~Take your "boyfriend" to Sunday lunch~

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A/N: Omg I hate the name of this and this isn't the best piece of writing I've ever done. This is like the "boyfriend" but reversed? Idk if that made sense but you'll understand when you read it. Also, its Hella long so as always grab urself some snacks and some beverages and if its late at night ENJOY!!!

Harry led on the sofa, rubbing his massive stomach (omg this sounds like an M-preg Ewwww). The Weasleys Sunday lunch was out to get him.
"Ginny, what's Luna up to these days?" Mr Weasley asked as he sat down to read the muggle newspaper Harry had brought him.
"Uhm I haven't seen her for a while, but I think she was going off to study animals or something whimsical," Ginny replied.
"I always wondered if her hair was natural, it was nearly white!" Mrs Weasley exclaimed. "Not that it wasn't gorgeous, but surely it wasn't natural?"
"You know, I always thought the same thing about Draco Malfoy. Wouldn't surprise me if he dyed it every day," Hermione said.
"No his father's hair is exactly the same, its natural. It's the same shade as you know who's skin." Mr Weasley piped up again, laughing at his own joke.
"God, I wonder what that piece of-"
"Ronald," Molly warned, glaring up from the table.
"Dog poo, is up too now?" Ron continued, matching his mother's stare. Harry sunk down into his seat; he knew exactly what Draco was up too. He knew probably a bit too much about what Draco was up too.
"Probably cowering in some hole, no one's really seen him since the war," Ginny replied. Harry knew that cowering in some hole, meant living a relatively comfortable life, wearing a lot of comfy looking sweaters, studying to become a healer and frequenting local gay bars, where Harry first saw him. Harry wasn't obsessed (well), he was curious. And those curiosities led to him trying to find out as much about this man as he could. Some would say he was officially an expert in all things Draco Malfoy
"Seems accurate. Would he have a career or just be living off his parent's money still?" Ron replied. Harry pretended to inspect the small hand painted dragon sat on the fireplace next to him, trying to disappear away from this conversation.
"Nope, he'll be living off whatever money he had in his vault when the ministry dissolved his parent's vaults. So, he probably will have a career or coming to the end of some sort of training for one." Mr Weasley replied. Harry knew he took his final medical potion exam last week, technically he was qualified as a healer. He caught a glimpse of him coming out, looking proud and excited. Harry didn't mean to see him this time, he was actually in that part of the hospital to sign some sort medical document for his auror work, but the glimpse of him smiling made Harry's day.
"Probably something stuck up." Ron barked, making everyone giggle.

"Harry, you always had an opinion about Malfoy, seen him slithering about lately?" He added, making Harry blush. Harry had seen him the other Saturday night, wearing a fishnet crop top over his pale, toned skin. Even thinking of it now made him dizzy.
"Um no, haven't seen him, so no opinion." He quickly babbled. Ron looked at him confused,
"But I swear you said you saw him the other week?"
"Uh no, not since the war." Harry lied, feeling his face burn up even more.
"No Ron's right, you saw him at that gay club the other week. Said he looked like he was doing alright, and we said you had a crush on him remember?" Hermione recalled. Alarms were going off in Harry's head, they were too close for his liking.
"He's gay? Who would've guessed that!" Molly gasped.
"Lucius would have a field day with that one." Arthur chuckled.
"Well he could be bi or something," Harry replied quietly, but no one heard him.
"Wait Harry do you like him?" Ginny replied, noticing how awkward and red Harry was. Harry never got embarrassed, so Ginny guessed this meant something. This was it, this was the day Harry died.
"No no no!" Harry laughed, his heart exploding into a million pieces.
"Wait... Harry," Hermione said, slipping off the sofa and over to harry. "Do you like him?" Harry laughed, trying his hardest to cover up his lies. But he's a terrible liar.
"You do!" Ginny squealed.
"Wait so when you saw the boy in the mesh cropped thingy that you really liked, that was Malfoy!" Ron asked, in a state of shock.
"What boy in a mesh cropped thingy?" Molly grinned in interest. Even Arthur had put down his newspaper.
"No one!"
"Draco Malfoy, Who Harry has a crush on," Ginny filled her in, making Molly gasp.
"I don't have a crush on him." Harry tried to protest, but no one heard him over the chatter and gasps. Why was no one listening to him? He had no way to stop this. His mind went into panic mode, as he shouted, "I don't have a crush on him, he's my boyfriend!"

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