10 | WHITE

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I was cold. Which was very strange from how I usually felt because I was a really warm person. Born with a fever, my mom told me. Eddie loved my warm hands, which was a plus because I adored his cold ones. 

But this was a different kind of chill. It was bitter and uninviting. I minutes, the hot bath that Eddie had run for me had turned cold. I sat there, hours till the end, staring at my reflection in the rippling water. Because it wasn't mine. 

My face was sheathed with a mask of white, cold black triangular shapes that stretched past my temples and dissolved into my hairline. My teeth pierced out of my pink fleshed mouth, a prehensile tongue lolling out like a snake's. The thing that looked back at me was surreal, a monster that ate trash out of a dumpster truck. 

This is the new you, Laura. The new us.

'It's hideous.'

You continue to offend our cover. But, I like you too much to hurt you.

'That's the last thing I need. Feel free to change your host.'

We've accomplished symbiosis. Why would I?

'Because I hate you.'

Like that's going to change anything about how I feel about you.

For an alien thing, it definitely had a mouth. A sharp pain shot up my head, Sin whining at the fresh bruise that bloomed at Eddie's impact, yet to finish healing.

Our male is outside the door.

I stuck my head higher to see the shadow that surfaced between the crack. A small smile lit my face at his adorable actions.

'Can you sense what he's feeling?'

He's lonely. He yearns for lost his symbiote and feels disconnected from us.

Oh, Eddie. And, all I ever cared about for the last two days was myself. Eddie lost Venom and he's probably experiencing pain worse than myself. He had willingly given me space than to urge me with questions. I didn't deserve Eddie Brock.

'Me. Not you.'

Us. Always us.

I let out a sigh of defeat and stepped out of the tub. Pulling the stopper, I let the water drain out and wrapped my warm towel around my body. I let the door creak open to signify my arrival and shut it behind me. We were at my apartment, mostly because May was out for the night and we had the place all to ourselves.

Eddie had taken a certain liking to my room. When I'd asked him he had laughed and told me how the place resembled a microcosm of color and that it looked like it belonged to a disciplined child. 

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