Chapter 23

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It was late and everyone had gone to sleep. I snuck into my father's office and opened the bottom draw of his desk with a key that was clumsily left on the surface. I picked up the stack of letters that were kept together with an elastic band and pulled out the from the top.

I quickly skimmed over the contents and rolled my eyes. I checked the date on it to see it had been sent last month. 'So they should send another one soon...' I proceeded to check the date on another four letters to see that they were each written the same day.

'I suppose this date marks the last time they saw me. It'll be the 26th in another two weeks... I'll have to come back the day after or something so I can get the address and write my own letter. I don't know if I should tell my father... I don't want him to think I want to leave or that I have changed because I haven't and I won't. It's by Kaname's will that I am going in the first place. I'll just tell him he's asked me to run an errand personally, he'll understand that way I think.'

I stashed the letters away neatly and placed them back in the draw, locking it. I left the room and returned to my dorm to begin composing my letter.


Zero returned to his dorm the next day which I was thankful for and I decided to tell my father what I had thought up last night.

I knocked on his office door and walked in, ensuring it was fully closed when I turned my back.

"Hello my dear." He beamed happily then changing his expression after seeing my own. "What's wrong?" He asked.

"Well last night Kaname sent for me. He requested I run an errand for him in a couple of weeks."

"Why you though (y/n)?" He asked.

"I'm not quite sure myself he just said it was necessary if things were to correctly fall into place."

"I see. Well there's nothing we can do against it."

"Just one thing. If Zero or Yuki ask where I am when I do go, can you tell them that I'm running errands for you instead?"

"Yes of course."

"Thanks. I better get back to my duties then. The gates will open shortly." He nodded and I left.

Yuki was struggling to hold back the girls while I was struggling to get through them.

"Quit shoving."

"Hey I was here first."

"Out of the way disciplinary committee!"

I sighed in defeat when they stopped bumbling and moving. I tried to get a look at what was happening at the front. I couldn't see over any of the girls so I resorted to bouncing up to try and see. Kind of like a dog in a field of tall grass. I kept hopping every now and then as I pushed through the crowd.

I got to the front and breathed a sigh of relief and noticed the reason why they'd stopped. "Zero you're back!" I smiled happily.

"Yeah." He said quietly. I looked and realised I'd interrupted him and Yuki. The night class had barely emerged from their section of the academy and the day class students were still bunched up in the way.

I turned around to the group of girls. "Okay then. Everybody, listen up! It's way past curfew now get your butts back to your dorms or else you'll be receiving detentions from now on! The disciplinary committee is seriously cracking down on this behaviour!" I warned in an attempt to lighten the situations mood and be effective in my duties.

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