Chapter 33

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It was mid way through the day when I had finished crafting a letter to my father. I needed to tell him where I was but not directly in case someone else found out.

'Dear Father,

I know we were due back by now but some problems arose in our endeavour, by this stage you may or may not be aware of those issues. If not then let me explain.

He told me the truth and as Zero and I intended to leave he said that I was to give birth to a child with my brother. He wasn't going to let us leave but we ran out before they could do anything.

By the way I saw Yuki and the others there. They were 'discussing my situation'. Anyway, Zero and I took refuge, not wanting to put the safety of the school in jeopardy again. I can't write where exactly.

Hopefully I will see you soon. Lucky Zero has a good memory, if it were just me I'd probably get lost. You know how bad I am at remembering. There's only three specific days in my life that I can remember clearly. Each of which found an orphan under your care.

Please write back as soon as you can to let us know the situation there. I get homesick rather quickly. I already miss you.

Love lots, (y/n) and Zero (even if he won't say it).'

I folded the paper and placed it in an envelope I'd found in the desk in Zero's parents office. I licked the back and stuck it down then left the office to find Zero. He was in the bedroom we'd slept in the night previous. I walked in as he pulled his arm through a shirt sleeve.

"You wrote it then?" He asked.

"Yeah, hopefully he picks out the clues I put in for our location. They're very vague but he'll work it out I'm sure." I said as I watched him button his shirt.

"Is something wrong?" He asked.

"Just wondering where you got that shirt."

"The closet." He said. "I'll go and post the letter. The water and the electricity are on now so feel free to wash up."

"And get dressed back into these dirty clothes?"

"Wash them. There's clothes in there." He said gesturing to a chest of draws. "I don't know if they'll fit you but you can't say there's nothing else to wear in the meantime."

"Did you think about underwear?" I asked as heat rose to my cheeks and turned away from him.

"Oh... Sorry." He said scratching his neck nervously.

"Just let me come with you to town." I said.

"It's too dangerous. There could be people out looking for you so just sit tight."

"Fine then. You can buy me some new unmentionables then." I said taking my small pouch with money and tossing it to him.

"What?" He said as his cheeks flared red.

"Well I can't go. And I'm not sitting around with no undies on in someone else pants." I said walking back out of the room and grabbed a pen from the office. He ran down the stairs trying to protest against me. I grasped his hand and wrote my measurements on his palm. "I'll keep cleaning while you're gone."

He sighed, finally giving in. As I walked off and grabbed the duster he grabbed my wrist and kissed my cheek. "You owe me big time." He grumbled as he left. I smirked and got to work.

He was gone for some time and I'd managed to dust off almost everything. I had found some family photos on a set of shelves in the living room and smiled. Zero and Ichiru were adorable as kids. There was a photo of his parents together. His father had two swords belted around his waist.

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