5) Defense

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Dick have been a real brother for some time. He got permision to take me to his school for one day. I surprised every student by answering all the hard question, like I am a little genius professer. I don't have permision to atten to school, but coming with Dick sometime is alright. I am still new to all this. Some is familiar, others are new.

''Hey Robin. There is Artemiss. What is she doing here in Gotham?'' We were on our way to mount justice. Robin smirked and walk over to Artemiss, scaring her.

''How random that you are in Gotham City, instead of Star City where your uncle Green Arrow lives.'' Says Robin and I show my self from behind him.

''I am, uh, here to see my cousin. She was in the state spelling bee here in Gotham City.'' Try Artemiss for defense. Me and Robin saw her at the akademi. Now they are spelling their conversation. I know the words, but not when it's spelled. I remember my home with a hole different languages.

''Come on (Y/N).'' Robin takes my hand and guide me inside the zeta-tube. When we enter the cave, is there smoke and the light is red. A fireball fly towards us, but I make a shield. Artemiss then comes in. ''Get down.'' I quickly activate my suit and fly up and towards my to friends.

''Who are we fighting?'' Ask Artemiss and ready an arrow.

''Don't know, but we are sitting ducks by these tubes. Head for the exit.'' Order Robin and take my hand while I fly. The hallway we chose end up with water coming our way. ''Or not.'' I couldn't do it fast, but I make another shield around myself. I release the shield and see Robin and Artemiss is gone.

''Robin.'' I call for him. I start running towards the kitchen, but a new memory get me as soon as I step inside.

''Get that brat back.'' Order someone, a male. It seems I run away from someone, in a crystal forest.

''She must not get away. Her power give us our money.'' That's right. At home, is crystal the money. The bigger the shards are, the to more milion money you could make. But it changed, when the crystals start to be low, so we change it. The crystal are now rare, so selling one gives double as much as it did before.

''Jade.'' I scream, and he comes. He fight perfectly and brave. He knock every bad man and lift me up in his arms. My dress isn't the winter one, but what I have now. The last memory isn't the beginning of the accident, but this one is.

3rd POV

Artemiss and Robin run into the kitchen and spot the unconscious girl on the floor. (Y/N)'s suit has retreated and her tiara has fall.

''(Y/N).'' Robin quickly lift her up, and remember the way her body is limb. ''She is having another memory. Until then can't we do much.'' Artemiss help Robin to get (Y/N) on his back. Artemiss then pointed to the air vent.

''What are you...'' Starts Artemiss

''Downloading cave blueprints.'' Finish Robin. ''Could come in...'' Robin didn't finish that, because metal foots comes closer. ''Go, go.'' Robin manage to get inside with (Y/N) on his back. They turned left in time to not getting hit by flames.

''Jade, please stay by my side forever.'' Mumble (Y/N) like sleep talking.

''Who is Jade?'' Whispered Artemiss.

''Princess's bodyguard. Her's.'' Is the only thing Robin says and take a look at his computer. ''There should be a vent cover right in front of you.'' The two slide down and comes to a energy power room. ''This way.'' Right now is Robin begging (Y/N) to wake up.


I finally got to see his eyes and funny part is, they are like is name. Jade has saved me from the bandits and my father has proclaimed that I must never leave the castle, without guards near me.

''Princess. He hasn't forbidden you to ever go outside, you just need to have a guard with you.'' Jade has a heart for kids apparently. 

''Then let's go to my favorit store. Candy store.'' I cheered. The scene change again and this time are we walking away from the store. Jade holding the bag and me eating some. We both seems happy, but that quickly change when one of the bandits from before, stood in front of us. I have seen this scene. The first memory. Then blank.

''(Y/N). You finally decided to return to the real world, huh.'' Joked Robin. We are in a vent underground.

''How long?'' I mumble. The headache is killing me.

''Nothing much, and we think maybe 20 minutes.'' Says Artemiss.

''I would like to hear the new memory, but when we get home. Right now, go the other way and try to open the com-link and called Justice League.'' I nodded to Robin and start crawling to the left.

''Be careful. These intruders, are something new.'' I said calmly. Then vent when to the mission room. Even if the com is down, could I maybe make a rebost by using electricity to a crystal for ground binding. 

''Batman to cave. What is going on?'' Yes, it works.

''Batman. The cave is under attack. The tubes are down and we have two Red Tornado like enemy's with other elemental powers. Team is down to two. Robin and Artemiss.'' I com back.

''Understood. We are coming, until then help them.'' I nodded and end the com link. Removing the shard to a smaller one and place it to my ear. I use my power to make wheels under my foot, to move faster. In the hanger has the two robots got Robin and it's now Artemiss left.

''Leave my brother and friends alone.'' I yelled and send spikes at them. Unlike normal arrows, those these hit them harder with more effekt. The water guy let Robin out and attack me instead. In my left arm, I make a shield, on the right do I make sword.

''Don't recognize. Not a league or protege.'' They even use RT's voice.

''That's right. I am Jewel A.K.A Princess (Y/N) of Galaxmentia. The next higher to the throne and next ruler to all planets in this very galaxy.'' This memory, told me more than the others. I don't all of it, but most of it.

''No more. I surrender.'' Says Artemiss and walk towards us. She can't surrender. I spot the arrow and got her idea. Before giving her bow, she kick the guy and use the woman's head to backflip and shot the arrow to the main power source. The robots get electrocuted and shut down. The fire disappeared and the water sinks. I run over to Robin and shake him.

''Robin?'' Artemiss kneel next to me.

''He is breathing too.'' Cheered Artemiss. I smiled and land on top of his chest, maybe knocking some air out of him.

''Way to get trot.'' He muttered. He sits up and rub my back. ''I also heard you, (Y/N). Good to know you recovered your memories.'' I shook my head.

''Not all of them. I still don't know where in the univers my home planet is.'' Robin smirked and rub my head. ''Oh, and I got contact to Batman. He and the league is on their way.''

''How could you get the com to work?'' Ask Kid Flash. Robin held me up his hip like a that brother I totally wished, and got.

''Hard to explain how it worked, but I put a shard on the computer under the floor and the electricity got some ground bond I think.'' I tried my best to explain.

''Let's just say you got it to work.'' Add Aqualad. Artemiss found a blaster, but the machines are all shutdown. Then Red Tornado comes and explain, but something is wrong.

''Red Tornado, I don't think you should touch them.'' I tried, but to late. RT start sucking the air away from us, and I think I was the first to go out. When I wake up again, is Robin the first I see. Then Batman.

''Let's get you home.'' Was all Batman said. On the way, do I tell my new memory, while leaning to Robins shoulder. Suit down. Soon sleep took me before I was lay to bed.

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