Chapter 26

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"So has anything interesting happened while I was gone?" I asked Zero as I sat in the armchair.

"The night class returned early and the headmaster got an application for a new student. That's about it."

"A new student?" I asked. "I wonder what they'll be like."

"Well actually, the new student is my twin brother."

"WHAT?!" I asked in shock falling off the comfortable chair. "Father at least asked if you were okay with it didn't he?!" I jumped up and spoke worriedly.

"Yeah and I told him I was fine with it." He answered.

After a short pause I spoke. "You did?" He nodded in reply. "Then that's a good thing Zero. It means you're being the bigger person and that you're moving on. Even if he's enrolled for some other reason." I mumbled the last sentence to myself.

"Hm? So you think he has an ulterior motive too?"

"He wouldn't transfer here purely to reunite with you I don't think. And if he were to go to school why here of all places? It's suspicious." I said.

"I figured as much." He said sighing.

"Soups ready!" My father sang out from the kitchen. I smiled and walked to the dining room where there was a hot, steaming bowl waiting for me. "I made it just the way you like it." My father smiled sitting with me.

"Thank you."

"Are you alright (y/n)?"

"Hm?" I looked up from my soup.

"It's just that you only really ask for my pumpkin soup when you are upset."

"Oh. I'm fine, I just really missed home." It wasn't a lie that I missed home but to say I was fine wasn't true. Pumpkin soup was the first thing I ate upon my arrival here and since then it's been like a comfort food for me.

"Okay then dear." He smiled and returned to the kitchen.


"Quiet everyone." The teacher said cheerfully. "Please introduce yourself." She gestured to the boy standing next to her. I had switched seats with the new term and decided to sit next to Zero, rather he asked me to.

I watched from the back of the class as the almost mirror image of Zero introduced himself. Meanwhile the real Zero was nowhere to be seen.

'I shouldn't be here either. He's gonna know who I am straight away and blow my cover. Oh god. What am I gonna do if Zero ever finds out? This is not good.'

Yuki came in a little later and was scolded by the teacher. Ichiru walked near me and spoke. "It seems my brothers taste in women hasn't changed much. Aside from the fact that you're not all you seem to be." I furrowed my brows deeply at his comment as he took a seat and the lesson began. After the class was over a few students remained and spoke with him. I decided to go for a wander.

'Okay, so far so good... But that's only because Zero wasn't here! Of course he's not going to say anything if he's not there!' As I continued walking, cold sweat dropped from my forehead. The anxiety was killing me. I was paranoid and my mind made scenarios of all possible outcomes without my consent.

As I was walking back to the classroom I found the two brothers talking. I'd stumbled in as their conversation reached an end and the suspicious one left.

Zero's eyes met mine. I gave a nervous smile. "Hey." I said with a small wave.


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