~Symphony of my soulmate~

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Draco POV:
It had become a nightly tradition of mine now since Christmas to play my violin. My father had brought it for me and throughout the Christmas holidays, he taught me to play. If played right than the violin can actually sound amazing, but with this violin, no one else can hear it except me. This made it pretty hard when learning it, as I wanted to play my father everything I learnt but he said that only one other can hear it; My soulmate. This was pretty funny to me as it is rumoured that us Malfoy's do not have a soul so a soulmate just isn't a thing but also because I don't do love. I have never liked anyone and I never will, no one is up to my standards. So I played to myself every night in front of the grand window in my dormitory. I liked to play to the moon, so I played with the curtains drawn back so it's glorious beams fell onto the instrument and onto me. This annoyed the other people in my room but I didn't care, I cared about me and the beautiful instrument.

Harry POV:
"Ron, can you hear that?" I asked from my bed. 
"Not again Harry." He groaned from his bed. 
"Maybe you're not listening hard enough." I suggested. 
"No harry, I can not hear the stupid music, now go to sleep!" Ron said angrily from his bed. It was midnight and all I could hear was a melody of an instrument. I'd been hearing it for weeks, a variation of happy to sad tunes gracefully placed on an instrument at midnight every night. I'm not sure on the instrument as I'm not musically gifted at all, but it's calming and somehow helps me sleep. It's grown to be a familiarity to my night and is like a lullaby played before I sleep. The only worrying thing is that no one else can hear it. Hearing things is bad as a muggle, so as a wizard, you know you're going mad! 
"Maybe I should tell someone about it?" I said loudly, earning another groan from Ron. 
"Go to Dumbledores office after breakfast or something, I don't care just go to the sleep! Goodnight." He replied before violently turning over in his bed. Tonight the tune seemed melancholy, almost as if the player was in a state of mourning or something. It hurt to hear the sad tune like I was responsible for the pain or somehow felt guilt towards the mysterious player. I know I sound stupid, feeling emotions to the tune inside your head, it's like having your own personal soundtrack but doesn't exactly fit the situation. Like the soundtrack of one film played to a different film, but somehow I didn't mind.

-time skip to the next morning-

"Harry, are you sure you want to go alone?" Hermione asked as we stood outside Dumbledore's office. I nodded and took a deep breath. 
"I'll be fine, except I don't remember the password," I said as I felt incredibly dumb. Hermione giggled, 
"well luckily here comes the person you need. I'm gonna go track down Ron, see you later." She said before walking off and exchanging hellos with the professor. 
"Hello, Harry, nice to see you this early." He said as he walked up to me. 
"Hello, I was just wondering if I could talk to you about something?" I asked nervously. He nodded and whispered an inaudible word before taking me up the ascending staircase and into his office. 
"What's worrying you?" He asked as I sat down across from him. "Well... I um" I stuttered. 
"Do not worry Harry, I will not judge what you say. It's obviously something that's worrying you so please share." He said comfortingly. I nodded and took a deep breath. 
"Well this sounds kinda crazy but since coming back from Christmas break, I've been hearing an instrument play at midnight. No one else has heard it and I don't know it's weird." I said quickly. He nodded as he took in the information. 
"Have you felt any emotions when this instrument has been playing?" He asked. I nodded again. 
"Whatever emotion the music seems to portray," I replied. He replied with a simple nod and placed a hand against his lips. "What instrument is it?" He asked simply as he gazed at the bookcase behind me. 
"I'm not sure, I think a violin or something like that but I'm not a musical genius," I replied. He nodded, got up and got a book from the bookshelf. 
"Ah, just as I thought. I'm getting better at this Fawkes." He said as he addressed his Phoenix. The bird nodded in response like it understood what he said. "Harry you have a soulmate." He said with a twinkle in his eye. I looked at him confused. What does he mean a soulmate? Great my future wife and the person I gotta spend my life with has already been chosen for me. What a surprise! 
"What you are hearing is the soulmates instrument that has been put under a certain charm so only the player and their soulmate can hear it. The charm probably wasn't used for that purpose, probably so they can play it without annoying others while being unaware of the true nature of the charm." Dumbledore explained. 
"Who is my soulmate?" I asked intriguingly. Was she hot? Did I know her?  
"I don't know Harry. Could be anyone in the world. But as you said you've been hearing the music since Christmas, so probably someone who got a stringed instrument for Christmas." He said. Great, that only narrowed it down to probably a million people. "Oh um thank you, sir," I said as I got up to leave. 
"You're very welcome, please take the book with you and read it all. It will explain it better." He said with a warming smile. I took the book and left in a hurry.

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