Chapter 4

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I sat through my classes for the day and ignored Zero to let him know just how mad I was at him. After they finished I sat alone on a little hill under a tree and stared up into the sky. It was such a nice day. The sun was warm and soothing. I unintentionally fell asleep laying on my back in the calmness of the environment. When I woke up it was to the silver haired boy himself and it was well and truly dark.

"What are you doing? Where were you?" He was pushing my body roughly with his foot.

I sat up dazed, I couldn't see very well in the limited light given off by the moon. "Huh?" I frowned realising Zero was in front of me.

"Why didn't you turn up for your duties earlier?" He spoke crossly.

"It's pretty obvious isn't it? I was here asleep. Why do you ask such dumb questions all the time?" I stood up brushing myself off and began to walk away.

"Why do you do dumb things all the time?"

"Hm, and exactly what would they be?" I stopped and rotated back 180, crossing my arms. I had him cornered, he couldn't answer.

"Like sleeping on the job." Such a predictable answer. Although for anyone else, this may have been a sarcastic joke, but for Zero he actually meant it.

"Pfsht. Like you've never done that before."

As I began to walk away I heard grunting and whimpers of pain. I looked back to see Zero having one of his transition episodes. As mad as I was, I still went over to help him. I sighed and lifted him up while he tried rejecting.

"No. Leave me alone." He coughed out.

"No. Leave me alone." I imitated him. "Shut up and stand up you damn idiot."

"No!" He threw himself off me and slammed himself against the trunk of the tree.

"Fine, I'll sit here with you then." I sat in front of him and watched as he struggled to control himself. After a long battle with himself he finally calmed down. "Zero, how long has this been happening?"

"What do you care?" He snarled.

"Because I think of you as my friend Zero. I want to help you even if you tell me to get lost so many times you end up hating me even more than you already do."

"I don't hate you."

"Sure you don't. Anyway, now that you're okay I guess i'll be going." I went to stand but he grabbed my wrist and stared at me as he spoke.

"For someone who's supposed to be so good at seeing through people, you aren't as great as they claim. If you can't see past the fact that I don't hate you then-"

I sighed. "Then what Zero? It always seemed clear to me that was your initial feeling whenever you saw me. If you won't talk about things with me because you don't trust me because I'm how you say a vampire, then I won't trust you either for that same reason. Seem fair?"

"I am not a vampire." He defended himself sternly.

"Right and I'm not (y/n) (l/n)." I paused for a second as I stood and looked down on him. "Not nice, is it? Accusing someone of being something they aren't - or something they never wanted to be." I mumbled the last part to myself.

As if he realised what he had been saying to me the whole time he remained silent with a pained look on his face. But it could have just been the sort of expression you make after going through something traumatic like what he just did. I walked away completely this time, unstopped.


I tried to sleep but again there was no luck. My instincts told me that something was coming. I didn't know what or when but it mustn't be that far off if I'm feeling like this. I tossed and turned constantly, thinking about what it could possibly be coming for all of us, about Zero and his hatred towards me, about the pain Zero must be going through right now. And to think it was another like myself who forced this fate onto him.

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