9) Adult missing

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We are all in the harbor and lessing crates off the bioship. Or mostly the team, I am just sitting on a crate that Superboy is caring. I have small arms with not so much strength, so. Zatanna is back again, but she isn't allowed on the team yet.

''Hey, (Y/N). After all this, do you then wanna take a trip to an amusement park here in Happy Harbor?'' Ask Robin and show me a picture of the amusement park.

''I have never been to one before, so yes please take me to the amusement.'' Robin chuckle and lift me up in his arms.

''What about you Batman? How can those two, especially (Y/N), be allowed to be on this team and be sure they won't get hurt?'' Ask Zatara.

''The team see (Y/N) as a family member, the same with Robin at home. They really acting like brother and sister, and there is nothing more I want from them.'' Answered Batman. I wave to him and give them a close eye smile. When I open them again, is Batman and Zatara gone. Even Red Tornado.

''Did I do something wrong?'' I quickly asked and jump down from Robin's arms.

''I don't think so, but don't worry they are fine.'' Insure Robin and walk into the main hall. He activate the main computer and hack into all camera in America. Children under the age of 18 is here, but those older is missing. ''Team, go to the city and get the children to a safe place.'' The team member nodded and run away. Zatanna and Robin stayed with me.

''We have set up a refugee center at the high school gym.'' Informed Kid Flash short after. ''Any luck with...''

''No. Can't raise the Batcave, the Hall of Justice or the watch... or any adult hero, even Red Arrow.'' Says Robin.

''Guess we are on our own. Kid Flash out.'' I stand next to Robin, a little scared.

''I will help. I go to the school and keep an eye for the kids, so the team can fokus on getting more.'' I suggested and get my uniform on.

''Maybe that's a good idea. Here is the cordinates. Be safe.'' I nodded and fly towards the exit.

''Hey Robin. Don't let your romantic feeling getting the head of your.'' I whispered so only he could hear. He blush a little.

''Just go.'' I giggle and fly outside. It didn't take me long before I end up in the gym. There is already some children inside, and Artemis is trying to sing Twinkle Twinkle little star. 'Tried'.

''You guys seems to need a little help.'' I make some small crystal stars and let them fly over the kids head. ''Now that is Twinkle Twinkle little star.'' The kids seems to enjoy them and try to catch them.

''Nothing new at the base?'' Ask Miss Martian. I shake my head.

''But maybe you guys need to get back. Send a message to the children that the oldest kid need to take care of the youngest, until we have the situation under control.'' Man, I sound like a real leader.

''Good idea, Jewel. I go now.'' Wally give Miss Martian the baby he had in his arms and run normally outside, only to run faster behind the doors.

*Time skip*

I help the teenager with the baby's, by making some animals and let them run around in the air. The baby's one by one feel asleep.

''Attention, children and teenagers of Earth, I am Aqualad.'' I walk over to some kids who is watching the TV. ''These are my friends Robin and Kid Flash.''

''We are using  Justice League tech to cast and stream to every TV, radio, computer and smartphone on the planet.'' Continue Robin.

''We know you must be scared and angry. We know, with your parents missing there's a temptation to run wild. But, please, stay calm.'' Added Kid Flash.

''We will find a way to bring the adults back but for now, the oldest among you must step up.'' Ensure Aqualad, trying to make the innocent feel better and brave.

''Take care of your younger siblings. Take care of kids who have no one. Protect them. It is up to you.'' Finish Robin. I place my hand on the TV and take the control of the stream. I make a crystal as the camera.

''Sorry to take over the stream guys, but they are right. Do as they told you. Oldest, take a small group of children each or help one another with the group. We can surely survive this as long we work together. Find a safe place like in a gym or some where big enough for all of you. No body shall be left behind. If there is children stuck inside a building, then get them out. You can all do it as long you stay calm and don't think negativ of this. Jewel out.'' I end the transmission and fly over to the gym exit. These people can take care of them self.

''Jewel, good talk but why would you say something like that?'' I hear Robin from the com link.

''I don't now, I just remember how my dad use to talk when he is trying to calm the people from panic. They were like magic. His calm voice and smile makes everyone calm down.'' I simple answered and remember my dad's smile.

''Return to base. Robin out.'' I could teleport there, but I rather fly this time.

''DNA searching.'' What the... A mechanical butterfly fly shockingly fast towards me. ''DNA comforted. Princess (Y/N). Mission, capture and return.''

''No way. Either is from home or else is it a hunter.'' The butterfly couldn't possible make that much damage. But I still need to take it, so I make a butterfly net. That seems to scare it. Really. It's also to easy to catch. ''I am not an idiot, so I won't take you to my friends base. What do you want.'' The butterfly shifted a little and sent a hologram.

''Connecting... No guard respond.'' Okay what is with this thing.

''Hello... This is head guard of Galexmentia.'' That voice.

''Jade.'' I more like whispered that name, but it seems he heard me. His face come into view from the hologram.

''Princess, you are alright. Thank goodness.'' It is him.

''Yes Jade I am fine, but how did you find me? Is it because of this weird butterfly?'' Jade chuckle and nodded.

''That is a mechfly. It scan for DNA and find it's 'pray'. The coordinates says a planet Earth.'' I nodded and get all exited.

''I am on Earth.'' Maybe this mean I can get home, but that also mean I will leave my new family.

''What's wrong?'' Ask Jade.

''I just don't want to leave this place. Not now or for a long time. I still have some memory lost and I don't wanna leave these superheros. They are like family to my and they help me getting stronger with my powers. Please tell dad that I am fine, but can't leave because... I don't now.'' Small tears start to fall down of my eyes. Jade sigh and come with an idea.

''I tell him you are fine, but that I will personally will travel all the way to you and protect you as your bodyguard as usual. It will take some time, so wait for me.'' I happy to hear I can stay. ''Keep the butterfly near you, that way can I track you down.'' 

''Okay, see you soon.'' 

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