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"What are we to do (f/n)?" A woman weeps next to her husband quietly in an attempt to not disturb their child in the other room.

"If she won't drink it she can't stay here, she will bring shame to our name. She will grow up and snap out of this nonsense or she will go." The strict man beside her speaks forcefully yet comforts the saddened woman beside him.

"But she is our only child, and if we abandoned her, what would we say to all those who know of her existence?"

"That she is sick and must recuperate in a place far from here to receive the correct treatment."

"But where would we take her (f/n)? Who would be so willing to take in our child and care for her for so long? She will not grow out of this quickly, she may never grow out of this at all."

"Don't worry (m/n). I know of the perfect person to house our daughter. Have you heard that the retired vampire hunter Kaien Cross plans on opening a school where vampires and humans can coexist one day? If what you say, that she will never grow out of this, is true, then being the dependant of this man could be beneficial to her." His tone had changed dramatically suggesting the disgraced man from before had some form of sympathy within himself.

"Yes, I heard he is rather accepting of all beings nowadays. He has become quite docile. At least she could go to school and learn while there. Maybe he could teach her something that will allow her to see sense."

"Then it's decided. If she does not drink a drop of blood within the next month, we will take her to Cross."

"Would we ever see her again if we did?"

"No. We will keep in contact with Cross to see how she is doing, but it may interfere with the process if we visit her."

The woman cried harder. Their troubled child listening to the exchanging of words quietly from the room next door. How could a young girl like herself perform such a monstrous action like drinking the blood of another being? She decided that if her own parents were willing to get rid of her then there was no point in being a vampire at all.

She would never bare her fangs or sink them into one's skin ever. She would refuse to drink the fluid coursing through anyone's body that was there to keep them alive. It was not a liquid to satisfy thirst or to treat oneself to. It was disgusting.


"(y/n) it has been a whole month and you have not drunk one drop of blood. We're beginning to wonder if you are even a vampire." The father spoke to the young child angrily. "You knew what the deal was (y/n). You knew what would happen if you didn't do it."

"(y/n), sweetheart, we're sorry, but, you're going to have to go and live with Kaien Cross until you see sense. When you decide to be a proper vampire then you can come home." The mother weeped uncontrollably as the child sat looking down at the ground.

She was disappointed in herself. She didn't think they would actually abandon her like they said they were going to. But still, her mind was strong and she would not cave into her parents pressure. She would go and live with this 'Cross'. Perhaps it would be better for everyone this way.

"We're going to go and pack your things right now (y/n), you'll be leaving right away."

The child continued to look at the floor while her parents left her sitting on the luxurious sofa.

A few minutes passed and they carted all of the luggage outside and dumped it into the old car boot. The parents said goodbye to the girl at the foot of the mansion and the chauffeur took her to live with Kaien Cross, the ex-vampire hunter.

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