Chapter 6

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I was doing my rounds and had finally reached the cross over point where all three of us met to report and return to our dorms for the night. As we were walking back I dawdled a little way behind Zero and Yuki. I noticed Zero glance behind at me and he slowed down to my pace. Yuki continued on getting further away by the second.

"What the hell was that earlier?" Zero asked me in a slightly disgustedmanner.

"Huh? What are you talking about?"

"Hanabusa. I thought you said you didn't think of the night class like that."

"What? Like what?" I thought hard for a minute in the silence. "You think I like him?"

"You seemed perfectly happy while he flirted with you." He stated gritting his teeth slightly.

I laughed at how childish he was acting. After recovering from my small laughing fit I spoke. "I brushed him off and sent him on his way. What's the matter Zero? Surely you're not jealous?"

"Jealous? Don't be ridiculous. You know what he is. Just be careful around that creep." As he finished speaking we heard a voice and Zero instantly drew his gun from inside his jacket.

"Is that really what you think of me Zero? How sad. And I thought we were beginning to be friends." Hanabusa came out from behind a tree.

"Friends with the likes of you? I don't think so."

Before either of them could speak again I interrupted. "You know very well that you should not be out here Aido. It's best you return to your dorm tonight before any trouble is started." I spoke sternly to the blonde boy in front of us.

"I just wanted to come and visit you (y/n) before I headed to bed. It's the only way I could cement your image in my mind so that I could dream about you." Hanabusa pleaded his innocence.

"Don't listen to him (y/n). He obviously wanted more than that." He lifted his bloody rose up and pointed it at the blonde creature before us.

I sighed. "Zero put the gun away." I rested a hand over the his own in which the gun was held. He retracted and I shrugged as I continued.  "Well while I find this all flattering and such, I'm afraid it's past your curfew and if you don't head to your dorm this moment there will be consequences. You wouldn't want to make me mad Hanabusa. I'm tired and easily irritable, who knows what could happen."

"Of course milady. Until we meet again." He reached for my hand and kissed the back of it. I raised an eyebrow and watched as he left the scene. 'Why was he out so late?' I turned around to find Zero already gone so I jogged to catch up.

"How could you let those blood thirsty lips of his come into contact with you? Who knows how many people's necks they've touched."

"Zero would you calm down. Nobody got hurt or in trouble and he did what he was told. I don't understand why you care so much. I mean you've barely given a damn about me the whole time we've known each other so I don't get it. Why care now?"

"(y/n), you know that's not true." He said quietly and in a calmer manner.

"I wouldn't know Zero. You're such a complex person to read. You're emotions are all tangled in with each other and you're always so angry and passive. You never show your true feelings to anyone. Not even Yuki." I smiled sadly up at him.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"You and I both know exactly what it means. Whether it's said or unsaid."

"I guess I am a hard person to read because you're wrong." He looked down at me with a scowl.

"In any case. Good night Zero." I shrugged and waved with my back turned as I entered the dorm.

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