12) Nightmare

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3rd POV

''Why didn't you take me with you to the circus?'' Whined a certain little 6 year old princess.

''Because, you are to young and this was a good mission for Jade to trust us more.'' Answered Robin. (Y/N) nodded and continue play with her small zoo crystal. (Y/N) has taken good care of the animals, that they all think they are pets. 

''I also like that mission. It let me see how strong you are and your teams bond is. I am glad that princess landet on the right planet.'' Says Jade. (Y/N) giggle at that commend. Jade is so protective, that is also maybe why the king make him, her bodyguard.

''Shh. It's starting now.'' Says M'gann and turn on the volume on the big screen. All the young member is inside Hall of Justice.

''The Justice League was formed for two reasons. First, as an acknowledgement that no single individual no matter how powerful can solve all the world's problems alone. And second, to uphold the values of truth, liberty and justice. That last one is even in the name.'' The crowd start laughing a little at Superman's commend. ''These five heroes have sworn to uphold those values.'' Finish Superman and start giving the new heroes their member card. 

''I am glad they didn't kick Billy out. And I love the fact that there is a 10 year old on the league.'' Says Wally

''There is?'' Ask the new member on the team, Rocket.

''Way to keep a secret, genius.'' Says Robin.

''Don't tell anybody, please.'' Begged (Y/N) to Rocket. She nodded to the princess.

''Hey, she is on the team now, right?'' Whined Wally. (Y/N) start rubbing her eyes.

''Time for a nap princess.'' Says Jade and lift (Y/N) up.

''No, I am fine Jade.'' Says (Y/N) and try to get down.

''Why does she need a nap?'' Ask Aqualad and look at Robin.

''I told Jade, that she has been having nightmares lately. She doesn't get enough sleep.'' Informed Robin. Superboy stand up from his seat to give a sleeping spot for (Y/N).

''What are these nightmare about?'' Ask Zatana. (Y/N) sighed and accepted the fact that she can't hide it anymore.

''After I heard my dad's order to stay here, have I had the same nightmare about that guy. He always say that he will get me and that he have found a powerful partner to help him. I can't shake it off my head.'' (Y/N) starts crying a little.

''Well he have to get through us.'' Says Wally. (Y/N) nodded and yawned cutely. Robin's watch star beeping, witch mean a new mission.

''You guys go. I stay at princess side, and maybe try to cover you back from the league.'' Says Jade. The team nodded and run over to the zeta-tubes.

''No, I wanna come too.'' (Y/N) start whining again, probable for her lack of sleep.

''Don't worry, it is not a super exited mission. Just a boring one.'' Says Robin. (Y/N) nodded and close her eyes, to quickly fall asleep. 

''What do you say... Break a leg or what ever?'' Says Jade and wave them off. The team nodded and walk though the teleporter. When the light shuts down comes the league.

''Though I thought she would at least stick around.'' Says Icon and can't see his protege. 

''Jade, where are they?'' Ask Batman.

''Something at the cave, that's what I know. Princess need someone to be near her while she is napping.'' Jade nodded his head over to (Y/N) on a chair, fast asleep. Batman does not seem happy about that answer.

''Leave... Leave me alone.'' Mumble (Y/N) from her sleep.

''That bird didn't lie.'' Muttered Jade.


I know I am dreaming, but it look so real. That man has dark grey hair and blood red eyes. He kind of looks like Jade, but older and uglier. His cloths are old and Chinese like design. Behind him stands a person, and I can't get his face, but he have some weird cloths on. I don't know if it is his hand or a glove, but it's lime green.

''Her powers are amazing. Thank you for giving me the change to descover a new power.'' Says the weird person. I am in a glass coffin like thing, and it's scary.

''Just as long I get my crystal shards from her, then you can use her as a lab rat.'' Says the evil person from Galexmentia. He smirk at me. ''You are gonna be the doom of Galexmentia, my dear princess.''

''(Y/N) wake up.'' I open my eyes and meet Jades. ''It's okay, I am here now.''

''How long?'' I ask and sit up from the couch.

''Just a few hours. Feeling better and wanna talk about the dream?'' I shake my head, not wanna tell what happen this time. Me being the doom of Galexia, I hope it is not true. Jade sighed. ''The team is again on a mission, and they are waiting for us.'' 

''Yeah.'' I cheered and take Jades hand. I make us teleport to Robin, via the crystal necklace he has.

''Good, you are here.'' I take a look at what we are watching and M'gann, Artemiss and Superboy is standing beside the bad guys. ''I explain later, just go after the bad guys.'' Whispered Robin. (You can selv make a good fight)

*Time skip*

''Is it just me or is there still something we are missing?'' I ask while I chain the remains of the criminal who didn't manage to escape.

''Lex and Queen Bee is gone'' Says M'gann.

''I know, but it is not them I mean. I feel like we need to be prepared.'' The feeling is sending me shiver down my spine.

''We are always prepared.'' Says Aqualad.

''And thanks to this missing, did we get some big secrets out.'' Added Kid Flash.

''Just, don't tell the league what I am. I am still scared, a little.'' Says Miss Martian and hug her self.

''You mean being a white martian?'' Says Jade.

''How did you know?'' Ask Rocket.

''There lives white martian on Galexmentia. It's like the Green Lantern meeting place, Oa. All different kind of living creature are welcome in Galexmentia and there are also a lot of meetings with the king. White martian isn't new for us.'' I informed and hug M'gann.  

''Every time you talk about Galexmentia, do I get more exited to see it myself.'' Says Zatana.

''Well, then wait until the criminal is captured again.'' Added Jade. We laugh a little and walk into the bioship. The mysterious feeling is still there, so I need to keep my guard up at all time.

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