13) Fighting a friend

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That feeling of something bad is gonna happen, isn't gone yet. It has grown bigger. I have told the League and the team, but they just say it's like that when you are a superhero. About my nightmare, they are still there, but Jade has used an old technic to make me sleep better. He have showned it to Dick, and he is also using it to me. It's a medicin. Easy to create and it works, but taste awful that you wanna barf.

''Jewel, head outside of the mountain. Meet us in the air.'' Shouts Aqualad through the com link. What's going on.

''Understood, but explain to me when we meet.'' I said back and use the back entrance. Jade is with the team, so he should be with them. After training with Jade, has I been able to use my crystal wings without putting on my cloths. Cool, right.

''(Y/N), thank goodness you haven't been infected.'' Says Wally.

''What are you talking about? And where is Jade?'' The team who can't fly is on Sphere. A robot that Conner rescued at Bialiya, if I remember correctly. 

''Jade has been infected with these chips. Witch is also what was in that case when we defeated the villains yesterday.'' Explain Robin.

''And what does this chip do and how do I get my bodyguard and best friend back?'' I asked again. That feeling of me being the reason for this, like that criminal back home said, give me a chill down my spine.

''He is under someones control and he won't listen to you. I will try to make a virus to cure them, so don't worry.'' Says Robin with his signature smile.

''And that biochip has been used on the League. Red here and Black Canery is back to normal, but we just need to find a way to get the others.'' Says Wally. I nodded and look at the ground below me. Maybe they should know the secret about Jade.

''The League isn't actually the problem. Jade is. He is the top guard in Galexmentia. Nothing can beat him, and as long he has his spear, can nothing even get close to him. That spear of his has ten commands, ten ability. Explosion, tornado, you name it.'' At first, was I actually scared of Jade when dad proclaim him to be my personal bodyguard. But over the years, has he shown a kind and loyal side to me, witch gave me enough braveness to be with him.

''The strongest guard, to the precious princess.'' Mumble Zatanna.

''How do we stop him?'' Ask Red Tornado, witch I just notice is lokking like a human now. What have I missid.

''Let me handle him. His loyalty to my kingdom is stronger than any mind-controlling devise.'' The five of them look at me shocked. They probable think that I am crazy.

''Are you crazy. You just said that Jade is impossible, then how can you beat him?'' Panic Robin. Wally think for a second and get it.

''Because, she is the princess. His charge, and if we maybe make an act that she is hurt, then maybe he get's back to normal.'' Not bad Wally, nat bad.

''That maybe work, but that is only enough to make his head start thinking over what is happening, and that will give me enough time to talk to him.'' I added to that small plan.

*Time skip*

So Black Canery, Red Tornado and Red Arrow are going through the head entrance, while we other in the back and cure some of the hero's we meet on the way. First Elasticman, then Hawkman, The Atom, Captain Adam, Icon, Captain Marvel and Dr. Fate. Before we could continue, come there a wave of water at us.

''It's Jade.'' Says Artemis though the mind link.

''Do as planed.'' Order Aqualad.

''Jade. (Y/N), your princess, has been hurt badly.'' Shouts Miss Martian. Superboy step aside and show me who is being held by Kid Flash's arms. Zatanna has used a spell to make it looks like I am injured and in pain. Jade's eyes seems to get some emotion. Now is the time. Kid Flash set me down and I run at my friend. Before Jade could attack me, have I grabbed the spear. He is strong, but I can do it.

''Jade. I am your princess, your charge, the next heir to the crown is demanding you to stand down. My dad, your king, wouldn't like to see his oldest friend and the best guard in Galexmentia, to be in this kind of control.'' Jade just get angrier and use one of the commands. Lighting, witch will also give him speed. He try to shock me, but I loose my grip on the spear and make a shield. ''Who has thought me that I have my own life and choice, and that no one has the right to control my life. That's you Jade. How can I know for sure you are right, if you won't do it yourself.'' I shout the last part and change the shield into a beam of crystal, witch hit Jade right on. His spear land some feet's away. I won't let him get it, so I make some claws and keep him down. Robin run over to Jade and place the cure chip on his neck, witch is making go to sleep.

''Good work.'' Praised Aqualad. Miss Martian take the spear and give it to me.

''I stay here, and make sure he is safe and his usual self.'' The team nodded and start running towards the main room.

*Time skip*

''Everything I thought I knew about myself was a lie. I am not a hero or a sidekick. I am a traitor. A paw.'' Mumble Roy, who is actually a clone. I look over to Jade who is siting far away from us, from me. He is totally feeling the same thing.

''Roy, it will be alright...'' Try Black Canery.

''I am not Roy. I don't know what I am. All I know is I need to find the real Roy. I need to rescue Speedy.'' Complained Clone Roy.

''Guardian is already searching Cadmus.'' Informed Batman. Clone Roy doesn't seem happy about it and walk away. Back to his apartment. Green Arrow and Black Canery walk with him.

''Something else is wrong.'' Starts Aqualad.

''The entire League was under Savage's spell for just over a day. We have accounted for most of that time but these six went missing for a full sixteen hours we can't account for.'' Finish Robin.

''Sixteen hours. What did we do?'' Muttered Batman. Robin take a look at me, who is actually sitting on his lap. I just need some comfort, but Jade doesn't wanna be near me, so Robin was the one.

''I have a better question. Jade, why won't you even look at (Y/N)?'' Ask Robin and look at my bodyguard. Jade look up at us and looks like he is sick.

''I almost killed her. If she haven't make that shield in time, then I could have killed her. How can a guardian live with that fear of his charge being afraid of him. It took me months, years to make her talk to me when I first got assigned to be her bodyguard.'' Mumble Jade, but we could hear him clearly. 

''It wasn't your fault. You were under Savage's control, and I won't blame you for almost killing me. I was the one who wanted to get you back and I knew the consequent. But I still did it to get my friend back, my best friend back.'' Small tears start to fall from my eyes. Robin dry them away. Jade stand up and walk into the middle of the U-shaped table. He look right at me and then bowed.

''Please give me another change. I won't let it happen again.'' Begged Jade. That doesn't sound like the badass Jade I know. I couldn't hold my laugh in.

''Who do you think I am. Of course I will keep you, so don't sound like that and be my badass friend again.'' I jump over the table and hug Jade with all my might.

''Thank you.''

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