1) Instruction

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3rd POV

After Amazo mission and Artemiss joining, hasn't there been anything to do for the young heroes. Most of the heroes are relaxing or having a sparing. All but one, Robin. Batman said he got something important he needed to do and told Robin that he come later with something to the team. A specielt mission just for the team.

''Dude. Batman will come at some point, so chill.'' Says his best friend, Kid Flash. 

''I know, but if this was important, then what ever he come with is important.'' Says Robin back and take another look at the zeta-tubes, waiting for his mentor. And as a called, come not only Batman, but almost all of the Justice League. Flash, Martian Manhunter, Black Cannery, Superman, Aquaman, Wonder Woman and Green Arrow. The Young Justice team come into the entrance room and see there mentor.

''Team. The League have been on a mission many months ago.'' Starts Batman and set up the computer to show the team. ''There was a weird energy source and it was a big crystal in a forest in Denmark. Inside the crystal was a child trapped inside, and the girls position showed that she was falling from something.'' The screen showed a white crystal with a silhouette of a girl inside.

''It took a long time to find a way to get the girl out of her prison.'' Says Manhunter.

''And it looks like she don't remember where she comes from, so until then will she stay here.'' Says Superman and step aside. The girl from the picture stands behind Superman, wearing a white summerdress with a neck string and purple butterfly's at the left bottom of the dress. (H/C) knee long hair with a special crystal forehead tiara. The more to the middle, the bigger the crystal diamond shards is. The tiara is a chain, so in the bag of her head is there a five shards doing a halv circle. A blue crystal star surrounded by a golden circle medaljon as a hip bag to the right. 

''But there is one thing she remember, and that is her name

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''But there is one thing she remember, and that is her name. Meet (Y/N) (L/N).'' Says Wonder Woman and place a hand on (Y/N) shoulder. ''She is only six years old and act like one, so be sure to act nice to her.'' The Young Justice nodded. Batman turned to the little girl.

''We come and visit, but for now is there this team, Red Tornado and Black Cannery. Sometime would I be here, understood?'' (Y/N) nodded to Batman. The Justice League member start walking towards the zeta-tubes, leaving the young girl to the proteges. 

''Well, welcome to mount justice. My name is M'gann, but call me Megan. That is Superboy, Kaldur, Wally, Robin and Artemiss. Do you wanna some cookies?'' Ask Miss Martian.

''Nice to meet you and that sounds great.'' Says an angel voice from (Y/N). It is kind of shocking the team. 

''Well while we wait for the cookies, then let's give you a tour around the base.'' Says Robin. 

''That would sounds nice. Batman told me I will be staying here, but sometime coming with him to batcave for some extra training or updates.'' (Y/N) loyalty said. Robin smirked and pattered (Y/N)'s shoulder.

''Then we are going to spend a lot of time together.'' He said. Kid Flash chuckle at the image he is seeing.

''Maybe you two could be brother and sister.'' Mocked Kid Flash. Robin and (Y/N) is blushing a little, but Robin think that is a good idea.

''Well why can't we. I always wanted a sister and we are going to see each other a lot.'' Robin retarded back to his best friend. Kaldur walk over to (Y/N).

''Let's start the tour, while those two are auguring.'' He use a little humor in his voice. (Y/N) giggle and nodded at the same time. 

*Time skip*

So far is everything going good for the team. (Y/N) have already feel welcome and are having a good time with the team. She like it being here and, maybe, hoping she will get help to return her memories. Right now are (Y/N) in the training room, practice her magic, that she also could remember like her name. But for some weird reason, couldn't she use it. Something is missing for her to use it.

''Are you sure you can use magic?'' Ask Megan and watch the six year old, with the rest of the team.

''I am sure. I remember making crystals out of the air and another set cloths. There must be something I am missing.'' (Y/N) mumbled to herself. Kid Flash speed next to her and point at the medaljon.

''What about that star thing? There is something off about it.'' That takes Robin's attention. 

''You are right. Maybe that has something to do with your powers. Like for example Green Lantern. Their rings have their powers, so maybe that is the same as yours.'' Explained Robin and activate his hologram computer, showing the Green Lanterns and the rings.

''I guess you are right.'' (Y/N) take the medaljon and touch the star gem. She accidentally push the middle and make the star glow. It open, letting a small glowing ball flying out. The ball fly around (Y/N) small body and hit her hearth at last. Her body starts glowing and her cloths start changing. Her hair change to blue and a little longer. Also are some wings like growing out of her back.

 Also are some wings like growing out of her back

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''Woah. You look beautiful.'' Admire Megan and float over to the girl, who is wondering her new outfit.

''It is the dress I remember.'' Cheered (Y/N) and jump around. Each time she land on the floor, come crystal growing out.

''Woah, woah (Y/N). Stop jumping and take a look at what you are doing.'' Says Kaldur and make her stands still. (Y/N) looks at the floor and see the crystal that have stopped growing, and shines bright in a white crystal with a hint of different colors. After looking at the floor, does she turn her attention to the wings on the back. She lifts them up and down, and continue for a while.

''It seems like you have a talent. You don't have a problem in moving those.'' Says Artemiss. (Y/N) jump high up in the air and flap her wings. She flys.

''Unbelievable. It looks like you can fly, and maybe more.'' Continue Robin. Writing it all down on his arm hologram computer. Batman have ordered Robin to take notes on how things are going. ''But it is time for me to get back to Gotham, so (Y/N) need to come with.'' (Y/N) flew down and take Robins left hand. 

''What about a superhero name to (Y/N)?'' Ask Wally.

''I like the name Juvel. It match to the crystals, right?'' Ask innocent (Y/N), tipping her head to the right. It make the rest of the team think she is adorable.

''Juvel it is. And instead of calling you b-07, then your number is just 00. Easy to remember right?'' Said Kaldur and inter it to the super computer. (Y/N) nodded and giggle for having a superhero name. She takes the medaljon and push the gem one more time, because maybe it would return her original outfit again. And as thought, it returned. The glowing ball flew out of her heart, witch make the crystal dress disappeared and return to the white dress.

''Alright. Come (Y/N), let's get home.'' Smile Robin and guide her to the zeta-tubes and to the batcave. Batman already waiting there. (Y/N) got to bed, while Batman and Robin are talking together about what have happen today.

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