16) Future

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''My eyes stil hurts. Can I have another pain killer?'' I whined and pull on Nightwings arm, I think. Ever since that night, have been blind for some time. It's not permanent, but right now can't I see a damn thing.

''You already had two. No more.'' I continue whining. My bandage is also iching my face.

''Is that the Krolotean intel?'' Ask Robin, who I guess just walk in to the main hall.

''What Krolotean intel?'' Oh, Beast Boy is here to. Man I wish to have my sight back. I would rather go deaf than blind.

''The data files M'gann and J'onn recovered on Malina island before it was destroyed. Apparently, the Kroloteans were snatching humans to use as guinea pigs. They were hoping to find something. Something inside us.'' Explain Nightwing and go through the computer.

''What?'' Ask Robin.

''There is no english word for it. The nearest translation is meta-gene.'' Says Nightwing.

''What's a meta-gene?'' Continued Robin.

''Never met a gene I didn't like.'' Joked Beast Boy. I raise my hand.

''A meta-gene is like superpower. Beast Boy got his activated when M'gann gave some of her blood. Does that explain it?'' I feel eyes on me. ''What... Being a princess for the hole galaxy needs to know these kind of stuff.'' Before anyone could say more, starts the computer a warning.

''Warning. Unknown energy impulse detected.'' An unknown energy pulse. Nightwing pull me over and I feel Beast Boy cover me. Some electricity zapping around and then something heavy land on the ground.

''What is going on?'' I whispered. What ever landed sounds like it's opening and a person step out shouting 'ta da'.

''Intruder alert. Intruder alert.'' Says the computer. 

''Computer, lock down cave.'' Order Nightwing.

''Well, I think we found our unknown energy impulse.'' Says Beast Boy.

''Impulse? That's so crash. Catchy, dramatic, one word. Like Jewel and Nightwing and Robin and Beast Boy. Except that's two words. Blue Beetle is two words. Hey, is he here, too? Never mind. Impulse can find that out for himself.'' Wow, he is talking fast.

''You two, take him down. Now.'' Robin and Beast Boy run after that boy who just got here. ''We are crash?'' Muttered Nightwing.

''What just happen? Is that boy a speedster like Wally and Flash?'' Again, wishing to have my sight back.

''Yes he is. Still have those marbles and cuffs I gave you?'' I nodded and pull out a small back and the cuffs. Nightwing take the cuffs and tell me to spread the marbles on the ground.

''Ha ha. You can't catch me that easy. Uhh.'' Nightwing knock that boy down and cuff his arms and legs.

''Now that was crash.'' Mocked Nightwing.

''For you maybe. Me, I am totally feeling the mode.'' Muttered the intruder.

''How did you know our name?'' I ask.

''Well, I am from the future.'' He says like it's a normal thing to say.

''Yeah right. You know you are looking at the crown princess to the galaxy. Tell the truth.'' Order Nightwing and stand beside me.

''I am, and I totally knew she was the princess. Jewel A.K.A (Y/N) (L/N), crown princess to Galexmentia. And in seriously trouble in the future.'' Those he know.

''How do you know I am in trouble. Tell me something in the future.'' I order this time. I hear two person walking in to the main hall, Robin and Beast Boy.

''Uhm, let see... Uh, yeah. A criminal from your planet has told his new partner about your ability and you got hit by one of the partners companies, in the eyes and have sight problem right now.'' He really is from the future. I have told Nightwing about all those vision I have, but never told others.

''Nightwing, I think I wanna be alone.'' I mumble to my brother.

''Don't go to far.'' He whispered to me. I nodded and remember the way to the kitchen.

*Time skip*

3rd POV

Impulse get to stay, since he can't return back to the future. Dick is looking for (Y/N), and the last place he need to check is the kitchen.

''(Y/N), you in here?'' Nothing, only the soft sound of someone breathing. Dick walk over to the couch and see (Y/N) sleeping peacefully. No nightmare this time.

''Nightwing, found (Y/N) yet. We need to get back home.'' Says Tim and walk into the kitchen. Dick shush Tim and pointed to the sleeping girl. ''I didn't know that she was in that great danger, that it was necessary to travel to the past.'' Whispered Tim as Dick pick up (Y/N) carefully.

''I got a feeling that it isn't just about (Y/N), but maybe you are right.'' Dick wrap (Y/N) in a blanket to keep her warm. 

''Jason... Give me back my candy... You idiot.'' Mumble (Y/N) with a little smile on her face. Dick and Tim smile to. They remember Jason take (Y/N)'s bag of candy and just run around the mansion. (Y/N) trapped him by sending crystal shards at his cloths and send him to the floor. Never take something from a princess, and especially this one.

''Let's get her home.'' Whispered Dick at last and walk with Tim to the zeta-tubes. At the batcave is Barbara working on the computer. ''Is Alfred finish with the dinner?''

''Need a few more minutes. Oh, I see she is asleep.'' Barbara notice the young girl sleeping. She take her and let the boys get out of their suits. ''Sweety, it's almost time for dinner. Wake up.'' (Y/N) yawn and rub her eyes.

''What's for dinner this time?'' Mumble (Y/N). 

''Something with curry, if I remember correctly.'' (Y/N) nodded and lean her head on Barbara's shoulder.

''I like curry.'' (Y/N) is still tired. Her sleep has been shorter than a normal child should have. Almost every night does she have nightmare, so she doesn't get enough sleep.

''Stay awake until you have dinner.'' Says Dick and lift (Y/N) up. She is to tired to even walk. Upstairs, does it smell really good. A great spicy aroma in the kitchen.

''Young masters and mistress, dinner is ready.'' Says Alfred with his British accent. 

''What is it? I can't see remember.'' Says (Y/N) as Dick place her on a chair.

''Curry soup with rice and chicken.'' Answered Alfred and place her plate on the table. Alfred has tried to make some easy food for her, so she can eat with her sight problem. A soup is easy, all you have to do is remember where the plate is and where your mouth is. ''Anything from master Bruce?''

''No, we haven't heard from him or the league.'' Says Tim.

''Jade hasn't reported yet. Either are they still in space, or it isn't going so well as planned. I have heard that the judge is really strict and you need good proof to make them not guilty.'' Added (Y/N) to the conversation. 

''Isn't that why Jade is with them?'' Ask Barbara. (Y/N) move her head so it looks like she give you attention. ''Being a royal guard for a crown princess and has been with the criminal, must be enough to prove that the League is not guilty.''

''That's maybe true, but sometime isn't it enough. If I was there, then it would be a holenother story. But since that criminal from Galexmentia is still out, then I can't leave Earth and would put myself in danger, because the League can't come to my rescue.'' Explain (Y/N) and take another spoon full of the soup.

''Let's just hope that Jade got it covered.'' Says Dick. Jade will report if anything happen. That was (Y/N)'s order when he became her bodyguard. (Y/N) only want a true loyalt bodyguard that tell her everything, and that's a promise Jade make with her.

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