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"Leave my face alone. Keep your powder away from me." I glared at Rebekah.
"Oh come on. Just a little."
"No!" I heard a chuckle from the door and saw Finn.
"The two of you look beautiful."
"I know." I said. I was still angry at him.
"I'm just going to leave the two of you to talk." Rebekah edged out of the room.
"May I accompany you, tonight?"
"I've decided I'm going alone. I'm less likely to be betrayed that way."
"Oh come on, sister."
"I don't know why you're suddenly on team Esther and you know what? I don't care. When I woke up, after being daggered for nine centuries, the first thing I tried was undaggering you. There was a spell on the dagger. So we came to Mystic Falls and the Salvatores threatened Nik with Mikael. And Nik left, along with all of you, and when he finally came back, Stefan Salvatore stole your bodies. Everything I have done this past month, has been to get my family together. I have my magic back, and my first thought was let me tell Finn. He'll know what to do. He can help me figure this out. I met my descendant, and all I wanted was to introduce her to you. I met my granddaughter, Benji's daughter and all I could think about was, if we lived our human lives, you would have also been a part of her life. And now that you're here, all you're saying is that it's been a thousand years. To just forgive Esther for trying to make me give up on my son. To forgive Esther for killing my unborn baby. To forgive her for giving up Freya. You remember her? You were closer to her than I was, but she was still my big sister. I will never forgive Esther for bargaining my child and any future children our sibling were supposed to have. I will never ever forgive Esther for bargaining Freya away." I walked past him and headed into the party.
"Mother wants to talk to you." He stopped me.
"Well she can shove her talk right up her-"
"When you realise our mother is nothing more than a witch with a b, then come to me. But as long as you buy her empty promises you can stay the hell away from me." I stormed away.
"Witch with a b?" He muttered confused, and I held in a laugh.

"You look stunning, sister." Niklaus smiled at me and and I returned it.
"Thank you. Did you invite anyone here?"
"Well I invited Caroline, but I'm not sure if she'll come."
"Caroline?" I asked and he nodded. "I- are we talking about the same Caroline who pretty much hates your guys for siring her boyfriend?"
"You do know she has a boyfriend, right?"
"Pretty sure they broke up."
"Good lord, how long was I away?" I frowned.
"You missed out on a lot, sister. Bonnie's mother is in town. I told Tyler to bite Caroline and he did, but then I gave her some blood. It was her birthday, and I couldn't let her die.  Stefan Salvatore, in an effort to get me to remove my hybrids from Mystic Falls, almost turned Elena."
"Oh, god."
"Hey, did you invite Amira?"
"No, I told her to leave Mystic Falls. I don't trust our mother." I said. "I'm going to go talk to Elijah. I'll see you later, brother." I walked away and to Elijah.
"You look exquisite." He smiled.
"You look charming yourself." I ran my hand through his hair.
"Not the hair." He groaned.
"Did you invite anyone?"
"Of course not. Who would I invite in Mystic Falls?"
"A little birdie told me you were once close to Katherine."
"You've heard of her?"
"I met her. She's not so bad."
"Be careful sister. She tends to lead people into a trap."
"Is that what happened to you?"
"Niklaus wished to use her to break his curse. I was smitten and I didn't want her to die, so I had some witches find a loophole. They gave me an elixir, that I wanted to use to save her but she ran. She found out Nik wanted to use her and she ran."
"Leaving you behind." He shrugged and I gave him a hug. "I'm sorry, 'Lijah."
"I'm fine." He paused. "For what it's worth, I'm sure Abraham loved you. His methods were harsh, and if he were here I would probably send him to a hospital, but he did love you. He always called you his queen and he always tried to make you happy."
"Thank you 'Lijah."
"Just don't tell our siblings I said so. Deal?"
"Deal." I laughed.
"So you and Finn?"
"I'm not speaking to him."
"Because he suggested you talk to mother?"
"Because he suggested that she could actually be a decent mother when she's ruined each and every chance she's ever had. Don't talk to me about Finn. Not tonight."
"You could talk to her, without forgiving her."
"The last time I gave her the benefit of the doubt and went to talk to her, she killed me."
"You hate her with a passion?"
"Elijah, you don't even know the half of what our mother is capable of."
"So tell me."
"I can't. Not yet."
"Niklaus says you're working on something?"
"Niklaus needs to keep his mouth shut more."
"How is it you can do magic?"
"I will tell you later. It's hardly an appropriate topic for a ball."
"How is it that you've been undaggered for a month and you already have more than your fair share of secrets?"
"These are secrets I've carried since we were human." I told him.

Amity MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now