I Am A Deer

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The grass tickles my belly as I run. The sun is shing bright and a gentle wind cools my skin. The land is so free and wide open, allowing me to gallop wherever I please. I love the way it makes my spirit soar and how my feet feel touching the gound. It is an invigurating experience each time.

My family is running with me, and we're all enjoying the open space. Not a care at all, except for basic needs. We are all heading towards the water pool, where we visit frequently to quench our thirst. WE get closer and slow down.

There's the water, so cool and refreshing. It invites us to come closer, to drink it's liquid. My family and I eagerly approach the edge. We lean our necks down and drink the refreshing liquid.

Suddenly, the grass to my right stirs. Our nerves tense and we all look back to teh bushes. The stirring stops. We cautiously resume drinking. Movement again. Everyone is on high alert.

Then we see the cause of the rustling. A tiger. At first we are still, and don't move. Then we all take off running, dashing away at full throttle, never looking back. Through the grass, around the bushes. We push our limits and run for our life. 

My family is beside me, and all of us sprint towards the herd of elephants ahead. Elephants provide safety, at least for the moment. The bigger the animal, and the more of them, the more intimidating. Cover.

We mingle with the elephants, and we see the tiger disappear into the grass. It has left, for the present. But danger is always around in the wild. It is sometimes hidden, sometimes very apparent. It's survival of the fittest.

So this was a challenge to write a seven paragraph story from an animals perspective. Not very good, but still :) haha 

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