~Backpacking p2~

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A/N: Hellllooooo welcome back to backpacking. Just thought I'd say that I'm literally copying and pasting this so the time skips might not seem right or I might be talking about something that was from forever ago. Right onto the next morning where it's awkward and they're both hungover. 

As soon as Draco woke up, he ran into the bathroom, threw up and then stared at his reflection. He had a hickey on his shoulder... or was it a bite mark? Last night was messy. Harry woke up and instantly grabbed his phone.

Harry: H, I messed up. 

Why did his desperate arse sleep with Draco? Not only had he fucked up the mission, trip and partnership, he also had fucked up at a chance of friendship. 

Hermione: The fact that you've messaged me at 5 am (4 for me) worries me. What's up?
Harry: We slept together. We were drunk, and one thing led to another and now he's not talking to me.
Hermione: But give him time to process it cause I'm sure he's as shocked and hungover as u are. Safe travels and text me when you get to Rome xx

The boys didn't talk on their first train trip. Draco might've fallen asleep, but Harry couldn't tell from his large sunglasses which were way too expensive for a gap year student! Plus, just to make his life worse, Draco had opted for a light oversized shirt he'd brought with him, making the bite mark Harry left extremely visible and extremely distracting. All Harry wanted right now was coffee and pain medicine as sitting on his freshly fucked arse all day was already hurting like a bitch.
"Draco?" He asked as they waited for their next train. He figured they were on first name basis now. Or at least that was confirmed by the names shouted last night.
"Fuck. Off." Draco replied, not even looking at Harry. Every time Harry looked at him, he remembered more about last night and his heart began to flutter. He wouldn't allow that to happen. He couldn't fall for Harry, could he? He'd had his night of passion, but when Harry didn't say goodnight and go (Ariana Grande is shaking), Draco knew he couldn't let this happen.
"I was just wondering if you have any pain medicine?" Harry carried on.
"Why what hurts?" Draco snapped. Harry didn't know how to say this.
"Well... last night you weren't exactly... uh... gentle so um ya know." Harry stuttered. Draco blushed, he was quite rough last night, but at the time Harry seemed to be loving it and Draco doesn't do gentle sex. He sighed as he dug about in his rucksack, trying to locate the muggle tablets Harry gave him before this trip had even started.
"Here." He stated as he held out one of the strips.
"Uh thanks," Harry replied, then he realised he had nothing to take them with. "Um do you want a coffee, I'm going to go buy water?" Harry asked, cringing at the awkward tension.
"I am perfectly capable of buying my own beverages Potter!" Draco sneered.
"Yes I know, but I was just asking jeez!" Harry sassed back.
"Get me a water."
"Of course, your highness." Harry sighed. Draco sat in his bubble of anxiety. He hated himself for what he did last night. Now they had to live together for the next two weeks and Draco couldn't figure out a way they would survive. Harry returned, shoved the water in Draco's face before slowly sitting down next to him. This was going to be a long day. 

*Time skip and a little message. If anyone complains about Draco whining please read this first. He's in shock and doesn't know how to feel so is reflecting that in anger so let him be! Right now that's out the way, time to zoom through the future. Please ensure your seatbelts are on*

Once they got up to the rooftop of their new hotel room, it was almost 11 pm and Harry had had enough of them not talking.
"Right! We're going to have to talk at some point so we're going to do it now!" He said, angry at how idiotic and childlike this was. "We fucked. So be it! I enjoyed it and it sounded like you enjoyed it so whoooooo cares? We either go back to being partners or maybe friends with benefits or something, but I will not carry on with this mission with you if all I receive is your bitchy remarks or radio silence." Draco was taken back, and he couldn't reply. All he could think about was how hot Harry seemed when he got all worked up.
"I would go back to being just partners but you're so addictive!" Draco growled before he kissed Harry, losing all self-control. Harry didn't mind, cause if you looked up, you'd just be able to see two gays kissing in the night sky and that didn't make them look like spies. Harry didn't let this go on for too long as he remembered that they were on the lookout for criminals but quickly sent Hermione a text.
Harry: Left Paris as enemies, became friends with benefits in Rome. Wonder what's in store for Florence?
However, he didn't get a reply from Hermione but one from Ron.
Ron: Heard ur getting with Draco and that someone got laid last night! I would say congrats, but Hermione screamed and deafened me when she read ur text and now if you go any further, I'll owe her a lot of money so thanks mate! Remember to use protection...well tell Malfoy to!
Harry smiled down at his phone, his friends knew him way too well.
"What are you creepily smiling at?" Draco asked as he watched Harry on his phone.
"Ron messaged me," Harry replied before putting away his phone and looking through the night vision camera.
"God this is boring!" Draco whined. "Can't you fall off the roof or something, so I have something to do?"
"Charming!" Harry chuckled. "You can have the super important job of peeling me an orange and opening one of the energy drinks."
"Wow Harry, you really know how to get a guy going!" Draco mumbled but started to do what Harry told him to do.

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