Chapter 2

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'I knew that (y/n) thought dearly of both myself and Yuki not to mention that foolish headmaster of ours, but I don't understand why she's always so nice to me. Not even Yuki is as kind to me as she.

I mean hell, last night she risked her own safety to help me, an evolving vampire. I don't know what I would have done if I had hurt her in any way. What if it were Yuki in her position, I'd never forgive myself.

This being that I'm becoming, it's repulsive. I never want Yuki to find out about this. I don't want her to get hurt.

But (y/n) seems so intent on trying to help me yet we both know that I'm already a lost cause. I'll eventually fall to a Level E and I won't know what I am doing. I'll have no control over myself.

I have to stop her from trying to help me, even if she ends up hating me. Yuki too. I can't let them be so close to me while this is happening.'



"Classes are finally over, time to get to work, right Yuki?"


"I'm gonna hurry, I wanted to get to the gates before the others today. I thought if we're there early it might make our duties a little easier. Know what I mean?" I spoke with a tone of annoyance in my voice.

"Yeah. That way we wouldn't have to push through the crowd already there to get to the front."

"Exactly. You coming too or not?"

"You go on ahead, I'll catch up."

"Okay, I'll see you out there Yuki." I smiled and ran off.

Unlike all of the others I didn't share a room. Papa had purposely given me a room for myself in an isolated part of the building. I made my way up there to put away my books and to grab my guardian armband.

I rushed back out of the dorm and stood in front of the moon dorm's gate. For once I'd made it here before any other students.

I heard a stick crack and spun around to look in the direction of the noise.

"You're early for once." I smirked at the silver haired boy.

"Guess so."

"Zero what's wrong? You seem anxious and confused not to mention more irritable than normal." Although I swore I would never become a vampire, I still used my powers every now and then - consciously or not.

"Why are you so good at reading people?" He muttered to himself.

"I'm not going to force it out of you but if you need to talk to someone my ears are always open okay."

"Sure... Look, they've all started to arrive. This is so tedious."

"I agree."

"I don't understand why they're so obsessed with those vampires." Was Zero pouting or was he just disgusted?

"Well for starters they don't know about vampires and another point is that they're all very good looking."

"Oh no, not you too." He rolled his eyes.

"No, no. I simply admitted that they are good looking. I didn't say I find them attractive or that I like any of them. They are two different concepts Zero." I smiled and held up to fingers. "Attractive isn't just based on looks but on attitudes and other aspects and everyone has their own personal attractions. For example; one may enjoy the scent of roses and therefore be attracted by one who wears the scent, yet they could look like a complete mushroom."

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