18) Captured

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''Here. Watch this one.'' Jaime and Bart, or Blue Beetle and Impulse, have taken me to the stone desert just to have fun. Blue Beetle shot a stone down with his sonic wave.

''Yawn. Really? That's the best you could do?'' Ask Impulse. I just giggle and cling more on to Blue Beetle's back. The scarab doesn't have any problem with me, for some reason. It won't tell.

''No.'' Blue try to shoot another stone with more force. ''Top that, hermano.'' And there is the Spanish.

''I can.'' I jump off his back and do a ballet spin, with my one leg in the air. When I put my leg on the ground, crystal came right up in the air and make three way spiral around me. ''Well, boys. Can do more than I look, huh.'' I joked.

''Ooh, not bad, not bad. Boulder's definitely feeling the mode, but one thing I learned in the future, amigo's, is that it's easier to destroy... Than to create. Ta-da.'' Impulse has move the rocks around so they stand in lines. 

''Uh, ta-da what exactly?'' Ask Blue Beetle.

''Curb the attitude, get a little altitude, hermano.'' I didn't get that. Blue Beetle flew up and I do the same. What Impulse has make is a picture of himself out of the stone rumbles. ''Is it crash or what?''

''It's amazing, but I like mine more.'' I joked and flew over to the other side of it.

''Crash. Totally crash. Uhh.'' Blue Beetle get's tackled to the ground. It's the terror twin Tuppence, and her brother is here to. Along with a new member, she looks like tigress, the retired villain. Ice jr. is also here. Man I always forget his name, so many villains to remember.

''Leave Beetle alone.'' I swing my right arm and send a wave of crystal spikes. Blue get's frozen, but come out quickly. Out the corner of my eyes is a person standing on a rock, looking at our fight. ''Kaldur?'' I mumble. I charge at him instead. I create a sword. He take the blow right on with his water sword.

''You have improved stronger, Jewel.'' Says Kaldur and smirk.

''You missed a lot by joining our enemy. How could you? I thought we were a family, I saw a big brother in you.'' I said back and swing more, letting my feelings go.

''You spend so much time on Nightwing.'' Pointed Kaldur.

''Only because we were going to live together in the same house. He really loved to finally have a sibling, so dont judge him.'' I pointed back and jump away. Kaldur look at some weird tech, ignoring me for a second.

''So you are Aqualad. Working with the bad guys, I see. Taking their alien tech to track our friend Blue? Not crash, dude. Not crash at all.'' Kaldur try to hit him, but Impulse move dodge all the time. Impulse take the machine and run away. Blue Beetle follow and call for me to come with.

''Goodbye.'' I say to Kaldur before use my crystal wings to follow my friends. It still hurts, even if I know the truth. That Kaldur is still by our side.

*Time skip*

I return from my room, in my new simple dress M'gann brought me. A princess like dress, but in my favorit colors. Girl kids on Earth wear these a lot, so no one would be carious.

''Found anything about the tech?'' I ask Nightwing, when I walk into the main area.

''Nothing. Maybe you should have a look, Jade thought you most things about the galaxy, right?'' Ask Nightwing and hand me the tech. I take a good look at it.

''It looks like a phone, but at the same time something I can regnise... Oh no, we have to get it out of here.'' Before anyone could ask why, beep the alarm for intruder.

''I am an idiot.'' Nightwing turn around, only for him to be hit with a 'flying' Superboy. Ice jr send ice on the floor, but Impulse took care of him. He try the terror twins, but failed big time. He get some weird collar that won't allow him to use his speed. I get attacked by Tigress, and she move quickly. I barely dodge all of her attack. I try to make a wall, but she somehow get behind me and knock me out. When I wake up the first time, am I sitting on a chair. Beast Boy, Impulse and Blue Beetle is sitting on the floor, unconscious. I look outside and watch the hole mountain explode.

''So, now that's gone, do I have a question. Why is this girl so important like the bug?'' Ask Tommy. I weakly look at Kaldur with sad eyes. He know that I am a target, he know why I need protection.

''Our partner have another partner, before the light. Something to do with her powers, that I don't know, so don't ask any further.'' Order Kaldur. My eyes feel heavy and I try to stay awake, but that didn't last long.

*Time skip*

I finally open my eyes one more time, and be fully awake, to see everything is red.

''Also, the result I get from the princess is magnificent.'' A woman, I think, step in front of me and talk to the small male figure. Beside him is the Black Beetle, the one who shot me in the eyes.

''Then he was right. The power of the magnificent clear earth, is running through her blood.'' Says the small male.

''Figuring out how to transform it into data and into a test subject, is a challenge, ambassador.'' So the small guy is the ambassador, then the lady is the scientist.

''I give you challenge.'' I called and use my full power.

''Try all you want, you won't get out.'' Says Black Beetle. I didn't listen, I feel the thing I am in shaking. In a blink of an eye, is the case open and I jump out weapon in hands and ready to fight.

''She shouldn't be able to use her power with the collar on.'' Says the ambassador. Before I could attack, do I get hit from behind. I look at my back and see a dart sticking out of my back. My body feels weak.

''Now, now princess. A royal princess like you shouldn't fight at all. Your bodyguard is really a bad guardian for training you.'' That voice. It's the same that hunt me every night.

''Ah, I am sorry that she got out. Her powers are like you told us. Impressively strong.'' Says the ambassador and walk past me. I fell to my knees, feeling sick.

''The serum will only make her weak, won't kill her. Make sure the give me my crystals shards and you can toy with her all you want.'' Order the Galexmentia villain.

''Understood.'' Says the scientist. Black Beetle lift me up and place me in another case thing. 

''You won't get away with this. Galexmentia will get you, so you can meet you doom.'' I try to treath him, but I sound so weak.

''They can try.'' He chuckle and leave. My eyes is again heavy, so I just let the darkness get me.

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