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Harry led in bed, shaking in pure fear. He had woken up from a dream common in people his age, but instead of Ginny being in it, he thought of someone else; Draco Malfoy. He groaned as he slammed his head down on the pillow. This isn't the first time the boy had floated into his thoughts over the past few months, but he never in his good dreams, never replacing Ginny. 
"Harry!" A sharp whisper sprung from the bed next to him.
"Yes, Ron?" Harry sighed, not in the mood for talking.
"I heard you wake up and I was just wondering if you're okay?" Ron asked quietly, being the greatest friend anyone could want.
"Yeah I'm fine, just have a lot on my mind," Harry replied.
"Well if you want to talk, I'm always here." Ron said sincerely. Maybe that's what Harry needed to do, talk to people. Maybe if he just confessed his love, he'd truly believe it. So that's what he planned out to do, confess to his friends about his love and then tell the person. Tell the world about his love for Ginny Weasley. Easy, right?

The next morning, Harry woke up too late for breakfast but he didn't mind. It gave him time to plan out his first confession to Ron and Hermione. But how do you tell your best friend that you like his sister? He guessed sensitively.

"Harry, where were you this morning?" Hermione asked concerned as she settled down a napkin of food for Harry.
"Thanks, I uh...I need to tell you something" Harry stuttered. 
"I knew something was up with him," Ron whispered to Hermione. His biggest fear was that it was Voldemort. Harry had been through so much that it mustn't be good for his mental state.
"Shut up, he might be finally coming out to us or confessing his love for Malfoy." Hermione whispered sharply. 
"Right well, I like someone and it may make you mad, especially you Ron." Harry was sweating and felt a rush of nerves rush through his body.
"Yes, we know you like Dr-"
"Ginny." Harry interrupted, extremely panicked by what Ron was about to say. Ron sat in shock and Hermione burst into it of laughter, which Ron then joined into. "Wait, guys, why are you laughing? This isn't funny, I have a crush on someone!" Harry whined. This wasn't the reaction he wanted and certainly wasn't making him believe.
"You really dont!" Hermione said through a fit of laughter.
"What? I think I know who I like." Harry lied, blushing about how different that was from his true problem. 
"Mate. You never stop talking about Malfoy!" Ron said. Harry felt the panic rise in him. He doesn't talk about him a lot, he rarely says his name. Why would they think that?
"I dont talk about him!" He shouted.
"Well maybe you like both of them and you're bi?" Hermione suggested. 
"I dont like boys and I definitely dont like Draco." He said before storming out of the common room.
"Did he just call Malfoy by his first name?" Hermione said shocked. 
"He's gonna be screwed." Ron giggled.
"He wishes." Hermione laughed. 

He found himself in a corner of the courtyard, not caring about the freezing wind whipping into his tears. He doesn't even like Ginny. When she's in his dream, he never sees her face and he wakes up feeling disgusted, horrible all day and unable to sleep the next night. But he wasn't gay, was he? No!
"Hey come on, I've been longing for your lips all night." An Irish accent said from around the wall.
"Well you can wait till we're around the-AH," Dean said as he fell on top of Harry. 
"Um hi guys," Harry said, sadly. Of course, he'd interrupt a gay couple from being together. 
"Harry, are you okay? You look like you've been crying." Seamus asked, still blushing. 
"Just um... girl problems ya know?" Harry replied. Dean and Seamus looked at each other and back at Harry. 
"Um, no we dont." Dean laughed. Harry wanted to slam his head into the wall, of course, they didn't know about girl issues! "Can you not tell anyone else about this? We're keeping it on the down low." He added as Harry got up. 
"Yeah of course and uh sorry." Harry went to walk away but felt many questions tugging at his mind. "Look, can I ask you something?" He said as he stopped and turned around.
"Of course." They replied, practically at the same time. 
"How did you know you liked boys?" Harry asks slowly, turning almost scarlet. 
"Um, It was when I came here actually. I just noticed the boys in the older years were hot. It wasn't till last year till I started looking at those in our year and found someone and fell helplessly in love." Dean replied, looking at Seamus with the biggest love eyes Harry had ever seen.
"Um, thanks." He said, sad that the advice only confirmed what he didn't want.
"Talk to us if you want?" Seamus reassured him. Harry wanted too, he longed to talk, to talk to someone who understood him and were like him, but he was so scared. 
"Oh its nothing, just about my crush on Ginny." Harry sighed. The two other boys laughed,
"Yeah Ginny, sure," Seamus said with a wink and Harry looked at them quizzingly. 
"Harry, we know Ginny is a code name for Malfoy and like I understand why.  I'm sure I'd be equally obsessed if he wasn't so mean, but maybe you're into that sorta stuff." Dean added, smirking at Harry, who was looking at them in shock.
"No! I dont like Draco. Why is everyone telling me I do?" Harry groaned, extremely panicked by everyone apparently knowing. 
"I see the way you look at him, Harry. You're, as Dean would say, besotted with him." Seamus said softly, comforting Harry. 
"I am not." He said quietly and sadly. He hated to lie but couldn't confess something like this.
"Harry, I'm sorry but you do. Your arguments, can't you see the sexual tension between you two?" Dean added.
"I'm sorry guys, but you've got the wrong idea. I'll leave you guys alone, sorry for being in your spot." Harry mumbled.

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