28) It ends here

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3rd POV

''This is gonna be harder than expected.'' Admitted Nightwing out loud and look at the view over the prison. The prisoner where free and are destroying everything, even fighting each other for fun. They seems to held a party or celebrating something. Clearly their freedom and that the princess of Galexmentia is soon going to be killed. And talking about the sun, can the team spot (Y/N) sitting in a dangling case, over the partying criminals. They through some rock at her or calling her some names. (Y/N) looks like she is about to cry, but she won't cause that is what she learned from living on Earth.

''Soon my criminal friends, are we soon rich and free to do what ever we want.'' Cheng Feng comes out of hiding and have the biggest smirked he can ever make, as he felt the victory of finally coming so far with his plan, that noting can stop him now. ''When the sun hit the horizon and the sky turn to fire. Will my sword light up in flames, and that is how I end the life of the reason you all are here for.'' The criminal cheered and lift up their fits or tentacle, whatever the creature are.

''(Y/N) can impossible be the reason behind all these criminals being here, right?'' Ask Miss Martian.

''I don't know, but we won't let it happen.'' Says Nightwing and make the first move. 

''Oh, no. The Earth heroes has come to help. Criminals. They are what is left to accomplish our goal. Don't let them reach the princess.'' Order Cheng Feng loud and clear. (Y/N) look at her friends with hope and worry in her eyes. Her hands are bounded with the strongest magical blocking chains, so she can't use her powers to help them. All (Y/N) can do is sit in her cage and wish for them to defeat Cheng Feng in time.

''There is a lot of criminals here.'' Says Blue Beetle and use his sonic blaster to blast some of the criminals back. Some hit the wall and fall unconscious, but more are coming.

''But not something we can handle, Blue.'' Says Impulse as he run, punch and kick some criminals. He accidentally hit an purple blob alien, that wrap it's tentacle around Impulse body so he won't speed away.

''I got you.'' Batgirl send some batarang at the tentacle that exploded.

''Thanks, Batgirl.'' Impulse multi punched the alien until it fall. As the fight continue, watched Cheng Feng from the wall near the control the device that can move (Y/N)'s cage.

''They are good, but they are to late.'' Cheng Feng push a bottom and move (Y/N)'s cage towards him. (Y/N) can't do anything to stop, she just really hope the others would make it in time to help her. Cheng Feng smirked at the scared princess as he open the cage and take her harshly at her left arm. ''Hello, heroes of Earth.'' The fight froze as everyone wanna see what Cheng Feng is about to do.

''Let her go.'' Shouts Nightwing. Cheng Feng chuckle and place his sword at the neck of (Y/N)

''Or what? You are to late, heroes. The suns light energy has filled up my sword, and now is it time to take revenge for all the criminals. She is the reason everyone here is in prison.'' (Y/N) looked confused at him.

''I didn't do anything. I was jailed in my own home as long as I could remember.'' Complained (Y/N) to her capture. Cheng Feng pull the sword closer, making (Y/N) shut up.

''You are the reason even if you didn't do anything. Your father start being strict and cruel to everyone that is not obeying the rules. Even breaking a window would send them to prison. The time they found out about your crystal powers, was the day we criminals couldn't have a normal day anymore. And now, do I take revenge.'' Explain Cheng Feng. The sword lit up in flames, so close to touch (Y/N)'s neck.

''No.'' Shouts all the Earth heroes as they watch Cheng Feng slide the sword at her neck, burning her skin and blood. An insted dead. (Y/N)'s lifeless body fall to the ground with a thud. Cheng Feng and all the criminals cheered and celebrate while the heroes can't believe their own eyes. They failed to protect the princess, they failed their mission, they failed to help their friend.

''A new era can begin, with me as the king of Galexmentia and the hole galaxy.'' The victory was short for the traitor of Galexmentia. Someone poke Cheng Feng shoulder and all the criminals where silent. Cheng Feng look behind him and see (Y/N) still standing and alive. (Y/N) smirked and use her bounded wrists to punch Cheng Feng in the face and make him fall down the wall and to the ground.

''You may have blocked my powers to come out, but that doesn't mean it can't work on the inside.'' Says (Y/N) and lifted her head to show her neck. What should have been blood, is now crystal on the inside. Like peeling an onion for it skin, but there is an extra lair. 

''H-How?'' Mumble Cheng Feng as he watched the supposed dead princess, standing like nothing had happen to her.

''First, I took drama lesson on Earth. Second, is every crystal in my command and you won't need this.'' (Y/N) lift her right hand and the sword lift up to. It fly over to (Y/N)'s hand. ''I may have been the reason why you all are here, but I promise that I will talk to my father and ask him to reconsider his strict rules. And maybe also give some of you criminals a teacher, so you can learn how to have a normal and perfect life without being a criminal. I know it's gonna take some time, so please trust me and in my royal powers that I will try to help you.'' At first was their silents in the hole prison, but one by one knelled a criminal down for the princess. It quickly turned out to be everyone, even the heroes, that knelled down for the next ruler of the galaxy. 

''You got to be kidding me. You will give up freedom just like that? She is the reason we all are here.'' Shouts Cheng Feng.

''Yes, but she is a princess that is kind heart and she is so young. She deserve to live.'' Says a random criminal.

''If you are against her, then you are against us.'' Says another one. Cheng Feng don't like where this is going.

*Time skip*

''Everyone is turned to crystal. My poor people.'' Says (Y/N). The criminals at the prison said they gonna take care of Cheng Feng, so the heroes return back to the kingdom, trying to free everyone from their crystal prison. 

''Jade said you can fix it.'' Says Aqualad. 

''He is right, but there are so many. I am not sure if I can do this.'' Says (Y/N) honestly. 

''We know you can do it.'' Says Nightwing and place a hand on her shoulder. Before she could say anything, shouts Bumblebee of joy.

''Hey guys, look what we befriended.'' Shouts Guardian from a flying eagle/lion.

''Wow, it's a griffon.'' Cheered Beast Boy.

''While you all where gone, came this big boy back to the castle and actually was it sad that it was being used and being taken good care off. We became good friends in seconds.'' Says Bumblebee and snuggle to it's head. Jade jump down and beside his princess.

''Just relax and release.'' Whispered Jade. (Y/N) nodded and lift both of her arms. An aura came from her body and move out to reach every crystal in the kingdom. It crack and let go of the innocent, flying up into the sky and glitter like stars in the night (Like Frozen). Soon it mass together into one piece of crystal, but then exploded like fireworks with sparks falling down like snowflakes.

''I have a lot to learn, and I don't mean my powers.'' Joked (Y/N) and look at her Earth friends. ''And I also promised a tour to my Earth friends if they ever visit Galexmentia.'' From that day on, has everything turned back to normal. (Y/N) kept her promised and give some help to the criminals, and after one year did she get crowned and she personally invited all the heroes from Earth to her coronation, even if they all whore their hero suits. But who knows, maybe there would come more adventure in the furture. 

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