Chapter 13

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I happened to completely forget the tablets my father gave me. That short conversation was nearly two weeks ago now. Zero hadn't bothered to ask about the locket again which I was thankful for.

Tomorrow we would be doing a dorm inspection. Nobody knew besides the disciplinary committee and the headmaster.

I was sitting on my bed after dinner and looked at the little bottle of pills in my hand. I read the instructions.

"Take ONE after eating each night. Hm. Pretty straightforward." I shrugged and opened the bottle taking one of the small yellow coloured tablets from it. "This, is it?" I raised an eyebrow at the tiny medicinal help.

My father had reminded me of them earlier, he had done so many other nights but I just kept forgetting which I regretted as I have had near no sleep for almost two weeks.

I wet my mouth with some water from the glass and then swallowed the tablet with another mouthful - not that it was really needed. I set the glass on my nightstand and laid down getting comfortable. For once I fell asleep rather quickly.



The headmaster called all three of us down early in the morning. It was a Sunday which meant no school so why the hell did he wake us up so early?

Yuki and I sat at the table and the headmaster had served breakfast to us.

"Where's (y/n)? Has she not come down yet?" He spoke concerned for his adopted daughter. "Oh well... Eat up and hurry so you can get cracking on the inspection."

'That's right. I forgot we were doing a dormitory inspection today.' I groaned.

We finished eating and (y/n) still hadn't turned up. "Yuki, you can go and get the trolley from the basement, Zero I want you to go and get (y/n). I wish I knew what's gotten into that girl. She's been acting a bit off lately."

He was right. She'd been very irritable, she'd been slacking off and not paying attention in classes. When she was talking it was often sharply and uninterested. She hadn't said anything nice at all recently, it was either an insult or silence. I didn't know if it was due to her sleeping problem or if there was something else going on, but it wasn't her and strangely I missed her.

"Why do I have to get her?" I asked confused.

"Because you can handle the negative things coming out of her mouth. I don't want someone like Yuki subjected to that. You know how close they are Zero. I'd hate for anything to jeopardise their relationship."

I huffed in agreement and marched up to (y/n)'s dorm room. I never understood why she was in such an isolated part of the building.

I knocked on the door. There was no response. I knocked again and called her name. I opened the door and looked in. She was laying in bed still asleep facing the other wall, her back to the door.

"(Y/n), look you have to get up and help us with the dorm inspection." There was still no noise or movement from the girl. I walked over.

She was laying on her side in a normal position with the blanket draped over her shoulders roughly. Her eyes were closed and her lips were parted slightly. Her cheeks were flushed a deep red in comparison to her oddly pale complexion.

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