Chapter 27

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We returned home a little while after lunch and my father bombarded us with questions to which Zero and I both responded with deadpanned expressions and blunt answers.

"Zero I'm starting to think you have too much of an effect on (y/n), my daughter never speaks to me like this."

"Father it has nothing to do with that you're just being way too intrusive and overprotective. We only went to get lunch to kill some time."

The remainder of the weekend blew by like the wind and along cane the Sunday to Monday transition. I tossed and turned for hours unable to sleep and eventually gave up deciding to go for a walk. I paced down the stairs quietly to the front doors of the dorm.

As I went to reach for the handle, someone opened it from the other side. I frowned and was about to give this late night prowler a piece of my mind, however, after seeing who it was I cooled off quickly.

"(Y/n), what are you doing up so late?" The silver haired male asked.

"I could ask you the same thing Zero."

"Well I asked first."

"Fine. I still can't sleep." I poured folding my arms. "Now you."

"I couldn't sleep either."

"So you went for a walk." I concluded.

"Yeah. I suppose you intended on doing the same?" He speculated, earning a nod from me in response. We stood in silence for a moment until Zero spoke again. "Lets go back to my dorm."

"Huh?!" I panicked.

"Maybe if you talk about what's keeping you up you might feel better and actually get some sleep."

"Oh..." I said with a discrete sigh of relief. "There's nothing really to talk about. My mind just wanders to a heap of random things and won't be quiet."

"I'm not buying it." He said grasping my hand gently and walked toward his room. I followed a little reluctantly. Once we reached his door he opened it and quietly closed it after we entered. "Sit down on the bed for a minute. I'm going to change into my pyjamas." He said disappearing behind the divider.

I sat quietly and cast my eyes to a picture laying on his bed side table. It was of the three of us when we started high school. Zero and I stood next to each other quite some distance apart. Meanwhile Yuki was peeking out from behind us with a cheery face.

Thinking back to that made me realise how much work and time is put into getting close to Zero. Maybe if I had known back then what was happening to him I never would have pursued his friendship nor his love. That way I would never have to betray him and break that trust. I would never have to abandon my humanity to save him.

If I had ceased trying to achieve my goal I wouldn't be feeling guilty. Perhaps my feelings for him would not be the same as they are now. I may not have felt a need to help him or to try. I wouldn't be so conflicted and unsure of myself.

"What are you looking at?" He asked breaking me from my thoughts.

"Just this old photo." I smiled sadly, simultaneously showing him the photograph.

"Oh, that." He said as his cheeks clouded over with a red hue.

"Why are you blushing?" I asked amused.

"I'm not blushing." He lied.

"Yes you are. What is it? Just tell me." I beamed eagerly.

"Fine but don't laugh." He looked to the side in an attempt to avoid eye contact with me. "I like to look at it before I fall asleep or whenever I feel down."

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