~Group chat mishaps~

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A/N: Basically this takes place in a group chat with Hermione, Ron, Draco and Harry in the eighth year of Hogwarts. I love a good group chat one shot, they're quick (I'm literally writing this a month later), easy (ha!) and fun to write so enjoy! Also smut warningggggggggg.

Harry: Hey baby, can we meet?
Draco: Uh hey Harry, what's up? Who's this baby you're on about?
Harry: Don't play dumb with me. Or would you prefer another one of my nicknames? If you dont wanna go to the room of requirements, we can do it in the common room. The thrill of others just outside the door.
Draco: Um Harry, I don't know what you're on about and why do you wanna meet me in the common room???
Harry: don't be embarrassed, I'm all alone and I'm sure you could solve that.
Draco: I'm not embarrassed.
Harry: fine play dumb. And Cause I'm alone in the common room and can't stop thinking about your hot body and how much I need it and how I want to mark it as my own. God I need you here

Draco was sat out on the Quidditch field with Hermione and choked on the water he was drinking.
"Draco? You alright?" Hermione asked, looking up from her book, concerned for her new friend.
"Uh, yeah just um...oh look, Ron's coming," Draco replied, clearing his throat, distracting Hermione enough for Draco to be in a state of shock. What was Harry playing at? Was he getting off on the thrill of Hermione and Ron knowing? Did he enjoy embarrassing Draco? Harry never revealed that he was into something like that. Or was this all one big mistake? Ron walked over, blushing hard and not being able to look at Draco.
"Hey um I think um Harry wants you." He mumbled, making Draco blush equally as hard. He could feel his phone vibrate in his hand, his mind longing to see what Harry was saying.
"Oh hey, Ron, what's wrong with you?" Hermione asked oblivious to what was happening.
"Have you not checked the group chat?" Ron exclaimed. "Actually, I wouldn't if I was you." She eyed him carefully, before pulling out her phone, ignoring his last comment. As her eyes scanned the messages, her face flooded with confusion and an emotion Draco couldn't pinpoint.
"I didn't know you and Harry were dating?" Was all she could think to say, her voice barely coming out.
"Well, no we're more-" he was beginning to say before being cut off by all three of their phones going off.
Harry: giving me the silent treatment are we?
Harry: maybe you're running to the common room as we speak, thinking of all the nasty things I'm going to do to you
Harry: maybe if I moan ur name loud enough you'll hear me and come faster
Harry: Merlin Draco I'm desperate and I need you now. What's taking you so long?

"Do we tell him that it's the group chat?" Hermione whispered like this was some top secret topic. Draco couldn't answer, his mind was preoccupied of thoughts of how Harry was when he was desperate. Images of his naked body thrashing around for some form of friction and pleasure, make Draco need to use all of his willpower to stop himself getting unbearably hard.
"Earth of Draco??? The gay has taken him already." Ron laughed, realising that laughing at it will make it easier for him to cope with the fact he's seeing a side of Harry he never wanted to see.
"Yeah um sure," Draco mumbled, not even listening to what they were saying, just thinking about the quickest route to the common room.
Harry: do you want pictures? ;)
Harry: do you wanna see what I look like when I think of you????

"Draco! Stop him! Now!" Hermione squealed, throwing her phone into Ron's lap, who looked equally as shocked. In a panic, Draco called Harry, hoping that would distract him enough.
"Hello, baby." Harry's warm, lustful tones drifted from Draco's phone. "You coming to see me?" Draco peered back at Hermione and Ron who were shooing him away with their hands.
"Please leave us to bathe in holy water and we'll make sure the common room is free for the afternoon," Ron whispered sharply and Draco nodded in reply.
"God ur lucky I don't kill you," Draco replied as he began to jog towards the castle.
"Sorry to crash your thing with Hermione but my mind wandered to your mouth; your dirty, pretty mouth and the wonders it can do." Harry barely said as a moan fell from his mouth. Draco had only seen Harry like this once and it took Draco practically a whole day to get him like this. Was Draco's mouth that good?
"Well, then you owe me big time (rush... Draco didn't say that... deathofmyemotions did.)" Draco laughed.
"I'll do anything." Harry was beginning to sound breathless and whiny (does that make sense... probs not), a dangerous side that he was going to cum.
"Harry, what's the point in touching yourself, when I'm on my way to do much better things," Draco whispered, thanking some greater being that the hallways were empty. Harry mumbled something, probably swearing.

~Drarry one shots~ Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat