26) Galexmentia

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3rd POV

''We are arriving any minute now. Have you changed yet?'' Ask Jade to his princess, that is right now changing into one of her royal gowns. The same dress she whore before everything happen. It is also her favorite, so (Y/N) doesn't complain about it.

''I am ready.'' (Y/N) step out in her light blue dress.

'' (Y/N) step out in her light blue dress

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''And of course, you look lovely.'' Praised Jade and walk back to the control room. The ship is autopilot, so Jade only need to give the coordination to Galexmentia. ''Are you nervous to see your kingdom again, princess?'' 

''How many times do I have to tell you, not to call me princess when we are alone... And to be honest, am I not quite happy. Being with them was fun and I could do whatever I wanted even if it was dangerous, but Gelexmentia is and always will be my home... I just don't know what to feel or do right now.'' (Y/N) take a seat beside Jade, looking outside the window to watch the stars passing by. 

''I know that when you are back in the castle's walls, won't you be able to do much. But I am here and I will try to at least let the king give permission for you to play in the garden like you used to do. That's a promise.'' Jade takes (Y/N) hands in his and smile kindly to her. Jade is trying his best to cheer up (Y/N). When they return back, won't she be able to be like a normal kid anymore. Security would surround her like glue.

''It's kind of funny.'' (Y/N) start giggle, as she look at her best friend/bodyguard. ''I actually don't remember what Galexmentia is like anymore. How funny, right? A princess who doesn't remember her kingdom and it's people, what a shameful princess you got there.'' Jade chuckle and pat her head.

''Well you did spend around 7 years on that planet. It's only natural, but I can assure you that you will remember right away.'' The ships autopilot start blinking, telling the passenger that they have arrived. The planet of Galexmentia is like Earth, but lighter in color. Jade take control of the ship and fly it towards the capital where millions of people are waiting for them, waiting for their princess. A platform is ready for Jade to land on, and the people outside has banners with 'Welcome home' written on them. The energine stopped and the entrance door open up. Jade stand up and walk out first.

''Our princess is finally home.'' (Y/N) listen to all the calls outside. They really did miss her.

''Princess (Y/N), welcome home.'' (Y/N) take a deep breath and start walking towards the entrance. Jade stand up like a guard and when he see (Y/N), did he salute and bowed to her. The sound of cheering and yelling got louder when the people saw their dear princess come out of hiding. Jade stand up and look out to the people of Galexmentia.

''Princess (Y/N) has returned safely back to her kingdom, but the threat is still out there, so for you own safety, keep an eye open and call out for any suspicion. If you see our traitor, then call for the knights. We will patrol everywhere all day long. No place is free from knights for less than two minutes. Security is up high, until the traitor is captured. Understood.'' Jade become the supreme commander of the royal knights, that he always was. The citycent understood it and didn't complain at all.

*Time skip*

''So, dad is attenting an important meeting that he couldn't pause so he can greet his long lost daughter... What a father.'' (Y/N) let her fall herself on her bed.

''You have spend to much time with those heroes. You personality is way different from before.'' Pointed Jade out and finish setting up the mini bed. The security won't let anyone near (Y/N), so Jade has giving himself the job of sleeping inside her room. A paper wall is beside the table, so when (Y/N) need 'privacy' can she just use the paper wall.

''I know, but I like this much better than a proper lady personality... Oh, pleased to meet you. It's so nice to finally meet you commander Jade of the royal army, it's a pleasure.'' Says (Y/N) in a very lady like voice. Jade laugh and bowed.

''My a pleasure to, my lady. Would you like me to call a butler and get some fresh make tea and sweets, while we talk like a bunch of weirdo's.'' Jade join with her with the same voice. (Y/N) laugh hard and fall to her knees while holding her stomach.

''I actually want some tea and sweet, so that would be nice, 'Servant'.'' Jade chuckle and nodded. He open the door and see a maid walking by. The maid nodded and went down the hallway and towards the kitchen. Moments later come the tea and some sweet on a bowl. Jade smell and taste both of them first, to insure that there weren't any poison.  ''But over all this, do I still miss them.''

''It has only been three days now. It's not like we have been in space for one year.'' Joked Jade and give a cup of warm tea to (Y/N). 

''When everything is calmed down, would I like to invite the hole team to Galexmentia. They really wished to see this planet, so maybe one day can we invite them.'' Suggested (Y/N) and take out a picture from her hidden pocket on her cape. It's a picture of the hole team, right before (Y/N) and Jade took off.

''It's a good idea, but only after everything is calmed down.'' Jade take a bite of the sweet and watch (Y/N) put the picture on a frame and place it on the nightstand beside her queen size bed. At nightfall was the dinner as formalt as normal. A lot of different food, to only a few people. The king is still in a meeting, so he won't eat tonight. (Y/N) kind of feel alone, so she did something only she could do. She asked the maids, butler, knight and some from the kitchen to join her. Not everyone did it, because they were busy and still needed to do something, but to those who could, eat and chatted happily together. (Y/N) smiled at the company.

''Thanks for the meal, princess. Please excuse us.'' Says a polite butler and stand up from his seat. The other follow and walk out the dinning room.

''Only you would do something like this, (Y/N).'' Says Jade from his seat on her right.

''I know, but I got totally used to have a lot of company when it's dinner time. And what dad doesn't know, won't hurt him.'' (Y/N) smirked and swipe her lips for any leftover sauce.

''That is true... Come on, it's time for a bath.'' Jade raise his hand towards (Y/N), who kindly take it and let him guide her towards the bathroom. The double door open and big bathtub is filled with hot steaming water.

''We have been waiting, princess.'' Says a maid. Jade left and let the two maids do their work. He stand outside the bathroom, so that if anything happen, would he be ready. The two maids got her out of her dress and wash her hair and body. After that, did they dress her in a pale (F/C) nightgown, dried her hair and then open the doors so that (Y/N) can return to my room. Jade escort her by her side.

''I remember now... This is how I used to live.''

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