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Somewhere during the car journey I'd fallen asleep. I'd woken up to sun streaming into my eyes.
"Morning, Amity." A voice chirped from behind me. I looked to see Amira, with a grin.
"Amira!" I practically screamed.
"No need to yell into my ear." Elijah complained from beside me.
"How? What? Why? When?"
"Elijah picked me up not that long ago. Apparently Klaus told him it'd be a pleasant surprise."
"It is! You are!" I smiled.
"I'm still not clear on who she is."
"She's Benji's daughter." I said.
"Oh. You're a vampire?" Elijah asked and I rolled my eyes.
"No, she's a fairy." I said.
"Without the unnecessary sarcasm please, sister." Elijah said.
"Where are we going?"
"You say that like I understand."

"This is our new home!" Elijah said after pulling up into a driveway.
"What's this place?" I frowned.
"It's my house. When I first visited this town a few decades ago and I bought this place."
"Super cool." Amira grinned looking up at the house.
"Have our siblings found Finn?" I questioned.
"You are not supposed to be worrying about such things."
"I suppose that's a no?" I sighed. "I just want to talk to him. I need to talk to him."
"And say what?"
"Just give me a chance."
"How do you propose you find him?"
"I know of a spell."
"I don't want you to exert yourself. You have to take care of yourself."
"I promise. It's a small spell. I've been using it since I was a child." I said and he sighed.
"Fine. You locate him and we'll tell Niklaus where he is. And once we're successfully unlinked, you can talk to him."
"The spell doesn't work like that. It leads me to him. Takes me to him directly."
"He won't hurt me."
"You didn't think he'd side with our mother and try to rid the world of us either, but here we are."
"No matter what, Finn could never hurt me." I shook my head. "Especially not once I tell him."
"Tell him what?" Amira asked.
"That I'm pregnant." I said, remembering that I hadn't yet told her of my miracle baby.
"You are? But that's impossible."
"Evidently not."
"Who's your baby daddy?"
"My what now?"
"The father of your child. Who is he?"
"Your grandfather." I told her and she frowned.
"Before I met you, there was a spell that went sideways. Ghosts materialised in Mystic Falls. Abraham was one of them."
"Ooh, grandma and grandpa gettin' it on." She wiggled her body and brows, as Elijah cringed.
"Oh God." He groaned.
"Play nice, 'Lijah. She's your great niece." I laughed, turning back to Amira. "Don't worry, Elijah's just being Elijah."
"I know. Klaus warned me in advance. He said Elijah's the one with a stick up his-"
"Please don't say it." Elijah shook his head.
"Since when are you and Klaus so close?"
"He's actually very sweet." Elijah scoffed.
"Someone's messing with you." He told her.
"So far he's my favourite uncle."
"No doubt Kol will be vying for that position." I told her.
"Your baby. Do you know the gender?"
"No, but I have a feeling he's a boy. Mother's intuition. To be honest, I wouldn't mind either. Just a healthy baby."
"My mom used to say the same when she had Adam. I think you would have liked her."
"If she was anything like her mother I'm sure I would have."
"She was."
"I'm so sorry. You shouldn't have had to come looking for me, and you shouldn't have been turned into a vampire."
"It's not on you. It really isn't." She shook her head.
"You could've lived a better life."
"I lived my best life. I went back home every once in a while. I got to know my nieces and nephews and so on and I spent the rest of my time searching for you. And I've finally found you. I haven't missed out on anything. If I was human, I would have ended up marrying someone I didn't love. Vampirism gave me freedom, in a way." I smiled at her.
"I don't know, sister. Sounds like she lived a good, happy life. Maybe, maybe you can too?"
"Yeah, maybe." I replied, shrugging. My brother sighed and walked out of the car, opening the door for Amira and me.
"We can't stay in the car forever." He explained. He led us into the huge house, using a key to open the door. He walked in and Amira and I followed.
"So cool!" Amira said in awe. "This place is all yours?"
"Yeah." Elijah couldn't help but smile at her enthusiasm. "Take any room you want. Just not mine."
"Thanks, Elijah." She sped up the stairs.
"You're not too bad with the great uncle thing." I nudged past his shoulder and went up the stairs to find myself a room.
"You're not too bad with the grandma thing either." He called after me. I chose a simple room at the end of the hallway. It was large however, in case we stayed until after I gave birth. I wanted to have my baby in the same room as me. I listened to see where Elijah was, and heard only silence. Closing my door I went into the bathroom connected to my room. I opened the tap and was about to start chanting when Elijah appeared.
"Everything okay, sister?"
"Yeah I'm just figuring out the room." I lied.
"Are you sure?"
"What else would I be doing?"
"Looking for Finn."
"I will look for Finn and I won't hide it from you." I scowled.
"Amity. I'm just trying to keep you safe."
"Just as long as you don't coddle me, 'Lijah. I don't respond well to being treated like I am a baby."
"Oh please, Abraham wouldn't even let you walk."
"Elijah, so help me God, you are my younger brother. You can not tell me what to do."

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