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"Isn't she-?" Matt gestured at Amity with a frown.
"Matt, Amity's a good vampire."
"She's Klaus's sister."
"She's nothing like him."
"I don't believe that."
"So what, you believe anyone remotely related to him by blood is evil?"
"They're a family, Bonnie. She'd choose him over any of us." I kept quiet, I didn't know if Bonnie wanted him to know we were related. She looked hurt at his opinion.
"Speaking of family, what were you thinking? That you'd bring back Vicki without any consequences?"
"I'm so sorry. I didn't think she'd do something like this." He looked down, looking ashamed. "I trusted her."
"You need to tell me exactly what you did to let Vicki out. So I know exactly how to send her back." Bonnie started flicking through her grimoire.
"She told me to put her picture facing upwards in front of the candle, and told me to drop some of my blood on it, and concentrate on having her solidify in front of me. Then I had to say I accepted her, and there was some wind and the candles blew really brightly, then there was smoke coming out of her picture and she was there. I could touch her."
"She shouldn't have that kind of knowledge." I frowned.
"Jeremy said a super strong witch was helping her."
"Still, there's something familiar about that spell." I plucked her grimoire out of her hands.
"There is?"
"I hope I'm wrong." I said flicking through. I got to the page I was looking for, and found it.
"What is it?" I turned the grimoire over and showed her. "You did it. You found the spell."
"Reversing the spell is tricky business. I don't have my grimoire on me, so we're going to have to block the magic helping Vicki. It's a temporary solution, and we need to get the real reversal spell done soon." I flicked to the next page showing her the spell.
"Okay, I'll do the spell. You go help Elena."
"You might need my strength."
"I already have it." She smiled at me.
"I really am glad I met you. I'll be right back." I told her, and she nodded as I sped away. I listened for Elena and any sign of carnage.

I soon found myself in front of a car on fire. Elena was trapped in the front seat. I hurried over to her and used my strength to open the door. I carried her out.
"Hurry up before it blows!" A man called.
"Wait- Stefan!" Elena tried to reach back to the car.
"I'll get him." I told her and rushed back to the car. I found Stefan really writhing in the back. I pulled open the trunk and brought him pulled him out throwing him away before the car blew. I went back to the car just in case there was someone else, but the car blew up setting me on fire.
"Oh my god! Amity!" Elena called. I saw her try to come to me, but the man held her back. A few minutes later, the fire extinguished and I was fine, save for my burnt clothes.
"I'm okay, Elena." I told her.
"Oh my god, Amity!" She repeated and tried to hug me, this time the man let her come. I shook my head taking a step back.
"I was just on fire, so unless you want to burn yourself, I'd recommend not touching me for a few minutes. Just until I cool down."
"Oh. Right." She said.
"Are you okay? Your cheek- the flames got you."
"There's another original?" The man asked at the same time.
"Oh, right. Alaric. This is Amity. Um, she's, uh, different. Amity, this is Alaric." Elena introduced. "And I'm fine. Thanks."
"Nice to meet you." I smiled.
"How'd you know we were here?"
"I was with Bonnie. Matt tried to resurrect his sister, but in order for her to be alive she had to maintain a balance so she was after you, Elena. Bonnie managed to do a spell to send her away, sort of."
"Wait, Vicki started the fire? Oh my god."
"She's being manipulated, Elena. It's not her."
"What about Matt?"
"Bonnie's with him right now." I told her and Damon walked.
"Whoa!" He looked at the car. "What is going on here?"
"Damon." Elena said. "Um, there was an explosion."
"Guess you need a ride home." He remarked.
"Yeah." Elena said.
"Come on." He gestured.
"I'm gonna go to Bonnie. Will you be okay?"
"Absolutely." Elena said. "Thank you, Amity."
"Of course." I sped away to the classroom Bonnie was in earlier.

"Hey, Amity."
"Elena's fine. It was close, but, uh, she'll be fine. Damon's taking her and Alaric home."
"Everything okay in here?"
"My sister basically just died. So I wouldn't say fine." Matt shook his head and walked out.
"That was hard for him." Bonnie explained and I nodded. She started packing up her grimoire and I helped put away the candles.
"It's not your fault."
"I know."
"He'll be fine, as long as he has his friends."
"I hope so." She looped her arm through mine. "So what happened to your clothes?"
"Car exploded."
"Are you okay?"
"I can't be killed. Except by a special stake from a tree my siblings made sure burned. I tried to keep a piece of the wood once, but Elijah caught me. Burnt it in front of me."
"Why would you try to keep some of the wood?"
"I'm not like my siblings. I've never wanted this life. It only brought me grief. I never wanted a life stretched out for centuries. All I've wanted was a mortal life with my family."
"I'm sorry."
"Don't be. It's not your fault."
"At least I get to see my descendants. The children of my children."
"At the cost of raising your own?"
"What's done is done." I shrugged, keeping my tone light. "Can we go round the boarding house? I want to pick up some clothes."

Amity MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now