27) Unexpected

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Jaime POV

It has been a month now and I haven't stopped thinking about (Y/N). The traitor of a criminal are still out there, maybe already planning his next move to get (Y/N). But I hope he has just gone underground.

''The traitor, also known as Cheng Feng, has been missing for some time now, Jaime Reyes.'' Says the scarab from my back.

''I know that. And that doesn't help much with me worrying for (Y/N), who is a princess in danger.'' I said back and lay down on my bed. The scarab didn't say anything, but my phone did. I take a look at the number and recognized the League's secret number. ''Blue here.''

''Jaime, come to base quickly.'' Says Aqualad. I didn't asked, but follow order. I suited up and jump out of my open window to the nearest zeta-tube. Up at the watch tower are the hole gang, even Nightwing, waiting to get more information on the emergency call.

''Good, everyone is here.'' Says Nightwing when I land beside Impulse, or now the Kid Flash.

''Galexmentia has called for help. Personally from Jade. Listen closely.'' Says Aqualad and press the play bottom on the screen to start the message.

''This is Jade from Galexmentia. We are under attack and it's Cheng Feng. He has (Y/N) and we need assistance. You already know our coordinates, so please hurry.'' The message was short, but clearly. My heart skip some beats, as I can feel my body worrying for (Y/N)'s safety and her kingdom.

''The mission is clear to understand. Everyone to the Bioship.'' Order Aqualad and run over to the hanger. Miss Martian quickly take control of the ship and start when everyone is on board.

''Can we get more detail for the mission? What shall we do? We can't just storm into a kingdom that is under attack.'' Pointed Batgirl out.

''I know, but we won't split up in teams. We come from the outskirt of the kingdom and scout the arena and what we are dealing with, next do we plan how to infiltrate the castle in hope to find (Y/N), unless Cheng Feng has her captured somewhere else. Everything else is free mode, but be on guard all the time and stay focus.'' Says Nightwing instead of Aqualad.

''I make the Bioship speed up to maximum, but she will then need a few days rest to restore enough energy to fly again.'' Says Miss Martian. The rest of the tour was quite for my taste, but my mind is on (Y/N) and how she is doing.

*Time skip*

3rd POV

After hours of flying trough space, have they finally arrived at the planet of Galexmentia. They land on a forest near the kingdom and the castle, so now is it time to start the plan. First they run over to the gate that is broken and dangling.

''Something big must have brake it's way in.'' Says Impulse (I will keep calling him that) in the mind link and look at the damage.

''You are right. Look at the marks on the wood.'' Says Robin.

''It has to be something big and strong, cause this wood it thick and strong. Not something that is easy to brake.'' Analysed Bumblebee.

''Let's keep moving.'' Says Nightwing. Everything is quite in the city, but weird enough isn't there any dead bodies or blood anywhere.

''I really don't like the silence. Does everyone else got the feeling they are being watched?'' Ask Beast Boy, walking beside Miss Martian. Superboy take a look at a alley and saw a bunch of crystal figures, and the pose they are making is like they where running away from something.

''Guys. These crystals here looks like humans and creatures.'' Informed Superboy. Aqualad take a look and agreed.

''What have happen to them?'' Muttered Jaime.

''It's like Jewel's powers. The same color and strong form.'' Says Wondergirl and knock a little on the crystal. It make a high tone.

''Jade did say that Cheng Feng had make a sword out of some of the crystal they got out of (Y/N), so maybe it had an effect on living things that turn it to crystal.'' Says Nightwing and go through the small data he has on their enemy.

''Crystal is also like diamond, and they can cut through many things, and give it some magic can it cut through everything. Even the strongest thing.'' Added Robin to Nightwing.

''Let's move to the castle, we can't do anything to them unless we take down Cheng Feng.'' Order Aqualad and take the lead towards the big castle at the cliff towards the sea. They past many more citycent that are turn into crystal. Even the guards on the castle's gates are crystals. The first place they started was the basement, the knight's room. No sight of anyone living. 

''We need to split anyway. Blue Beetle, Bumblebee, Miss Martian, Wondergirl, Zatana, Rocket and Impulse, you are going to check the upper rooms, while the rest of us are checking the trone room and everything else on the same floor.'' Says Nightwing. Everyone nodded and split up into their teams and went out of the basement. The team that could fly, plus super speed, went up all the stair and to the first hallway, looking through each doors with care. None. As for the others, have they arrived at the throne room and the king sat on it. No crown, but crystal and his position tell us he was trying to warn someone. Right hand lifted up as he lean forward, but no sign of (Y/N) or Cheng Feng.

''If they are not in the castle or the kingdom, then where?'' Ask Lagoon Boy.

''The prison.'' Says Aqualad quickly. But one problem, they don't know where the prison is.

''Do you guys really have a telepathic conversation, without me?'' Someone stepped out from behind the trone where the king sat. It's Jade.

''Jade.'' Says Nightwing and run over to the injured male.

''Just woke up and heard what the fish boy said. Cheng Feng is at the prison where he will kill princess (Y/N) in front of the prisoner. I don't know why there, but we have to get there before dawn.'' Explain Jade and lean some of his weight to Nightwing.

''Why dawn?'' Ask Aqualad.

''That is where the crystal can absorb the light energy and enchant that crystal sword he has with fire. The sword is impossible to break it. It even broke the eksplosion spear form.'' Says Jade sadly and look over to the spear laying on the ground by the window, that is completely broken. ''He came out of no where and hit the king, took (Y/N) and then disappeared while a crystal beast took care of us.''

''A beast? What kind of a beast?'' Asked Beast Boy.

''What you can say is a combination of a lion and a grip. Just out of crystal and it's touch is like the sword. It turn any living thing to crystal, and only princess (Y/N) can fix this.'' Informed Jade before flinch in pain. The side of his stomach is open by a glass shard, and it's bleeding.

''Thanks for the information, but you need medical attention. Just tell us where the prison is, and we will bring back (Y/N) safe and sound.'' Says Nightwing with a kind smile. Jade nodded and pointed towards the sea.

''An island north for the castle. There is a secret passage that teleport you right there. Just go down to the basement and open a drawer. Inside is a 'mirror' that will teleport you to the prison right away.'' Explained Jade the best he could. The team went right down the basement, but Bumblebee and Guardian stayed and took care of Jade. (Y/N) would like it if her favorite knight is gone. They find the mirror and step through, but the sight of all the destruction of the prison, took their breath.

''This is gonna be harder than expected.''

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