~Backpacking p1~

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A/N: HELLO WELCOME TO MY 40TH ONE SHOT!!! Sorry, its been ages, I just really wanted to put this up but then I decided (with some help from some readers) to put it up in parts. So it's gonna be sorta like a small fanfic I guess but as its one-shots, I've put it in here. If you ever want longer versions of anything that happens throughout this mini-series (omg I've become the fanfic Shane Dawson), then just ask and I'll write a one-shot on it. enjoy part 1 

"This room consists of my best Healers and Aurors and over the next few weeks, you'll be sent out on missions across different continents in pairs consisting of a healer and an auror understood?" A man shouted from the front of the room. Draco leant back against the corner of the room where he was hidden and rolled his eyes. How dare he be so good to be picked for something! Throughout his entire training, Draco managed to fly under the radar. He got exceptional grades, but teachers didn't like him, so they never congratulated him. He thrived under the hard tasks they gave him to try and trick him or make him fail, but he never did. That's how he wound up here, standing in the back of a room filled with his old classmates. His eyes glossed over the familiar but firmer faces. There was Neville, who's glow-up still hadn't registered with Draco and left him extremely shocked, chatting to some girl whose name he didn't care to remember. Next to him was the classic duo, Ron Weasley and Harry Potter. Draco was surprised when he heard they'd become Aurors and even more surprised when he found out Hermione hadn't joined them. He thought they'd had enough of fighting, but here they were, looking different but so similar at the same time. Ron still had his flame red hair, his jokey manner and his hate for Malfoy, but had filled out nicely in Draco's opinion. Harry, however, had become a new species! He'd grown his hair out and got a nicely fashioned beard. Tattoos snaked over his muscular body, but he still had that kind look in his eye and the attitude that pushed him to want to save the world. The attitude that had inspired Draco to become a healer in the first place. Draco became a healer as all he used to do was hurt people and even though he couldn't fix those wounds, he could fix new ones.

Draco's attention was quickly snapped back to the balding man at the front as he started reading names from a list.
"Neville Longbottom and Pricilla Andrews." He watched the two step up to the front.
"She'll be pregnant by the end of the week." He predicted to himself. He knew Pricilla. She was the type of girl to go after any guy and get herself pregnant, so he stayed with her. It nearly happened to another one of Healers on the course who one day magically was transferred to America. Draco knew Neville will fall for her tricks. Apparently, her goal was to get to Potter, even if it meant she had to fuck all his friends! Draco rolled his eyes and turned his eyes to Harry. He wasn't paying attention. Draco studied his face, noticing that even though he was in his own little world, he still had his jaw clenched and his hands in fists. Maybe going into a career where fighting was expected so soon after the war, wasn't such a good idea for Potter. But who was Draco to care?
"Ronald Weasley and Alec Dubois." Draco's eyes flooded onto the boy. He used to know the Dubois, they were family friends and he grew up with Alec. But as soon as they found out the Malfoys were affiliated with dark magic, they fled as far as they could.
"You'll be backpacking Australia; the rest of the info is in the envelope." The two boys shook hands and stood over to the side where Harry was impatiently waiting. You could see his want for a mission radiating off him as he fidgeted around in anticipation.

"Okay next couple," the man said as his eyes circled the eager ones in front of him. "Harry Potter-" Everyone oohed as Harry walked up to the front. "And Draco Malfoy." The room went deadly silent and Draco felt as if all the wind in his lungs had been knocked out his lungs, as a path was formed for him by his muttering co-workers. Without him realising, he walked up to the front, not being able to hear what the others were saying as he felt like his ears were filled with water. The first thing he did hear was Harry saying,
"Malfoy." Harry held out his rough hand for Draco to shake, but Draco only looked back in fear. "This is the part where you take my hand and we shake to initiate our new partnership." He whispered. Draco aimlessly followed his instructions, still not feeling himself as he shook Harry's hand.
"You'll be backpacking from London to Amsterdam starting today for the next two weeks, good luck." He said.

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