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A/n: Warning slight homophobia.

Draco walked up the cold, stone steps, the sound of his shoes echoing down the dark halls, creating a tempo for the groans and shouts of those enclosed here.
"Keep walking." The guard said harshly as Draco stopped, making him feel like the prisoner, not just a visitor. Fear was an understatement. He was shitting himself. Today he was going to see someone he hadn't seen in 3 years; his father. 
"Right, he's chained up, but there will be guards outside the door in case anything happens." The guard added, not making Draco feel any more reassured. 
"Um, thanks," Draco replied before walking into the cell of his nightmares. The thing is, he didn't just come here for closure, for revenge, to rant or finally have his say in things. Yes all those things would happen, but he came here to do one thing; to come out. It was actually Harry who had convinced him to do this. Harry knew Draco needed this to feel complete and comfortable with his sexuality and Draco agreed. He'd looked up to his father for years, for guidance and approval, so this was like the final straw. He wasn't going to get approval, Lucius constantly made homophobic comments growing up, but it would get it off Draco's chest and that's all that mattered. 

"Ah, he returns to his leader." Lucius snarled, looking up from his chains to Draco, whose blood had turned cold.
"Father." Draco simply replied through gritted teeth and clenched fists. His father looked almost the same. Power still radiated from him, even though he was trapped in Azkaban and chained to the floor. He was still the man that ruined Draco's life, still the man that controlled every move he made.
"Please sit, we have some catching up to do." Draco sat but didn't allow himself to be comfortable. "So what brings you here?" Lucius added. Draco couldn't even look at him, so he diverted his eyes to the barred window behind him. "Nice view isn't it. Do you know your mother wanted to move near here? I didn't want to as it was too close to the prison. I guess Karma really does exist. How is your mother?" Lucius was trying to make conversation and Draco hated it. The voice, which he had just gotten out of his dreams, sounded like nails down a chalkboard.
"She's fine. She got house arrest and now lives in a small cottage deep in the country. We talk a lot." Draco replied, smiling at the thought of his mother. His mother had been amazing. She loved Harry and always nagged Draco when he didn't bring him along for tea. He could see the anger flickering in Lucius' eyes. Was it the fact his mother had gotten a better deal for her punishment or was it because Draco saw her a lot?
"You always were a mummy's boy," Lucius muttered angering Draco. When was he ever a mummy's boy?
"I didn't come here to put up with your shit." Draco replied, anger seething through his words.
"Then why did you come here," Lucius said, stopping Draco as he got up.  Draco sighed and sat back down. He didn't know how to do this, there isn't exactly a book on how to come out to your murderous, homophobic father. 
"Because I need to tell you something." Draco started, shuffling on his metal chair. Lucius leaned forward the centimetre the chains allowed him to do.
"Tell me what?" Draco took a deep breath and looked his father in the eye.
"That I'm gay." Lucius paused for a moment, before sitting back in his chair. He seemed to be processing the information, but Draco didn't let his eyes off him for one minute, fearing he would somehow kill him.
"Okay," Lucius replied slowly. Silence engulfed the cell, neither man knew what to do. "Are you with someone... a man?" He added, sounding awkward. Draco's heart leapt at this. How would he explain that he was dating Harry Potter? The Harry Potter his father spent a good portion of his life trying to kill. 
"Yes I am and I've been with him for a while." He replied.
"How long?" Draco could see he wasn't comfortable with it but was trying to make a conversation out of it.
"About 2 and a half years." Draco reflected. Harry picked him up after his parents were convicted. To Draco, this always seemed unfair as Harry had to deal with enough stuff after the war and fixing, forgiving and loving Draco seemed too much. But they helped each other and that was the beginning of their love story. 
"So right when I was placed in here." Draco blushed. Did his father think that he was gay as a way to push away anger? "I'd like to meet him, bring him along next time." 

*I cant think of a prison-themed time skip so imagine you're blasting through time to the theme tune of OITNB or something* *Oh to the day where Harry joins the visit*

"Maybe you should just stay here." Draco repeated for the thousandth time as he attempted for the fifth time to tie his tie. 
"Come here," Harry said softly. He took Draco's trembling hands in his and kissed them delicately. "He cant do anything to me. I've got my wand and he's in a prison surrounded by thousands of guards and dementors. He's literally powerless! If he reacts in a bad way to seeing me, then I'll leave." He helped Draco tie his tie and smoothed down his own outfit.
"Why are we wearing suits?" Draco laughed slightly. Harry came up behind him, wrapped his arms around his beautiful boyfriend.
"Its a power play. We both look rich and beautiful while your father, whos in prison rags, looks like shit. Shows that we're better than him and have more power; thus a power play." Harry explained, kissing Draco's neck in between words.
"Okay, no hickeys to see my father!" Draco laughed as he pushed Harry away.
"But that shows that you're loved good, whereas his wife, who is filing for divorce, lives far away and he'll never get loved ever again. Another power play." Harry smirked. Draco rolled his eyes.
"What is your obsession with power plays?" He laughed.
"I like to assert my power," Harry growled, making Draco blush.
"Trust me I know!" Draco replied. "Now come on, we gotta go meet my dad.

Walking down the cold halls wasn't as hard when you had your life source by yourself, holding your hand as you go.
"Right, as Mr Potter is here, we've placed him in a room with a one-way window, so we shall be able to watch his every move without him knowing. He is also under a lot more constraints." The guard said before opening the door. Harry squeezed Draco's hand supportively. Lucius couldn't see Harry yet as Draco walked in.
"Father, I would like you to meet my Boyfriend," Draco said shakily. Harry stepped in and Lucius's eyes grew wide. 
"Hello, Mr Malfoy. Who would've thought we would see each other again?" Harry said with a smirk as he leant up against the wall. Draco shot him a look to say be careful
"Potter." Lucius snarled.
"Father!" Draco snapped, in an equally scary tone. Harry could see how they were related. 
"Draco would you care to explain how you ended up, first of all, gay and second of all with him? Just a series of disappointments you've become." He snarled. Draco tensed and Harry's hands went to Draco's shoulders to support him.
"I've always been gay father. Every little homophobic comment you made ate away at my soul. But it made it so easy to hate you." Draco laughed a painful laugh. Harry knew this hurt him to talk about this and wished he could somehow stop it. "Now regarding Harry, my beautiful boyfriend. I had a crush on him throughout our time at Hogwarts, I was absolutely smitten with him and everything he did. But I showed it through hate cause you taught me to hate him. Anyway, skip to when you ripped my life into pieces. My life had turned to shit so I drank a lot and cried a lot. Harry was sorting his life out too and he found me and helped me and loved me. And I helped him too. Then we fell in love and since then, my life has been the best its ever been." Draco explained.
"Oh wow so beautiful, excuse me while I struggle to wipe away my tears," Lucius replied sarcastically. Both of the boys wanted to slap him for saying that. Harry felt a sharp twang of pain in his chest. This is who Draco had to live with for his whole life, listening to comments like that. No one should ever have to put up with that.
"You know what, fuck you! I'm so done with your little comments and how I'll never be good enough for you. From now on, I was raised by a single mother. Hope you enjoy rotting in this place for the rest of your lonely, sick, twisted, sad life!" Draco stormed out of the room, down the hall before collapsing into a sob of tears against a wall. 

His body rattled as he slid down to the floor. Harry caught him and held him in his arms.
"I'm so so sorry babe." He whispered, trying not to cry.
"I hate him, Harry. I hate him so much!" He screamed, his tears falling faster.
"I know you do, I know." 

A/n: Helllooooo! I wrote this really quickly and like it a lot. Soz the end is sad tho. Would anyone be interested in a Harry Potter one-shots book thingy? I use to have one but I unpublished it but with some editing, I'm thinking of reuploading it if people would like that so pleasssseee tell me!!! Byeeee

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