's all I ask. Okay? Five minutes." I made a small incision on my own wrist and poured it into the last vial. I sped out of the mansion and to the caves, to my own special hideout. I flicked through one of Abraham's grimoires, finding the spell. I got out a bowl mixing the bloods together. "Okay. I can do this." I sighed. "Phasmatos tribum ausculto mihi. Qui est suco- illum pati. Servetur sanguine. Vindicta adiutorio. Phasmatos tribum, I call on you. Hear me, sisters. Hear me! Aid in my revenge!" There was a flare from the bowl letting me know my spell had worked.

Amity MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now