Chapter 20

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I could taste it in her blood. The love that she held for me. And then she confirmed my suspicions by replying like that. I had no idea what I was supposed to say or do. As I pondered the situation I exited my dorm room only to run into the headmaster.

I wanted nothing to do with the ball and I tried to walk away but he stopped me. After a short talk I decided to oblige and keep an eye on things there. I also remembered (y/n)'s words.

"I don't wanna be stuck with the class rep who's gonna lose it because I skipped setting up for it so you gotta be there too."

I smiled momentarily at the thought and made my way to the ballroom. After I arrived there I stood watch at the entrance. Once again the headmaster came to bug me.

"Zero..." He poked me in the cheek. "Thank you so much for working tonight."

"Seeing as how you told me it was an order I really didn't have much of a choice now did I?" I said bluntly.

"Oh my Zero, you're so scary. And I'd say as of late you're rather moody too. It's like you've taken it upon yourself to shoulder anything bad that goes on around here." His annoying tone changed. "It's not so much an order, but more of a request really. I want to protect our students right to a peaceful campus life. And then as for you..." He started. "I want you to enjoy the moment rather than fear a future you cannot see."

I took in his words and processed them. As I did so Yuki approached and suggested we move inside. "We're on duty and we need to take it seriously but we should also have fun too." She smiled.

"Really? I thought you told me you weren't looking forward to the ball." I countered.

"I wasn't..." She lied.

"Well where's (y/n)?"

"Oh she'll be along, come on let's get to work." She ran inside as she spoke.

I sighed and entered the room. Yuki had already disappeared in the crowd and I stood confused and annoyed. I leaned against the wall by the door and watched over the room filled with people.

"Oh Zero, you're here." I turned my head to find (y/n) dressed in an elegant blue dress that fitted her nicely. She was quite beautiful. "I'm glad you came, but..." She paused looking at me.

"What is it?" I asked.

"This is a formal occasion and yet you stand there messily in a disheveled uniform." She frown and began to button the remaining buttons of my shirt and zipped my tie up. She ordered the materials and plucked a rose from vase nearby, pinning it to my blazer pocket. "There we go. Now all you need is a smile." She beamed at me.

"I don't get it. How can you keep on smiling like that?"

"Well I guess that's just who I am and I just want for you to smile too Zero." She gave a smaller smile toward me before speaking again. "I'm gonna go check outside and make sure everything's okay. You keep an eye on things here and try not to come across so grouchy."


Even though I practically admitted my feelings to Zero earlier, things are the same which is what I had hoped for. There's no uncomfortable atmosphere around us and our attitudes are completely the same as beforehand.

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