Chapter 3

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I was late back to my dorm that night and a little disappointed in Zero. Even though I am a vampire it still hurt when he accused me of being one. Unlike the any other vampires I've lived like a human for so long, I behave exactly like them.

Even though I have differences like my ability to see through people and tell what they really think or how they really feel. Then there's my other pure-blood powers but nobody ever sees those anyway. Also the fact that I can smell blood from a long distance away and determine whose it is.

I can control myself when blood is nearby. I never crave it. I have never tasted a drop of blood in all my life. My fangs have never pierced any form of skin. My lips have never touched the neck of another. My eyes never glow that crimson red. The smell of blood makes me sick.

Maybe they were right... my parents. Maybe what they said was true. Maybe the vampire gene had skipped me and just left behind some aspects of it. Did I really want to be a vampire? Why was this eating me up so much? I thought I was upset about being accused of being one so why was I so cut up about not being one? I was so confused.

I hadn't seen my parents at all since that day nearly eleven years ago. I found letters in the headmasters draw from them though. In the most recent one they seemed well, they only ever wanted to know if my attitude was changing in any form. Perhaps I should visit them one day. Not anytime soon though. I wasn't ready for that sort of conflicting account.



'Have I ever given you a reason not to trust me?'

The question kept playing over and over in my head while I sat under the tree just outside of the dormitories. The breeze was calm tonight and cool. In all this peacefulness, my mind was like a machine trying to decipher some sort of code.

What did she mean by that? Was it a straightforward question or was she hinting at something else? I don't think she has ever given me a real reason for me to not trust her but still... I felt as though she was hiding something from me.

Why was it that whenever I was around her, there's this signal in my mind telling me that she's a vampire? I've never heard of something like genes changing after someones parents being transformed, while the child is already alive.

But if she was a vampire, all those times she's helped myself or Yuki with injuries that were bleeding, wouldn't there have been some indication of her being one? I haven't ever seen a vampire control themselves or keep themselves composed like that. Maybe she has been telling the truth about everything from the start.

It made me feel really bad when she asked me that. I've given it a long hard thought. Realistically and practically she hasn't ever done anything to me or anyone for that matter, for me to not trust her. She's an incredibly reliable person. She's genuine and she's always smiling. She never lies either, she just speaks the truth whether or not it may insult someone. She's physically strong, she can protect herself well.

She's very caring, and kind too. As it is Yuki doesn't really 'hang out' with me, I just go with her or go off on my own. Either way (y/n) always finds me and stays with me, she's told me she doesn't like me being alone. Other than the fact that her parents were turned and she was adopted by the headmaster, I really don't know all that much about her.

In those ways, Yuki and (y/n) are the same. But I still can't put all of my trust in her. Because she has the atmosphere of a vampire, and Yuki doesn't. When it came down to it, I feel I could only trust Yuki, not (y/n).



I fell asleep too late and woke up way too early the next day and after having so many nights of barely any sleep, I was exhausted. I stood before the mirror. Dark bags hung below my eyes, they weren't this bad before. I wasn't sure why I hadn't been sleeping well for the past month, but whatever the reason, I wish it would pass.

After washing up and getting dressed I made my way down to the kitchen and walked in.

"Good morning (y/n), you're up rather early... again." Father greeted me. "I hope you like what I am cooking for breakfast."

I sat down at the table without saying anything, partially because I didn't have enough energy to say anything.

"Is something the matter?" He looked over to me, an expression of concern filled his face. I simply nodded honestly. "Oh dear, if you want to talk about it my ears are open." Again I nodded, gratefully.

"Do we have any cucumber?" I asked in a kind of raspy voice. It was always like this in the morning when I didn't have enough sleep.

"Cucumber? Why yes it's in the fridge. What do you want it for?"

"Put on my eyes, might help rid the black rings a bit." I spoke abbreviating my sentence. "Don't want nobody thinking I haven't slept." I cut two slices from the vegetable and wrapped it up to preserve it, placing it back in the fridge. I took the two slices and sat back at the table, lounging in my seat throwing my head back so the cucumber could sit on my closed eyelids.

Some time went past before Zero woke up and entered the room.

"Good morning Zero, breakfast will be ready soon." I heard him sit in the seat beside me. I could feel him staring at me.

"What?" I asked somewhat annoyed.

"What's with the cucumber?" He spoke unfazed.

I sat up quickly launching the vegetable slices of of my face, landing on the table in front of me. I turned my head and glared at him with bloodshot, dark, sagging eyes, one twitching slightly. His reaction was enough for me to know I looked pretty bad. I snatched the green ovals from the circular table before me and placed them back on my eyes as I continued to recline in the chair.

I was still extremely mad at him about what happened the night before. He had the audacity to say something like that to me even though he knew how upset it would make me, THEN sit next to me at the table and speak to me like nothing happened. Maybe I was overreacting but so what. If it were Yuki in my position she'd be even worse.

I heard Yuki walk in and father greeted her too, she sat on the other side of Zero. I could sense her staring at me like Zero did beforehand. "Don't even go there." I said in a monotone voice. I sighed and a few minutes later father served breakfast. He sat on the other side of me and we ate together quietly.

There was a clear sign of conflict upon the table. The air was tense and I think they were all just keen to get out. I took my time eating. Not only did I want to savour the delicious meal but I wasn't in too much of a hurry to get to school. The other two left quickly after finishing breakfast.

"Mind telling me what that was about (y/n)?"

"Zero accused me of being a vampire yet again last night. He knows how much it upsets me and even though..." I cut myself off, not finishing the sentence remembering where I was, paranoid of being overheard."It still hurts. And when he says it, it's like he intends for it to harm me. It's been four years and yet I am still incapable of convincing him. Four years. I thought that we had grown closer quite a bit but judging how he still thinks of me as one of those things, I retract my hopeful speculation."

"Yes, I understand how hard it must be for you (y/n), but don't give up. I'm sure he'll come around eventually. He's just a very stubborn and close minded boy. After what he's experienced I guess he can't be expected to be convinced so easily. Although, I had hoped we were past this too and that he had moved on already. I suppose it'll just take some perseverance."

"Yeah, I know. I'm sorry for making everything so sour this morning papa. I better get to class."

"Alright have a good day." He waved to me in that sweet fatherly way I was so used to. It always made me smile.


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