Chapter 8

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I had (y/n) cornered and tried to pry the information from her. I even admitted my feelings in an attempt to get the truth out. If Zero hadn't come along and ruined everything I may well have kissed her too. That Zero. He made me so mad.

He had the audacity to stand up to us vampires as well as Lord Kaname. Not to mention he ruins every moment I have with (y/n). Tonight wasn't a worthless attempt though. She did in a way admit to having he blood harvested by another, but I still don't know who did it. And I was so close to her, I felt some satisfaction.

She didn't seemed too threatened by me either, she even made a couple of jokes. She didn't even flinch when I touched her or when I towered over her. She looked so sweet and innocent standing against that tree too. I almost forgot she was a vampire.

However, when she stood up to me, I found her rather intimidating. I wonder if she felt that way when I stood over her. If she did she was good at hiding it. Stupid Zero, a few more moments and I would have taken my chance to advance.

Wait... Zero... No he couldn't be could he? Her face when she saw him and last night when she touched his hand. Then there was yesterday when he was glaring at me while I was talking to her. And after I left I could hear him questioning her. I wonder if he likes her the way that I like her, or are they that close because they've grown up together?

And if she was bitten by someone and unwilling to share their name they must have been close to her. But there's no way Zero could be a vampire is there? He's in the day class after all and the offspring of two vampire hunters.



Flash back:

Zero and Yuki already had their guardian weapons but I didn't. Mostly because I was slightly reluctant to have something in my possession that could possibly harm me or others like myself. However after some encouragement and persuasion my father won me over.

He told me the things I was allowed to choose from. I was aware of his past life and looked at him as inspiration for it. He took me shopping a little while after it and I picked out a sword that would need to be specially made. When my father ordered it from the merchant I intercepted him quickly ordering two instead of one.

He was a little surprised at me but went with it. From that day I trained hard whenever I had the chance.


The next day my father called me up to his office. I still hadn't received that special order so I was hoping this would be the day I got the two blades. I walked into the headmasters room and he smiled at me.

"(Y/n). There's a present for you by the door there." He gestured to a log object wrapped in cloth.

I unwrapped it to find the swords I had ordered. They were both silver with black thick velvet like material grips. Each had a betailed design on the end of the handle and the cross guard had a small ying and yang symbol encrusted.

 Each had a betailed design on the end of the handle and the cross guard had a small ying and yang symbol encrusted

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