Chapter 34

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About three and a half weeks had passed after Zero posted the letter and I still hadn't received a reply from my father. I was worried he had been unable to decipher the message I'd tried to convey in it. I had not set foot outside the cottage in that time either. I was restless and anxious.

Zero was in town once again to see if my father had sent a letter back to the post office yet and to do some grocery shopping. I was laying on the lounge, bored, reading a vampire hunters book. It was snowing heavily outside and occasionally I would sit in the bay window in the living room to watch it as it fell silently. I turned my head from the book and looked out the window once again and spotted a figure in the thick white and grey scene beyond the glass.

At first I couldn't really tell who it was and so I ducked out of sight just in case and watched. After a few moments they got close enough for me to be able to tell it wasn't Zero. However they wore a familiar akubra hat, tilted down to keep the cold snow out of his face.

I stood up slowly, still cautious. I walked over toward the window, peeking around the corner. After a few moments there was a knock at the door. I opened it and smiled.

"Mr Yagari, what brings you here?"

"Your father." He said stepping inside. My eyes widened a fraction. "Where's Zero then?" He asked.

"He's in town right now, he went to see if there was a letter at the post office."

"So you're here playing the little housewife then?"

"What?! No!" I yelled.

"I'm just joking."

"So my father did understand my letter after all. What a relief." I let out a breath that seemed to be held in throughout the time I'd been awaiting a response.

Not a moment passed before Zero barged through the front door calling out for me. "Thank god you're alright." He said coming over to me. "I saw foot prints in the snow and got worried."

"Relax, it's just me." Yagari chuckled.

"What are you doing here?" Zero questioned.

"I come with a message from the headmaster." He said plonking down on the couch and lighting a cigarette, his back was to us. "He received a visit from some servant vampires not too long ago. While they said they'd leave peacefully he says he knows that they're surveying the grounds waiting for you both to return."

"Ah. I hoped that wouldn't be the case." I said quietly holding one arm.

"What's more, he's in trouble with the hunters association and the council. He may have to face punishment as a result of endangering the human students in the academy. If he had no insight of what Kaname was planning they may have let him off a bit easier but that's not the case. He doesn't have long before he goes to trial sadly. When the time comes, he wants you both to attend and he wants (y/n) to testify should there be a need."

"Wouldn't that be dangerous though? The (l/n)'s servants would just follow the headmaster knowing the (y/n) would be there." Zero voiced his concern.

"We thought about that, there'll be a room full of highly ranked hunters so there's no chance that they'd attack us."

The news hit me hard. Not only could I not return home but my father was most likely going to be locked away in a cell or worse and there was no way for me to see him unless I watched him ushered away in chains.

"How bad does it look?" Zero asked standing near me.

"Well considering how everyone in the school could have been picked off by the horde of vampires that night, it's looking worse than 'bad' at the moment."

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