Oh Mr. Truth, You Are Absolutely Relative

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A common argument I see for proposing relative truth is this: Each person's truth is their own, as long as it doesn't harm other people. 

Now, the problem I see with this is that if everybody's truth is relative, then what makes the last section above true? That sounds like an absolute truth to me. But wait, I thought all truth was relative, according to you?

Even if everybody believes and accepts this fact that your truth is fine as long as you don't harm somebody, that doesn't make it an absolute. And if you claim that this is the "only absolute truth" what makes it an absolute? And if you say it is in fact an absolute, then you're going against your own belief of truth.

So you see, you can't have relative truth and even one absolute. They just don't exist. Your comprising one if you try to fit them together. You may say, "No! That's just common sense. Don't hurt people, duh," but that's only according to your truth. My truth may say that hurting people for my own gain is acceptable, if not preferred and encouraged. Therefore, you can't condemn me for acting in line with MY truth, thus hurting you or others. There is no "wrong" in relative truth. Justice is only present in absolutes, not relativity. 

It's like I've said before, everybody is fine with relative truth and accepting other peoples truths until it hurts them personally. Then, they want justice. Sorry, but relative truth doesn't allow for justice. 

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